Rachel: Let's play spin the bottle...with a dracon beam!
Tobias: Okay as long as Visser Three is in too! He's kinda dreamy for someone who kinda murdered my father!
Rachel: The more the merrier!
Erek: So there we were at the pet shop deciding which pet to get and all of a sudden it hit me we wasted all our time on dogs when we should have looked into getting Taxxons! If they're good enough for Yeerks they're good enough for us!
Cassie: I've been thinking theoretically if I were to get Rachel's AMAZING CLOTHES and morph into a starfish and have you cut me in half then demorph into those clothes take them off. Then both of me could morph into starfishes again and we could keep repeating them for infinite profits!
Ax: I agree. Ignoring the fact that increasing supply and decreasing demands will limit your financial gain. What do you intend to do with the exponential number of Cassies?
Cassie: I've got an answer to that. Starfish soup!
Ax: Hmmmm soup!
Drone: I've got a cunning plan...
*Crayak rolls eyes*
Drone: Boom boom boom. Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom...!
Elimist: Beautiful in it's simplicity. How about we just call it even and just watch Cassie's plan? She's a blonde right?