I quite like a lot of slash fic, although of course it depends on the pairing. I'm really quite the romantic despite my gruff exterior
but I do like my romance to be within the realms of reality, so to speak (in regards to personalities involved).
Like with my other big mid-to-late-1990s-early-2000s fandom,
The X Files, I'm not massivley big on slash in
Animorphs, although I don't mind Marco/Ax when it's done well. In the het pairings, I really only like Elfangor/Loren and Dak/Aldrea anyway, so it's not like I find it offensive that someone is breaking up my OTP or anything. There's even a series of Tobias/Jake fics that I read a whole back on ff.net which were just awesome. But it was the writer's skill that drew me in, not the pairing, if that makes sense.
The only real
Animorphs slash pairing that I'd read based on the pairing is Gafinilan/Mertil, but I've never seen fic based on them, sadly. Anyone know where there is some posted?