Author Topic: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned  (Read 21006 times)

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Offline Faerie Larka

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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #165 on: June 14, 2010, 12:52:52 PM »
Finally caught up.  Fan.  Freaking.  Tastic.

Whoooo!  I lurve it :D
RAFdating the Ellimist!  :D
Jess is my RAFWanderTwin!!

"Look like the innocent flower/ But be the serpent under't"
-Lady Macbeth


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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #166 on: June 15, 2010, 11:21:59 AM »
awesome chapter seal

Offline Horsefan1023 (Seal)

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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #167 on: July 10, 2010, 01:35:53 PM »
Chapter Ten--Bye-Bye RAFlife

   Sudden light pouring in around her woke Marie from her troubled sleep.  She glanced around to see Blocky and Blue sitting up from their beds, rubbing their eyes and yawning.  She did likewise, then stretched.  Her sleep had been in patches, disturbed by nightmares and strange banging sounds during the night.  All in all, she felt like sand had been rubbed into her eyes.
   "That was the worst sleep I've ever had.  Ever."  Muttered Blue, looking around.  All the machines had turned back on, hence the light that woke them up for the most recent time.
   "That's what you said yesterday," muttered Blocky, rubbing his eyes.  "And the day before that and the day before that."
   Suddenly, there was a movement that Marie caught out of the corner of her eyes.  She spun around to see...
   "Cloaky?!"  Blue and Blocky whirled around at Marie's shout.  They stared in awe at the cloaked figure.  He glanced around, his back turned to them.  Luckily, unbeknownst to the trapped RAFians, Feletaros had left his little speaker which both recieved and transmitted sound on a nearby console.  Marie's shout came out of that, making Cloaky turn and stare curiously at the console.  
   "Look, on the console," muttered Blue to his companions.  "Feletaros's speaker thing is there, I think he can hear us out of that."
   "Yeah," said Blocky, then he raised his voice again.  "Cloaky!  Cloaky!  Pick up the little black thing on that console then turn around."
   With a puzzled shrug, Cloaky did as he was told.  He saw the three people in the tube and tipped his head to one side, puzzled.  "Who are you?"  His voice echoed faintly around the tube, as he wasn't holding the ball nearer to his mouth.
   "Crap!  I forgot he wouldn't recognize us," muttered Blue.  "Hold the ball closer to your mouth, it's a microphone thing...I think," he said with more volume.
   "Cloaky, we're RAFians," called Marie with a desperate edge to her voice, putting her hands on the glass.  "I'm Marie!  And here's Blue and Blocky!"
   "Marie?"  Said Cloaky, holding Feletaros's microphone up to his mouth like he had been told.  "Marie isn't a human!"
   "How are we going to prove we're RAFians?"  Said Blue exasperatedly.  Suddenly, Blocky began talking very fast.
   "Cloaky, I'm gonna prove to you we're RAFians, you have a neice named Shadow who is monkey-like under her cloak, a sister named Faith who is fox-like under her cloak, you're tiger-like under your cloak, just a little while ago a banned member named Queen attacked RAF, kidnapped me, Gaz, Guy, you, Duff, Faerie, and Seal, who is my real life friend, you escaped but there was a huge battle and your evil sister Dagger who is snake-like under her cloak," Blocky took a huge breath and continued.  "killed Claire a moderator, you write RAFized Parodies in the Bored Board, and you're in the Introduction Randomness RP, which Horsie started, Shadow and Dagger were in it too, and Brute, your father, who is also evil--man, you've got a lot of evil people in your family, no offense--and I was in it and so was demos, Blue, Marie for a bit, Faerie, Brad for a bit, and Seal's RAFcousin who changes his name a lot so we call him Shorty."  Blocky, stopped, taking huge gulping breaths of air.
   There was silence for a little bit.
   "Ooooookay.  I believe you," said Cloaky.  "Why on Earth are you here?  The Peletarans are a nasty bunch!"
   "They are?"  Said Blue.  "They seem okay to me, except the whole taking us prisoner thing."
   "Yeah, they're really--" Cloaky broke off and turned towards the entrance.  A huge thundering noise was coming from outside.
   "The Peletarans!  They're coming!"  He hissed.
   "Get out of here!"  Said Marie, glancing in fear at the entrance to the room they were in.
   "What?"  Said Cloaky and Blue in unison.  "But he can get us out!"  Finished Blocky.
   "No he can't!  There must be something on this tube that prevents him!  Cloaky knows about the Peletarans, so the Peletarans must know about the Realm Walkers!"  Marie said, her voice rising in pitch as the sound of the oncoming Peletarans got louder.  "Put the microphone back where you found it and go!  Come for us later!"
   "Yeah!"  Said Blue and Blocky, seeing the sense in Marie's reasons.  "Go!  Get out of here!"
   With one last anguished (or so they assumed) glance, Cloaky placed the microphone back where he found it and teleported.
   A few seconds later, Feletaros and Lellina burst in the room, moving at a superhuman speed.  They quickly sealed the doors, obviously trying to keep out whatever pursuers there were.  There were bangs and other various sounds from the other side of the door.  
   The conversation between Feletaros and Lellina went unheard.  The RAFians didn't know that the sensitivity of the microphone had been turned highly up when they had spoken to Feletaros previously, and that's how they had caught Lellina's words.
   Suddenly, Feletaros nodded.  He walked over to the tube while Lellina walked over to another console and tapped her long, thin fingers over the keys.  Suddenly, the tube was raised into the ceiling, leaving the RAFians on an elevated pedestal.  Before they could process this, Feletaros had leaped up and grabbed Marie, dragging her from the stand they were on.  As soon as she was clear, Lellina lowered the tube again.  Maire began shouting and flailing, but Feletaros was stronger than he looked and pulled her easily over to a chair.  It would almost look like a dentist's chair, only wires wre hanging over it, making it look sinister.  
   She looked in terror back at the RAFians.  They were banging on the glass tube, the danger of being shocked forgotten.  They were shouting so loud she could hear it coming from the microphone/speaker, though extremely faintly.
   Feletaros forced her down onto to the chair, pressing a button and letting mechanical straps bind Marie to it.  She struggled, but she couldn't move her hands more than an inch.  Even her head was clamped down.  Lellina slid over and helped attach the wires, sticking them onto Marie's head with some already attached adhesive.  They carefully placed them, arguing in some different language over something, and making minute ajustments to some.
   "What are you doing!?"  Yelled Marie defiantly.  "Stop sticking things onto my head!  What are you doing?!"
   "Do not worry."  Said Feletaros, sounding cool and collected among all of Marie's screaming.  "The Memory Transplant operation is painless."
   "Memory Transplant?"
   "Yes.  Now hold still."  Lellina said, going back to the console.  She typed in something for a long while, consulting with Feletaros in the same different language.
   "Okay, KitsuneMarie.  Here we go."  Feletaros pressed a button.
   At once, memories started flashing before Marie's eyes.  Coming to RAF while it was in chaos...helping Tocade and Brad treat the injured...the succesful RAFlife afterwards...the friends she made...her RAFboyfriend, Shanker...the bizarre green stuff...waking up in the tube...
   ...her cozy home by the Cliff...her friends, the Peletarans...her brothers, Blue and Blocky...the movie she watched last night...visiting the Peletarans...helpin g with their experiment on the brain.
   She opened her eyes to see Feletaros and Lellina leaning over her.  "Is it done?"  She asked cheerfully.  "Did you get good results?"
   Both Peletarans smiled.  "We just need to compare the results to those of your brothers, and hopefully we'll get something!  We got one positive match for what we were looking for."  Lellina nodded in agreement to what her mate said.  
   "Thanks again, Marie, for volunteering."  Said Lellina, detaching the wires from her forehead.  "This might really help us understand some parts of the brain.
   "No problem!"  She said cheerfully, standing up after Feletaros unclamped her.  "Out of curiosity, why all the straps?"
   "We were unsure if the experiments we were running would trigger a reaction in your muscles.  If you disrupted any of the wires, the  consequences would not be good."
   "Ah, okay." Marie turned to the tube and waved at her brothers.  She frowned at their reactions.  They were both standing there staring at her with their mouths wide open, like she was doing something horribly wrong.  
   "If you would just step onto here," said Feletaros, pointing to teleporting machine.  "We will send you back into the tube.  That's a sterilized environment which will help you recover from the experiment."
   "Okay," said Marie, standing where he told her.  The blue light coming from the discs above and below her glowed strongly until with a flash she was standing in the tube with her brothers, Blue and Blocky.
   "Marie!"  They both said in unison, hurrying towards her.  "Are you alright?"
   "Of course I'm alright," she said, bemused.  "The Peletarans know what they're doing.  It was just a minor experiment."
   "What are you--hey!"  Began Blocky, but cut off as the floor of the tube began to glow.  With a flash, Blocky vanished.
   "Blocky!"  Yelled Blue, looking around wildly.  Marie raised an eyebrow.
   "Don't freak, Blue," she said calmly.  "Feletaros just teleported him.  You know that.  He's over there."
   Blue followed Marie's finger to where Blocky was being dragged over to the chair.  "Let him go you--hang on a second," yelled Blue, then cut off in confusion.  "How the hell would I know that Blocky got teleported?  We've never been here before!"
   Marie raised an eyebrow.  "Uh, yeah we have.  Duh!  We live nearby!"
   "We live nearby!  We contact the Peletarans regularly for their experiments!"
   "Marie, what are you talking about?!  We live in RAF, remember?"
   "RAF?  How could one live in the Royal Air Force?"
   Blue stared at Marie, his mouth agape.  She had called RAF the Royal Air Force.  The unthinkable had happened.
   "Wh...Marie...the... how could you say such a thing?!"  Said Blue, his mind nearly going blank with shock.  
   "What?  Isn't that was RAF is?  The Royal Air Force?"
   "No, I--hey!  Let go of him, you--"
   "Blue!" Interrupted Marie before Blue could continue with his...unflattering comment, when she saw who he was yelling at.  "How could you call Feletaros that?  He's our friend, remember?"
   "Okay, I have no idea what they did to you Marie, but listen to me!  Your name is KitsuneMarie, and--"
   "I know that, silly."
   "Just listen!  You live in RAF!  Remember, Richard's Animorphs Forum?  You remember Animorphs?  The book series!  With the Andalites, and the Yeerks, and the morphing?"
   A little twitch went through Marie's face, as some dim memory stirred inside of her.  Faces flashed through her mind--a vampire, a seal, a dragon, a thing.  She knew it was called a Ketran.
   "Yes Marie!  Don't you remember?  The battle!  With--"
   The light that had been glowing beneath Blue suddenly flashed, and he vanished, teleported to the machine where Feletaros grabbed him while Lellina led Blocky over to the machine.  Marie blinked.  It was like memories fought against bonds in her mind, trying to get loose.
   That was impossile.  There was no way that was possible, even for the Peletarans.  Her memories were all true.
   After a few moments, Blocky got teleported into the tube.  
   "Hey bro," said Marie.
   "Heya, Marie," said Blocky, sitting down.  She sat down beside him.
   "Blue was saying the weirdist things!  Something about RAF..."
   "The Royal Air Force?"
   "He insisted it was something called...Randall's Animorphs Forum or something."
   "...You mean Richard's Animorphs Forum?"
   Marie stared at her brother, who was looking straight ahead with a blank look in his eyes.  "How did you know it was Richard's Animorphs forum?"
   "I dunno."
   Outside the tube, Blue was trying to fight off Feletaros and Lellina.  "Get off of me!  Get off me!  What did you do to Marie and Blocky?!  How did you make them forget?!  Let GO!"
   Feletaros merely looked at Lellina and said something in their strange language. "Nyt kuluva ainoa on arveluttava."
   "What?"  Said Blue, baffled.
   "Aani. Ple pitaisi koetus jotta arvioida asettaa muisto-kotona enemman juurtunut joten etta paikalla jalkisaados olla ei laukaisin."  Responded Lellina.
   "I'm not even gonna try to translate," muttered Blue.  He then flicked his hands, and ice rose around the two Peletarans, freezing them solid.  He ran over to the console and grabbed Feletaros' mic.  
   "Guys, I don't know what happened to you, but listen to me!  We don't live around here, we don't know the Peletarans, we were taken here against our will!  Don't you remember the RAFians? Jess, and Cloaky, and Sealie-kun, and Shanker, and Shorty, and...Ugh!  Don't you REMEMBER?!"
   Marie and Blocky both were staring at Blue.  "That sounds...right."  Marie said in confusion.  "But he's talking nonsense! could it possibly be right?"
   "Tell about the admins," said Blocky quietly.
   "Admins?"  Said Marie, while Blue gave a triumphant laugh.
   "YES!  You're remembering!  Oh, dammit--" (Author's Note: Come on guys.  The author can use naughty words.  And besides, would Blue swear in that situation?  Yes he would.  Get over it.)
   Feletaros had somehow managed to break out of his ice prison.  With a viscious growl, he leaped forward with shocking speed, slamming one claw down on Blue's head with all his strength.  He hit with the flat of his hand, so no claw damage was done.  Blue still crumpled to the floor like a sack of potatoes.  He seemed to be unconscious.
   Once Feletaros had carved Lellina out of her chunk of ice, she rushed over and grabbed the speaker out of Blue's hand.  "I'm so sorry, you two," she said.  "The last experiment is having a reaction in Blue's brain, triggering false memories.  It's almost like he's hallucinating memories.  We'll set him right, don't worry.  Your brother will be fine."
   "I hope so," said Marie, standing up and pressing her hands against the glass.  "He was saying some crazy things!"
   "Yeah," muttered Blocky, massaging his temples.  He was convinced there was something wrong.

   Feletaros' Log
   Date: 4021
   Translation: Peletaran to English
   Starting Timestamp: 9466
Today we preformed the memory transplant on our three newcomers.  It unnerves me how much they are remembering already.  Blue the Kid nearly managed to start a trigger, especially in Blocky(or Kitcky)97.  We rushed Kitcky97's operation because Blue the Kid was trying to trigger KitsuneMarie's memory, and we had to extract him fast.  We took some more time on Blue the Kid's operation, completely storing away the memories.  We couldn't remove them entirely, just replace them with new ones and have the old ones shoved to the back of his mind.  We had to be careful with these three.  They have strong minds and strong wills, which...unsettles me.  It's most likely for these to have triggers, which is a disturbing thought.  The Peletarans cannot be discovered.  The New Peletarans are trying to disrupt our operations, and not just our science operations.  Soon we will be so much more than the Gambian Internet.  

Based on the memories of our "test subjects," Plyencentanium Nanos and Erialyamic Shards were shot at their home, Richard's Animorphs Forum.  It seems like a good place to find more soldiers.  I'm thinking of trying to contact this AlmightyQueen person.  We could do some very good business together.  Today I will assign Lellian and Lecctia to find her.
   Ending Timestamp: 9470

   "Everything is pink," moaned Faerie, putting her head in her hands.  "PINK!!"
   "No," said Sakki, pointing at the closet.  "The closet is purple."
   "I'll go insane!  How long have we been here?!"  Yelled Faerie, pounding the wall with her fists.  
   After reaching the Celebration Castle, the ponies had escorted their "friends" to a completely pink room, where they had been casually locked in for days.  Every day, at 3 o'clock, Faerie would moan about the pinkness, and Sakki would point out the closet.  It was kind of a joke now.
   Now, however, the door banged open, disrupting their schedule.  Minty the pony came in, followed by a...
   "Human?!"  Gasped Sakki.  "What are you doing here?"
   "Don't speak to a They like that!"  Squealed Minty.  "I apologize, O They, for this insubordination."
   "I didn't know they knew what insubordination was," muttered Faerie into Sakki's ear.
   "But who the heck is he?"  Said Sakki, without taking her eyes of this mysterious...They person.
   "I am a They," said the man in deep bass tones.  He was wearing a black cloak with a deep hood, kind of like Cloaky's, only his cloak was covered in swirling silver patterns.  "You may leave, Minty."
   "Yes, They!"
   Minty smartly trotted out.  The They banged the door behind her, then reached up to the hood.  There was a slight click and then the They said "Ah, that's better."
   Faerie and Sakki sat straight upright, because a) the They's voice had changed to a much higher tone, and b) they recognized that tone.
   Aloth flipped his hood back and smiled down at them.  "Having fun?"  He sneered.
   Faerie just glared back cooly.  "You know, Aloth," she said evenly.  "There are two of us, one of you.  I may not have any weapons, but a fist is just as good."
   Aloth smiled even wider, reaching a hand inside his cloak and drawing out two small red discs.  "I wouldn't attack, if I were you," he said.  "If I get these things on you it's nighty-night."
   "What are you doing here anyway?"  Demanded Sakki.
   "Getting soldiers," said Aloth, flipping one disc idly into the air and catching it agian.
   "Soldiers?!  Ha!"  Faerie guffawed.  "In the My Little Pony universe?"
   "Yes," Aloth confirmed flipping the disc again.  "Queen concocted another one of her chemicals.  Soon the ponies won't be able to tell up from down unless Queen tells 'em to.  We're going out to all places, whipping up a enormous army.  It's just an added bonus that you showed up here.  Now, I have matters to attend too.  Good-bye."
   "NO!" Yelled Faeire and Sakki together, lunging for the door, but it was too late.  The door slammed in their faces.
   After a few moments of silence after slumping back down onto the pink chairs and adjusting the pink pillows, Faerie said "Did I mention something about pink?"
   "This is great," said Duff, looking around for the thousandth time.  "JUST GREAT."
   Around four days ago, when he had woken up, Duff had found himself in the middle of this abandoned village.  There was nothing there but huts and the things in the huts.  Luckily, there was food and water left over, so he didn't go hungry, but most of it was spoiled, and he was running out.  He also had no idea where he was, which was bad.
   Duff realized that he had to go somewhere, and not just stick around here and starve.  So, after some rooting around, he found a sack and started filling it with unspoiled food, and bottles of water.  As far as he could tell, this was an old village.  There were only hand tools, no computers, no cell phones, no nothing that would allow him to check RAF and call for help.  Everything had a nice old feel to it, a feel that Duff couldn't really appreciate as he was stranded in the middle of nowhere.
   So, on the day he set out, Duff had barely set foot outside of the village when something heavy landed on his back and squashed him flat on the ground.
   "Oh geez," siad a familiar voice above him.  "I keep squashing people."
   "Get off," wheezed Duff.
   "Sorry!"  Someone pulled him to his feet, and Duff found himself looking straight into the...eyes hood of Cloaky.   
   "Cloaky!"  Said Duff, massaging his ribs.
   "Duff?"  Said Cloaky.  "What are you doing here."
   "Don't ask me!"  Said Duff.  "I was just chilling when suddenly I'm here, and I'm bleeding!"
   "Yeah.  Bleeding."  Duff pointed at a red stain on the right side of his shirt.  "It hurt!"
   "I imagine so."
   "So...can you get me back to RAF?"
   "Oh, right.  Sure.  Just watch out for quantam zombies."
   "Just kidding.  Hold on."
   With a swish of cloak, they were gone.

   Myitt plodded on.  Keep your head down and keep on walking.
   Like many RAFians that I'm writing about, Myitt had ended up in the middle of nowhere (except this middle of nowhere seemed to be in a forest), alone, confused, and bleeding.  So, she had started walking.  Luckily, she had met some kind folks who gave her food and supplies.  She just told them she was a traveler who had gone a little out of her way.  Then started walking, trying to find more...civilized civilization.
   Suddenly, Myitt's head snapped up.  She dodged behind a nearby tree, hearing voices ahead.
   "I don't like this, sir."  That voice sounded strangely familiar.
   "Calm down, Zoe," said another familir voice.  "We're prepared.  We've been double-crossed how many times and drops?"
   "Too many to count," admitted the first voice.
   Wait a minute.
   Drops?  Zoe?
   "Oh.  My.  God."  Said Myitt, poking her head out from behind a tree.  The trees thinned out ahead, giving way to a clearing, where two people were standing there, a man and a women.  The man was wearing a long brown jacket over a lighter brown shirt, tan pants, and black boots.  He also had a gun in a holster around his leg.  He had brown hair, brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin.  The girl had chest-length curly brown hair, brown eyes, and darker skin.  She was wearing a kind of a black choker necklace, a leather sleeveless shirt (or it could be armor, Myitt wasn't sure) over a blue long sleeved shirt.  She was wearing dark brown pants and holding a sawed-off shotgun (though again, Myitt wasn't positive) loosly in her hands.
   The people were Captain Malcom Reynolds and Zoe Washburne.  They were from the TV show Firefly.
   "This is an...interesting development," Myitt muttered.  She took another glance at the secne.  Mal and Zoe were standing there.  Serenity (Author's Note: For those who haven't seen Firefly, before you finish reading the chapter, go watch every single episode and the movie.  If you're too much of a lazy bum to do that, then just remember that Serenity is the ship.) was nowhere to be seen.
   Myitt didn't recognize the scene, so she figured it must be in between episodes.  There was a crate behind them.  Suddenly, three other people appeared, walking from the other side of the clearing.  The leader was a girl, who had short, light brown hair and was dressed in shabby rags.  Her face was smeared with dirt.  She walked forwards.  "You have our shipment?"  She said to Mal, who nodded.
   "As long as you've got my money," Said Mal.  The girl suddenly smiled.
   "Ya see, Captain," she said with a slight sneering edge on the word "Captain."  "I'm different from you.  I get the stuff but if I don't want to pay, I don't pay."
   "I expected this," said Mal to Zoe, who snorted.
   "When do we not get doouble crossed, sir?"
   "Never," admitted Mal, then turned back to the girl he was dealing with.  "So what're you gonna do?"  He asked.  "Shoot me?"
   "Sounds good to me," said the girl drawing a gun.  Her companions did the same, when suddenly a gunshot rang out and the guy on the left dropped dead.  A firefight commenced.
   And Myitt knew exactly what happened.
   Mal had arranged a drop with these people, but expected a double cross.  He must have sent Jayne Cobb, another one of his men, to set up a sniper post.  They had communication, so as soon as Jayne heard and saw the girl drawing a weapon, he had started firing.  Then Mal and Zoe had started shooting too.
   When both goons had been taken out and the girl shot in the leg and disarmed., Mal stepped forward.  "Don't try to cross me again," he said, then snatched a bag of money out of the girl's hand before turning and leaving.  Zoe followed Mal, and on impulse Myitt followed Zoe.  

   After a fair while of walking, they came to the edge of the forest, where Serenity was.  Myitt quickly ducked behind a tree.  Kaylee Frye (a slightly shorter girl with brown hair, with her usual mechanic's outfit and some stain from the engine on her face talking to Simon Tam, a proper looking man with dark brown hair and his usual too-proper-looking-too-look-right-on-the-ship clothes.  When Mal, Jayne and Zoe appeared (Jayne, a tall muscular man with with short brown hair and a mustache-beard thing had joined them on the way), Kaylee looked up with her usual bright smile.  "Hey there, Cap'n!"  She said cheerfully.  "How'd it go?"
   "The usual," he said, walking up the ramp.
   "Which means you got double-crossed and shot at, but it's okay because you were ready for that and Jayne had a really big gun?"  Said a new voice.  Myitt glanced from behind her tree to see Hoban Washburne, or Wash, descending the stairs from above.  He was a taller man with with tousled blond hair, blue eyes, and a bright Hawaiian style shirt and khaki pants.
   "Right in one, dear," said Zoe.  Zoe and Wash are married.
   "Another face," said a quiet, slightly creepy voice.  Myitt didn't even have to look to know who it was.  A barefoot girl (though she could be wearing combat boots) with long, black hair--River Tam, the insane psychic genius.
   "What, River?"  Said Simon.
   "Another face," repeated River.  "Coming.  She knows us."
   "If you figure out what she's talking about," said Mal.  "Tell me if you think I'd give a care.  Wash, let's get this boat off the ground.
   "She's watching," said River, before Simon said "Alright, come on, River, it's time for your medicine."
   Myitt glanced out from her tree to see Simon leading River away, Mal and Wash heading up some stairs to get to the bridge, and the others going to various places.  Jayne punched the button to close the doors and turned away.  On another impulse, Myitt bolted forward and slipped through the airlock doors just as they were closing and ducked behind some crates.  She ducked and weaved her way over to one of the smuggler's hatches she knew about.  Even though the cargo bay was devoid of people for the time being, she still wanted to hide.  Myitt opened the hatch and slipped inside, shutting the door and plunging the hatch into darkness.
   After a while of rumbling which meant Serenity leaving atmosphere, the hatch opened.  Myitt ducked farther into the darkness, but River's voice cut through, quiet and coaxing.  "It's okay," she said.  "I won't tell the others.  It's like hide-and-seek, but they don't know they're seeking."
   Myitt relaxed slightly.  "Thank you, River," she said quietly.  "It'll be our secret."
   "Yes," said River.  "Good-bye."  The black-haired girl closed the hatch, leaving the RAFian in darkness once more.
   Myitt frowned at the hatch.  "River knowing could be very good for me, or very bad," she said, and settled back to wait for...something.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 01:38:32 PM by Horsefan1023 (Seal) »
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #168 on: July 10, 2010, 04:26:21 PM »
Great new part!

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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #169 on: July 11, 2010, 12:59:00 AM »
Awesome and terrifying, Seal!

Also... Tara gets to fly on Serenity with Mal???? SO JEALOUS!!!
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #170 on: July 11, 2010, 09:02:18 PM »
Tara gets to ride with Mal while Marie gets brainwashed. hehehe.

Great post!!!! Keep it coming!

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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #171 on: July 18, 2010, 09:41:54 PM »
I have a new favorite word, courtisey of Seal: juurtunut.

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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #172 on: July 18, 2010, 09:47:53 PM »
I KNOW!!!   :D

In all fairness, I just put what I wanted to say through a translator and just removed all the accents and stuff that go above letters.   :P

Not saying what language it's in, though... :angel:
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #173 on: July 18, 2010, 10:07:21 PM »
Russian? Albanian? You got me.

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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #174 on: July 20, 2010, 07:08:18 PM »
Oh...oh, God.  So much pink.  So... *shudders*

I would take the red disks.  Vision would go black, no more pink room with purple closet!  Yay!  Lol.
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #175 on: July 22, 2010, 09:00:08 PM »
So the Peletarians are looking to help Queen, eh? This isn't looking good. RAFians are scattered all over the place, RAF is still down, and Queen's strength is growing. Somebody better stop those Peletarians or all chaos is going to break loose...  :-\

Quote from: Faerie Larka
I would take the red disks.  Vision would go black, no more pink room with purple closet!  Yay!  Lol.
As horrible as that room sounds (and yeah, I'm serious - I'd be going insane too), I wouldn't take the disks. Staying conscious = a chance to keep fighting, and at least you know what's happening to you then. Going unconscious = a good chance of being taken prisoner or worse, and at the very least it means you stop fighting for awhile. It also means you have no clue where you are, which makes escaping harder if somebody moves you.
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #176 on: July 31, 2010, 04:30:35 PM »
Quote from: Faerie Larka
I would take the red disks.  Vision would go black, no more pink room with purple closet!  Yay!  Lol.
As horrible as that room sounds (and yeah, I'm serious - I'd be going insane too), I wouldn't take the disks. Staying conscious = a chance to keep fighting, and at least you know what's happening to you then. Going unconscious = a good chance of being taken prisoner or worse, and at the very least it means you stop fighting for awhile. It also means you have no clue where you are, which makes escaping harder if somebody moves you.

Lol, I know.  I will take those freaks down.
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #177 on: August 02, 2010, 05:31:26 PM »
Quote from: Faerie Larka
Quote from: A ghost you know...
Quote from: Faerie Larka
I would take the red disks.  Vision would go black, no more pink room with purple closet!  Yay!  Lol.
As horrible as that room sounds (and yeah, I'm serious - I'd be going insane too), I wouldn't take the disks. Staying conscious = a chance to keep fighting, and at least you know what's happening to you then. Going unconscious = a good chance of being taken prisoner or worse, and at the very least it means you stop fighting for awhile. It also means you have no clue where you are, which makes escaping harder if somebody moves you.

Lol, I know.  I will take those freaks down.
I'd love to join you in the battle!
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #178 on: August 02, 2010, 06:00:15 PM »
*makes a mental note to put Ghost in the next chapter*
Most Insane Member/RAFian Writer 2010!

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Blue is my WonderTwin, Myth, Blocky, Jess, Kayla, Demos, Tony are my siblings, Shorty is my cousin, Bear is my RAFsupercodetective! (Yeah awesome!)
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Re: An Error Has Occurred! A sequel to Revenge of the Banned
« Reply #179 on: August 03, 2010, 08:29:42 AM »
Quote from: Horsefan1023 (Seal)
*makes a mental note to put Ghost in the next chapter*
Very cool, thank you! ;D
RAFdating Horsefan1023 (Seal)! :D