Yeah, I saw this topic and knew I had to register here
First post: AWAAAYYY!!!
At first I was gonna say that morphing is all DNA based and that they would most likely retain their mass when they morphed back, but on reading the replies, I have two theories:
1) Morphing is a WEIRD (and alien) science. Like y'all were saying, acquiring DNA records the age and appearance of the morph and heals any injuries, disabilities and scars that aren't genetic. That being said, morphing seems to take a snapshot of the animal or person you've acquired (hair length, muscle, possibly even weight) and provides the morpher with a genetically healed copy. Free of scars or injury, unless they're from birth or hereditary.
2) It's been noted that when morphing a creature smaller than your original mass, your excess mass is stored in Z-Space, being recalled to the host upon de-morphing. That would mean whatever your mass was when you morphed would be the mass you retrieved from Z-Space after 2 hours.
My big thing is that morphing would save you a LOT of dentistry, haha! Morph those cavities away!
My own question is: Do you morph away piercings and tattoo's?