246: After cancelling a day of work with the full intention of doing important assignments (that weren't done already because of distRAFactions), you accidentally spend all day on RAF again. (and of course, re-reading the greatest book series of all time)
247: You begin to suspect that your cat is, in fact, an andalite bandit. (and not just merely that perpetually hungry, purring ball of fluff it tries to disguise itself as)
Post Merged: March 20, 2011, 06:29:03 PM
248: Every time you watch Xmen and see Shawn Ashmore (the guy that plays Jake in the Animorphs tv series) as Iceman, you lose all immersion in the movie because he's Jake, not Iceman, why isn't he fighting yeerks and where's Marco, Rachel, Cassie and Tobias?
249:You actually had to look up the actors real on Wikipedia for the sake of this post name because you have always referred to him as Jake (his names Jake dammit!) and didn't know what his real name was.