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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2910 on: July 07, 2009, 10:37:14 PM »
"Hi Kara. Mar. We have a situation regarding Myitt. It seems she may have led an enemy to the rebel hideout. right now we're waiting for new information."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2911 on: July 07, 2009, 10:53:52 PM »
Mar bares his teeth and practically snarls. "Someone found their way to the playhouse of my precious? Who in the world is this person, and where are they? They'll find it is not wise to cross the madman, so to speak. Will they attack the bar or merely pass us by?"

Mar is now looking quite, quite angry. He's walking about slowly, as if he wants to pace but is failing abominably due to the wound.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2912 on: July 07, 2009, 10:57:27 PM »
"It could be Seran, who's after Myitt's hide for whatever reason. But he'll likely sell out everyone at the base for a promotion. Like a typical ambitious Yeerk. I've done what I can so far, and Myitt is heading back. If anyone comes to attack, we will deal with them. I'm a skilled fighter in my own right, and Zoshonel is vicious when he's serious."

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Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2913 on: July 08, 2009, 01:09:40 AM »
Ossanlin raises his hands as the slug-throwing device is pointed at him.  <In fact I do not know who you are, friend.  I meant no disrespect, apparently you are a commanding officer much like myself.  I do not have any of my warriors with me at the moment, I'm afraid you fellows have just a bit of an advantage over me.  I apologize but I have never seen a human with your appearance and I was curious.  I was not certain you were conscious.  I do not wish any trouble with you.>

((lol, no prob, I've never played Killzone myself.  Maybe I'll try to acquire Kara to get some hair and skin-tone.  Or just end up looking like Lex Luthor in an Imperial uniform.  :p))

He overhears Myitt's transmission and narrows his eyes...just the thing Seran would do...there was little question in his mind that Seran had done it, and there was little question that Seran now knew a very localized sector of the galaxy in which the Yeerk alliance's main base was located.  This was a problem, a big problem.  <<Corliss, I'm nearly certain it's Seran, that's his way.  And he WILL inform superiors, I wouldn't be surprised if the base sees a scout force within the next couple of standard days, portending the armada that he'll bring after it.  If you need me or the Tyrennian, I can certainly put her at your service.  But even the Tyrennian couldn't hold off a Yeerk armada alone.>>


Seran has returned to the pool, his host securely locked in a stasis pod.  He sighs mentally as the ship drops out of Z-Space near the Yeerk outpost at Nerkin 3, otherwise known as outpost 1786652.  He transmits his codes and limps into the nearest dock for repairs.  Soon he would be back in his host in a pressurized environment and would be able to perform the calculations necessary to triangulate the most-likely location for Myitt's little rebel band.  After that it would all be over.  He would contact his Blade Ship and have them pick him up...he would present his information directly to the Council of Thirteen, they would send a force under his personal command, they would find and destroy the rebels, and he would skyrocket up the chain of command.  He could nearly taste his victory...he would give only the best to traitors of the Empire.  If he had been in his host his smile would've been enough to frighten a full-grown Rafaen.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2914 on: July 08, 2009, 01:44:11 AM »
Wolffe barely noticed anything but his attention was grabbed when the Colonel raised his pistol and threatened the blue alien, he realized that the little competition was now over so he collected his money and secreted the whiskey bottle in his rucksack for later, re-securing his helmet back on, he then raised his sniper and pointed it unwaveringly at the aliens head "Ah do be thinkin' that ye bettar be goin' either tha' or have yer brains painted over the wall yonder"

Deucalion had stiffened the moment his neck had been touched and swung around, bringing his shotgun to bear on the Andalite, now that things were beginning to get moving he was instantl more alert and less drunk then Wolffe or Radec, since he hadnt drunk much at all.
He opened a Comm. channel to the ship, prepared to call reinforcements if things got out of hand. With Radec around, they usually did. "Never a dull moment"

[spoiler]I might bring one of my own character into here
a bit later tho[/spoiler]

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2915 on: July 08, 2009, 03:49:32 AM »
Ossanlin ****s an eyebrow, not flinching at either projectile-propelling device.  He's been more than trained to handle himself in such situations.  <Such inelegant weapons...barbaric really.  Hurling masses of metallic matter into living is much cleaner, and the blade much more elegant.  I'm sorry friends, but you will not frighten me by pointing those crude devices at me.  As I mentioned, I'm a commanding officer as well.  Threats will do you little good with me.>

He moves a hand to his chin and lets the other rest on the 'hip' of his upper torso, ****ing his head one way, neither hand in any sort of threatening position.  He swishes his tail in what appears to be a relaxed-looking motion.  He could deflect one if he needed to, the other...well Alic was quicker than he...if worse came to worse they could act in concert to deflect both weapons at the same time.

<As for leaving, I believe I was here first.  I suggest that if you have a problem with anyone in here, it is you who should leave.  Frankly I don't have time to deal with humans even more arrogant than my own species is rumored to be.  We've all come here to relax and enjoy time away from duties.  Let's not ruin it by painting each others' brain-matter on the walls, as you so elegantly put it.  Perhaps you should go back to your fragrant beverage and I will attend to mine.  There has been no harm and it would be a shame if any has to be done.>  There is not a single hint of mockery or goading in Ossanlin's tone, merely self-assured confidence that he is in no danger, even though that is not the case.

<<Aliciania, if we must, we may have to deflect those weapons.  The commander looks to have a damaged slug-thrower, but if I say nekhrat, you aim for the shorter-barrelled weapon, I will deflect the longer one.  Be careful, these humans are apparently very disagreeable.>>

A stalk-eye swings to look at Temrash, his beam in hand.  <<I thank you for the support...I didn't know whether you would help an andalite or not.  I'm glad I can trust you if things get hectic here.>>  The gratitude is obvious in Ossanlin's tone in his personal speech to Temrash, his thoughts obviously genuine.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 03:54:58 AM by Ossanlin »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2916 on: July 08, 2009, 05:00:13 AM »
((I hafta leave for work early so feel free to yeerk my guys if they're holding up the action ^^))

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2917 on: July 08, 2009, 08:16:05 AM »
Temrash gives a small smile at Oss' compliment. He had his blaster pointing at the commanding officer himself now, but had gone largely unnoticed. He wasn't too worried, since at that range Oss could have struck in the time it took those Humans to pull their triggers.

His ship received a signal, that was transmitted to his communicator. He picked it up. "'re sure? No. Don't do anything rash to blow your cover. Just get in using your occupation, and try to wipe the information."

He put the communicator away. "Ossanlin, we've found Seran. He's on outpost 1786652. I've got a low rank mechanic there that will attempt to go in and wipe the data from his ship, under the guise of making repairs. I believe Corliss has left the room, and Myitt isn't back yet. Zoshonel! Game's over! we've got work to do!"

Zoshonel made a slight bow of respect to Gaz, and hurried inside the bar. temrash updated him on the situation. "What about the situation in here?"

"Yeah, we'll try to wrap this up quickly."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2918 on: July 08, 2009, 08:45:26 AM »
Gaz smirks and says, "That was the best fight I've had in a long time. You're a great opponent."

When Zoshonel goes back inside, Gaz (after she replaces her hat on her head) and Fletcher follow. Both are curious as to what is going on.

When Gaz goes back inside she nods at Corliss and Myitt as she takes her seat. "Hey you two."

Offline Chad32

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2919 on: July 08, 2009, 09:51:54 AM »
At the outpost, a Gedd controller pulls his cart of tools and supplies to Seran's ship, in order to start repairs. Once inside, he begins his diagnostic check. As part of the normal procedure, he hooks up to the computer system in order to run some checks. Hidden within his tools is a device to plant a virus in the computer that will erase all data within. He tried to remain calm, and not act suspicious.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2920 on: July 08, 2009, 03:34:09 PM »
Kara walks into the bar hesitantly, shooting a distasteful glance at the tub housing Ardiss.

"How can I help?" she asks, "I have a ship. Or, Ardiss had a ship. I know where it is at."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2921 on: July 08, 2009, 04:36:55 PM »
Myitt starts her fighter's landing procedure, the ship decloaking and shimmering into view as its spindly leglike landing gears curl from the metal underside.  It touches down nicely, like some nightmare mixture of a bird of prey and an insect. 

"Corliss," says Myitt to her link, "I've narrowed down the nearest Yeerk outposts, but the ship signals are hard to separate from this distance.  If this is Seran's doing, and I think it is, then he's one of two places: Nerkin-Jad or Olgin."

"Temrash's people seem to think it's Nerkin," replies Corliss, who is standing outside the bar, waiting for her to arrive.  "He has an operative there."

"Good, because we don't," says Myitt, taking the link and a few tools from storage with her as she powers down the ship.  "Come over here, I want to get this bloody thing off of my goddamned ship."  She pockets the link so it's still audible, freeing her useful hand as she climbs down from the hatch in the ship's side.  Right away she starts shining a normal pocket flashlight at the underbelly of the ship, which is perched so the bottom is just above her head.  She puts the flashlight in her mouth and adjusts her bandaged arm, grabbing something that looks black and sharp.  It glows red along several spots on its jagged side. 

"Gothcha," she lisps around the flashlight, peeling the tracking device away with a slow and deliberate movement of the scraping device.  The living metal of the ship oozes black and melts around the wound, scarring the hull but not causing any permanent damage to wiring. 

Myitt crushes the unassuming black patch of metal with a faint red sheen under her boots, taking the flashlight out of her mouth and spitting for good measure. 

Corliss has already made it halfway to her ship.  "Myitt, why in god's name didn't you scan the bloody thing?" he calls.

"I was in a hurry," says Myitt dully, glaring down at the tracker's fading red glow, wiring exposed.  "It was stupid."

Corliss exhales.  "Well, we'd better hope Temrash's friend can wipe Seran's ship before the coordinates are sent.  We aren't out of the woods yet."

"You can say that again," says Myitt, crushing the tracker again for good measure. 

She closes up her ship, putting her tools away, and the two of them walk back to the bar.  Myitt shakes her head as she steps over the threshold.  "Looks like this is a day filled with **** ups, kids.  But hey, we're still alive."

"For now," Corliss says with a smirk. 

"We don't have a lot of time, so firstly we need to make sure that information gets erased," says Myitt, addressing her friends.  "Thanks for helping, too.  There isn't much we can do now, the real help will be if we need to get people out of the base en masse.  We're going to need all the help we can get, ships and supplies and the like, if it comes to that.  Let's hope doesn't."  She turns to Temrash.  "Your man on Nerkin had better know what he's doing.  But thank you.  After all the crap we've given you, you still go ahead and try to save our sorry asses."  She puts a hand on his shoulder, appreciatively.  "I'd say that helps your case."  She grins a little to show she's kidding.  Mostly.  "Seran, that bastard coward," she continues to herself.  "I should've known he'd try to trace one of us.  Temrash, is there anything we can do to help your operative?  I'd gladly fly to Nerkin-Jad and try to blow Seran's ship to kingdom come, if that'll help."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2922 on: July 08, 2009, 09:54:24 PM »
"We need to get over there quickly, actually. My guy is in no position to kill Seran, even if he does wipe the data. He's just a Gedd controller, so there's only so much I can expect of him. As long as we know none of the other ships are tracked, we have a chance of sneaking into the outpost. I don't have any friends that are close to the Sub-Visser that runs the outpost, so we have to be careful of him."

"Zoshonel and I could go help, but I'm not sure what to do with ardiss. leaving her is risky, and taking her is also risky. My other friends who are delivering the new host won't be here for a bit. Unless we can convince the barkeep to watch her, or perhaps Gaz, I'm unsure. I know Zoshonel would pitch a fit if I asked him to stay, while I went. If I don't go, I'm not sure how much help my operative would give someone who's allied with Andalites. He'd probably run and hide."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2923 on: July 08, 2009, 10:10:14 PM »
Gaz was back at her seat at the bar with a rum in her hand. She wasn't sure what was going on, but if someone decided they needed her, they knew where she was.

"Found anything yet?" Gaz asked.

"Well," said Fletcher, "there's always something in the Shipwreck Belt."

Gaz made a face. Shipwreck Belt, as it was called by pirates, was an area where a lot of dead ships floated, but that was a choice picking place for a lot of scum. There were a handful of pirates who tried to avoid it. Gaz was one of them.

"I'd like to avoid the Belt if possible," Gaz said, "more risk than I'm willing to take."

"Well," Fletcher said, "there is this cargo ship."

"Let me see," Gaz said as she leaned over, "what's she carrying?"

Fletcher showed her the cargo manifest he had managed to find. Gaz smirked as she looked at it.

"Very nice," she said, "we could get a pretty penny for that swag. When's it depart?"

"We have time to get ready," Fletcher said. "Won't be leaving until next week."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #2924 on: July 08, 2009, 11:24:57 PM »
Mar sifts through the varying bits of information in his mind, trying to figure out what he should do. Getting personally involved would be a bad idea, even in that way. I have my tendrils in this realm but if I shift even one of them to help rebels Crayak will notice, and this is his Game.

Mar states, "So, you need to stop this Seren individual from revealing your secrets? ........hmm. Temrash's plan seems effective so far, I suppose. But the entire situation is unnerving. And what kind of grudge does this person have against Myitt?"