Greetings all!
I'm posting to say that I'm alive (thats good imo, and possibly Gabby's also
) and sorry for the absense haha. I've been away for a few weeks on holiday, and after that moving houses, during which my computer broke and I've only got it fixed and good 1-2 weeks ago. I'm working part time now so super busy and when I'm not working, I haven't been at home much so I have barely spent any time with my poor neglected computer, let alone RAF. Anyway I hope to spent a bit more time around here now that everythings good and settled, because I miss you crazy loons. Hopefully planning to get back to the USA some time this year also (currently deciding between another USA trip or a snow trip mid year with my bf, another reason raf has been slightly neglected >.>, it will probably depend on finances at the time, USA trip would be more expensive)
so yes. is alive, and not undead... i promise.... <.<.....>.>....