I believe I was introduced about 10 years too late to Animorphs XD
I found the books in my school library in Year 8 (7th grade) and picked up Book 1
Around the same time I found another book series called Warrior Cats and had already finished reading it but for some reason no book store held the 2nd book and because our family hadn't really been introduced to online shopping at that stage I asked the school librarian to order a copy in, but it would take a really long time.
So during the break I showed my friends (one of whom was into Warrior Cats like myself) Animorphs but they were at that stage were anything new is stupid so immediately disregarded it as so.
For whatever reason I just sort of shrugged and agreed, but I did bring the book home and completely forgot about it
A few weeks later the school computer sent me an automated email reminding me the book was due back soon- I was kind of concerned because I had no idea where I'd put it, but after ransacking the house I found it down the side of the sofa
I couldn't care less what my friends thought of it, so I began to read it and by Chapter 4 I was really into it!
I already loved the idea of shapeshifters (a big love of werewolves helped with this, so you can guess Cassie was an instant favourite character), and while I didn't have much experience with sci-fi I really liked the concept of Animorphs and moved on to read through all the books the library had to offer (which was a mix and match throughout the series up till about 37 or so, along with Megamorphs 2)
Eventually when the books ran out, I moved on with and would stick with Warrior Cats for a long time. I've been on and off Animorphs since, as I keep finding new book series' that are more easy to access and read XD
Not to mention trying to find people with an interest in Animorphs in real life is like trying to find someone interested in Latin so 3x
But yeah so how did you guys get into it?