lol I do the bunzzzzuh thing sometimes. Especially if I see a Cinnabon at the mall, or my uncle makes canned ones again. (mom and I live with aunt and uncle)
And I wouldn't do the monkey thing either. My Planet of the Apes fan-self wouldn't allow it anyway lol
I love watching the hawks around the quarry-most of them are red-tails AFAIK.
You find yourself trying to cross other fandoms with Animorphs (I have part of a Bones fic written with several infested characters...Booth,Cullen,Jack and Brennan, but Jack is YPF. Either way, he has to be infested in such a cross, it's too much fun to not infest the resident conspiracy theorist lol)
You give your online persona morphing ability (I'm kind of borderline furry, or scaly, although I don't hang out much in the fandom these days or fursuit or anything. But my Quetzalcoatlus persona, Highsoar, is morph-capable now.
I also love the convinced you can morph one-I sometimes end up looking at my hands, daydreaming about morphing. Especially if I really wanna get somewhere, I keep thinking mentally "man I wish I could just morph and fly over there!"
You see a link for the song 'Animorphs Aren't Cool Anymore' and get really mad at the band. It's not a really well known group, but it is on Last.FM if you look it up.
It's hard not to look at people and wonder if they're controllers
That 'Yeerks are Here' forum really gives you shivers, even though if you look closely, you can find the 'Roleplay' label there.
You're in two Animorphs RPGs online and were in others before they died
Way too many songs remind you of the series or its characters
You see a review on Amazon where someone said the new Resisters series was better than Animorphs and that the books weren't written well in places, and really wanna yell at the reviewer. ( no I didn't get all angry in my reply, just said I disagreed)
You eagerly look through donations at the library for any of the books (I got lucky twice, with a copy of The Attack and one of The Beginning. We got one of The Invasion, but I don't need it. I did get plenty of weeds from the library collection though. Ours, the Bookmobile and another in our system where a coworker had moved to...her husband still works with us and she gave him the bag to give me lol)
You make Andalite and Hork-Bajir plushies (yes I will post them one day, but the Hork-Bajir is in the middle of major surgery to add wires so his neck won't droop and the Andalite needs a bit of touching up.
BTW IDK about later bookmarks but I have a copy of The Alien with the bookmarks still in it
You get really interested in Animal Planet's Monsters Inside Me and envision them doing a Yeerk ep
A book called Stuck On Earth catches your attention but seems like a slight ripoff because it's also about an alien slug taking over a kid's head. He just came in through the nose, not the ear and did something to contain the kid's consciousness while he was there.