For battle morphs, I could probably easily acquire a large dog such as a german shepherd.
They do have mountain lions where I live and big cat rescue and rehabilitation centers, but no normal visitor is allowed to touch them, except for the smallest of the cats. If only I knew one of those people crazy enough to own a mountain lion that would let me pet it.
There's places near me where you can pay to touch and interact with marine mammals like dolphins, but that's real expensive.
Go to an Asian food market, with live fish swimming around, reach into the tank and acquire the largest fish I can find.
Even if I could morph bird and fly into the animal enclosures, I'm sure they've got cameras, and I couldn't morph back into human to acquire them in front of the cameras.
I don't know any place where I would be allowed to touch a bird of prey.
I could probably acquire a large parrot morph from the pet store, reaching through the bars, but those birds bite and can can snap your fingers with their beaks, and the store owners disapprove of you touching them. Parrots sometimes escape into the wild, so maybe I would be overlooked in some places.
I've really like to morph a seagull, they can fly anywhere and not be noticed. Maybe I could design a simple trap for catching one.
I want to morph an osprey, I want to be a fishing bird, and a bird that can get wet might come in handy.
I agree a bull would be totally awesome battle morph, but how am I supposed to acquire one without getting gored unless I know an animal handler. They would probably think I was nuts if I asked if I could pet it.
I live in California too and we could acquire California Condors together, I think there might be a rescue center somewhere, but I do not think they would allow regular guests to just touch their birds.
Stealth is easy, acquire any insect that crawls or lands on me. Ants, a mosquito, a fly when it lands on me.