Visser19, that's a Twilight reference, isn't it? I read a review of New Moon where Bella calls Jacob disgusting because of what he does, and he calls it a lifestyle choice. She says the line "Have you tried just not being a werewolf?"
Which is stupid because she's MADLY in love with a soulless corpse. At least I think the Twilight vampires are undead. Who knows? They sparkle and have X-Men powers, so who knows?
And Ax is his uncle. They're both kind of funny.
Actually it's not a Twilight reference, I have never read the books, but yeah, it fits! And yeah, I meant to say that Ax was his uncle, not cousin, oops.
Post Merged: March 30, 2010, 07:41:36 PM
Cassie: Jake, what are you doing!?
Jake: <I'm morphing an oak tree!>
Cassie: I thought we couldn't do that! What if you can't morph back!?
Ax: <She's right Price Jake, you could lose your consciousness and stay a tree forever because a tree has no brain.>
Jake: <Ah, stop worrying Aximili! I'll be just fi->
Cassie: Ahhhh! (Screaming in horror as Jake gets stuck in midmorph as a half tree man.)
Ax: <It appears that he is no longer with us.>
Marco: Well, he'll make a sweet lawn ornament! I call dibs!
Rachel: Ok, I'm in command now! Let's go nuke the yeerk pool!
All except Cassie: YAY!!!!