*Ossanlin lowers his eyes and rubs his head as Alic starts off...why had the Hork-Bajir had to mention Alloran, and why had Alic allowed herself to be goaded by it?! This wouldn't end well. Ossanlin was watching the fermented grass-drink he'd ordered when the Hork-Bajir erupted off his stool and picked it up into the air. He danced to the side instantly dropping back into a fighting pose, his tail swishing quietly but purposefully over his hindquarters.* <Alic!> *but his warning thought came too late as he saw the stool impact Alic's temple, her body slumping as she fell unconscious.*
<Hey! Jagill, HEY! STOP!> *Ossanlin stepped forward not drawing his shredder, merely stepping forward, ready to protect Alic if necessary. True Alic had been in the wrong in his mind to even react to the subject, let alone agree with Alloran's actions, but violence and death were NOT the answer.*
<Myitt, Corliss...HELP!> *Ossanlin didn't want to fight the Hork-Bajir and worsen his impression of Andalites, but he wouldn't let Alic be murdered.* <Look, what she said was wrong. It was. We all think so...she's just a bit confused...think about if your own clan-father was taken by an arrogant Yeerk against his will and labelled a traitor and outlaw by your people. If he was held in disgrace for his deeds...she's lived under that shadow all of her life.> *Ossanlin sent thoughts pleadingly at the Hork-Bajir's back.* <You have the power to kill her, we know that, but we all know this isn't the place to kill, or the time. Do you think the rebels would let you and Temrash join them if you killed one of Myitt's good friends? Calm down! Just set her down and see what Temrash wants, please.> *Ossanlin kept all four eyes plastered on Jagill and Alic.* <Please...>