Myitt watches, curiously. "I guess this means I'm--" And she vanishes.
"Alright, how long have they been gone, then?" Corliss says. "This all feels very wrong."
"It can't have been more than half an hour," says Tara, eyeing the black metal bracelet around her wrist, gingerly maneuvering her injured arm. "Hey, Ronny, long time no see, man." She shoots a raised eyebrow look at Breekan. "So your sister's gone, and...what, that's it? I would've expected us to go on some kind of wild goose chase after her."
At that precise moment there's a blinding flash. Time stops for such a short amount of time that no one without the ability to sense such minute changes in space-time would have noticed it, but this is what transpires in that infinitesimally small amount of time: the weird, greyish nervous system is back, glowing and hovering above the bar. Greyish green flesh fills in around the nerves, around twisted palp protrusions and osmosis nodes, around what's less a brain and more a mass of neurons resulting from pure biological encephalization. The rest of the creature's brain is really...its entire body, thought and memory and emotion stretched along its sides and tail end right along with sensory and motor neurons.
There are no eyes, or circulatory system, and no real digestive system to speak of. All brain and lymph and antiseptic goo.
When the infinitesimally small amount of time is over, the Yeerk named Myitt One-Nine-Five sits squirming on its side on the bar counter, as agitated as an earthworm after it rains.
Tara gapes down at her friend. "Uh," she stammers. "I really hope this is Myitt and not someone we didn't order."
"Bleeding Christ," Corliss yelps, stepping over to Tara and his sibling. "It'd better be, now where the hell are the other two?"