This is one of the most powerful pieces ever written in an Animorph book, still chilling to this day. Hork-Bajir Chronicles.
Dak Hamee to Aldrea:
"You almighty Andalites. There is no limit to your arrogance, is there? Well, let me tell you something: We may be simple people. But we don't use biology to invent monsters. And we don't enslave other species. And we don't unleash a plague of parasites on the galaxy, endangering every other free species, and then go swaggering around like the lords of the universe. No, we're too simple for all that. We're too stupid to lie and manipulate. We're too stupid to be ruthless. We're too stupid to know how to build powerful weapons designed to annihilate our enemies. And until you came, Andalite, we were too stupid to know how to kill."