I think I'm the only one I know that liked the Alternamorphs. I was really into choose your own adventure books at the time, and an Animorphs themed one was a dream come true at the time.
Too bad the only choices you could make were what morph to choose. They could have given you different options on what to do while in morph instead, such as attack, hide, or run.
My favorite part about it though, was if you screwed up, it would tell you what page to go back too. No other choose your own adventure book did that. You had to keep your finger on the choice page, in case you wanted to go back after a bad choice, or read from start to finish again.
One of the Alternamorphs endings has you stuck as a fly forever. That's far worse than being trapped as a rat. Do you think that ending was in character, or far too harsh?
It was supposed to be a lesson in admitting you were wrong or something. You are made to promise you won't get in the way, which isn't that hard to do. Since it's been a while since I last read it, it's unclear to me how much of it was really the reader's fault, and whether or not the Animorphs were just jerks because of the stressful situation.