Hello Ash, you wouldn't be related to a certain nomad that attacks animals with red and white orbs would you?
Sweet avatar, very mysterious and classy.
Goom: No worries bro, it happens. My own aunt couldn't spell my name, although she couldn't spell cloud either, but that's beside the point.
No, my family's names are all spelled differently than the "normal" way of spelling:
Father - Willam W-I-L-L-A-M, not William
Mother - *mid name* Rashael R-A-S-H-A-E-L, not Rochelle
Sister - was given my mother's middle name, spelled the same way
Me - Brandon B-R-A-N-D-O-N, not Branden
See? so I've never been normal, even since birth, I've always been "a little off".
Muahahahahaha... heh heh.