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Shenmue's Poetry Dump

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I dunno if any of it is any good, and it chronicles a pretty miserable bout with anhedonia (Inability to feel normal amounts of pleasure). But if you're feeling on the creepy side, here it is. XD

Dude these are awesome! I really like the second one.

: D Thank you Quaf! Although I can make the "It's always that one I don't care about" joke here; Estelore liked that one too. The words just sound cool together to me, the semantic equivalent of "Colorless green ideas" or something. : 3

I like the third one the most :) Interesting poetry!

 I'm weirdly fond of the cicada poem too. I started writing it almost on impulse in the middle of a bus ride. The best of the lot are always random like that. :P


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