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Do you guys enjoy the "David" books?

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One of the issues I have with the trilogy is that it packs a lot of issues into one storyline, which might have been better explored in their own storyline.

I'm going to turn away from Animorphs and use Season 6 of 24 as an example.  During the premier weekend (which had 4 episodes over Sunday and Monday), you have several allegiance-flips by many different people, then you have Jack Bauer kill his friend, and 2 minutes later a nuke goes off in LA.  So you don't really care about Curtis getting shot, because it's immediately proceeded by a bigger problem, and the nuke just kind of falls flat because you've had so much else going on.

In the case of this trilogy, David being the focus makes the world leaders take a back seat, and as mentioned - this never gets brought up again.  Which world leader is a controller?  (It might be specified, but I don't remember).  Did the Yeerks try to take over world leaders again?  The stakes of this are never mentioned again, but are only used to make it seem more necessary that they get David into the fold immediately.  However, that could have been accomplished with any one of several options, including:

* Any mission that requires 7 people or morphs to pull off
* A time-critical mission that requires them to recruit immediately
* A mission in which the odds are stacked as such that having more "teeth" (as Jurassic World would say) makes it much more likely to succeed
Leave the World Leaders for another story, and then address that issue then, and let it build into something.

The David saga is a great story that wasn't done justice due to it's length (only three books) and the forced order of narrators.

I think the David saga should have gone through enough books to give every character a book with him. Not necessarily because every character needed more moments with him, but because that would have really sold the arch they were going for, which felt really rushed.

Heck, I'd have liked to have read a David-narrated book too, or they should have ended the saga with a Megamorphs style story from multiple POV's.

I'd like to have seen him peak as a member of the group, take part in a few different missions, then descend into villainy.  They tried to have that entire arch in three books and I just feel like it didn't work as well as it could have.  Each book is good on it's own (The Discovery has amazing action, The Threat great drama, and The Solution great character moments), but the overall arch of David just feels a little...unearned.

Rachel was the character who had the least to do with David in the first two books, yet it had to become a David vs Rachel story in the last book because it was Rachel's turn to narrate.  The trilogy suffered due to that, too.


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