Shal opens and closes her mouth a few times, watching everyone leave, then jumps from her seat to take Connor from Breek. "Let's get him in the kitchen. I think there's a broken freezer back there we can stash him in." She quickly walks behind the bar carrying Connor, and kicks open the swinging doors to the kitchen, ignoring the BT's silent protest. She glances around, looking for the freezer. "F*CK. There isn't one back here anymore...." She continues to scan the room, biting her lip in silent thought.
The BT approaches, and pulls a small silver ring up out of the floor, raising a small door built into the floor. Shal stares at him, and begins to shake her head fervently. "Uh-uh. No. You'll lock me down there. F*CK that." The BT rolls his eyes, and writes "old root cellar" on his notepad.
Shal hesitates, then moves swiftly down the stairs, and lays Connor down on the ground. She begins to inspect his wounds, noticing his stomach is bleeding again. She moans, and runs back up the stairs and into the bar, searching frantically for the putty gun and medical bag. She glances at the brawl going on, and asks no one in particular "Where the hell is the medical bag?"