"Ah? Feeling a bit of what it's like on the other end, aren't you?" Myitt says, leaning on her good arm. "I almost feel sorry for you. If not for the fact that if you are telling the truth, you're probably going to throw me into some kind of pit of eternal damnation." She gazes far off at the glasses behind the bar, eyes tracking. "Again with the color pink, I can't explain it. I don't usually hate pink."
"Myitt, perhaps you should, erh," Corliss stammers. "Perhaps you should see a doctor, your arm's looking a bit off."
"No, it's not like that," Myitt says faintly, trying to remember, digging through Tara's memories and her own...but finding nothing. Only glimpses of old dreams that, unfortunately, fade at the whim of neurotransmitted ions upon waking.