-Spins in circles until dizzy and seeing three of everyone- "Wow.......Just wow. I have never really been so accepted into a place so fast before. It's great to meet all of you. I appreciate all the help. Yes, I am Vampiress, I implanted my species in the list. I draw mostly anime for those of you who are curious, but learning more everyday. Seal, glad to Finaly meet you. I would gladly give you my sanity for your jar.........but alas, I have no sanity. It only slows me down, so I threw it out years ago. I found that I didn't need sanity to roleplay or draw or whatever I truly love to do, so I ditched it. The books sound amazing, and I plan to read them ASAP, as I said before. Um, I think I am going to hold off on projects until I get more settled in, then I will think about it........Did I miss anything else that was in here?