"He tried to," Gaz said. "What was going on at the time?"
Fletcher blinked. "All you remember is my trying to take your ship, but not why?"
Gaz shrugged.
"At the time, kid," Fletcher explained, "someone was after me."
"And snatching my ship was the best option?" Gaz questioned. "You couldn't have talked to me?"
"You might have said no," Fletcher replied.
"That's something I expect a kid to say," Gaz retorted.
"Point is something bad was going on," Fletcher said.
"Yeah," Gaz said, "someone might have gotten to something before you did."
"Ok! I won't do it again," Fletcher said.
"You better not," Gaz replied, "if you're going to be on my ship. You try to take it again, or touch anything I tell you not to, and I break your arms."