Author Topic: What if they told them sooner?  (Read 1371 times)

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Offline Darth Zakryn

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What if they told them sooner?
« on: April 16, 2011, 07:46:38 PM »
Ok, I KNOW this is unlikely, but suppose one or all of the Animorphs had decided to tell their parents sooner about the alien invasion and their part in it? I know they (rightfully!) assumed the 'rents would have either forbidden them from taking part or gone to the police and exposed them all, but just suppose they did tell them. We SAW what it looked like for Cassie's parents, and Rachel's, and Jake's... well, we never his parents' reaction. Here's my theory on what they would have done based on the available evidence.

Cassie's parents would have gone along with it, I think. Then again, they only went along with it in the books because they were onto them and they had to move fast, so I could be wrong...

Jake's parents could never have lived with their son being a Controller and not doing anything about it, especially his father, so I think had Jake told them, they would have done something (I don't know what) with Tom, something that involved revealing the truth, thus exposing him as one of the "Andalite bandits" and causing the end of the Animorphs.

Marco's dad, I think, would also have gone along with it. Also depending on when Marco told him, he would have been heartened to learn Eva was alive. I think it would have been a nice alternative to #35. Instead of taking option 1 Let Dad remarry or option 2 Don't let Dad remarry, he takes option 3 Tell Dad the truth. :D

Rachel's mom would have gone to the police, end of story, and thus exposed them all. If she believed it. Her father probably would have helped her, discreetly I am thinking, in fighting the Yeerks, and supported her.

Well, what are your guys' ideas on this?

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Re: What if they told them sooner?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2011, 07:58:17 PM »
     It really depends on two things: 1) how much sooner is sooner in this hypothetical series (example: before the Hork-Bajir Valley?) and 2) if they had a place to hide their parents.

     If we're talking about day one--the night after meeting Elfangor-- then I think all of them would be screwed; no question. The reason that the Animorphs lasted as long as they did was because they kept everything on the down low. Exposing themselves from the get go...well, see Megmorphs Four, for more details. Their parents would likely not have believed them, and Jake's family would have been screwed.

     Now, if we're talking about a time after the Hork-Bajir valley was discovered--a major turning point in the series, I think-- then the kids not only have a place to hide their parents, but experience as well; so they won't be as likely [probably] to screw up.

     Either way, no matter what point in the series, telling their parents guaruntees that the Yeerks will discover that the Animorphs aren't actually Andalite bandits.

     It's one thing for a two vets, a depressed widow, a lawyer and her daughters and some kid from the streets to go missing. For two vets, a depressed widow, a lawyer and her daughters, a kid from the streets and the family of a very, very high ranking controller--Tom-- to go missing...That's not a coincidence. The Yeerks would have known who the Animorphs were, used whatever family and friends the kids had left as leverage, and Visser Three would have all the more reason to launch an open invasion on Earth.
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Re: What if they told them sooner?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2011, 09:47:27 PM »

I'm not thinking about them forcing their parents into HIDING necessarily, just letting them know that they're in the middle of a freakin' war. I was wondering what would happen? Like I said, Jake's father would never have let Tom remain a Controller, and considering this man's character in #31, he undoubtedly would have done something insanely foolhardy/courageous, and exposed them. That's the general way I'm trying to urge this conversation.

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Re: What if they told them sooner?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2011, 10:45:30 PM »
I don't think Cassie's parents would have just 'gone along with it' actually.  They wouldn't report her to the police or anything, but they would have done whatever they could to stop their daughter from fighting in the war.  Cassie would have been permanently grounded with a video camera in her room to make sure she wasn't sneaking out, and would have had to overpower her own parents every time she went on a mission.  They're the sort of people who wouldn't stand for their daughter risking her life in a war, under any circumstances.

I agree, however, that Jake's dad would not have tolerated Tom being a controller.  He would have tried to do something about it, and that something probably would have screwed all the Animorphs over.

Marco's dad's reaction strongly depends on where this is happening in the series.  For the first five books, Marco's dad was a complete wreck over the loss of Eva.  Keep in mind this was before Marco knew that Eva was still alive, so if Marco had told his dad about him being an Animorph back then, I think his dad would have just had a complete nervous breakdown and wound up in a mental hospital or something.  Later on in the series, after finding out about Eva, if Marco had told his dad then, I think you'd have a scenario very similar to Jake's dad: Marco's dad would have flipped out and been determined to free Eva no matter what, and that could have screwed all the Animorphs over.  Even later, once he was contemplating marrying Nora, that would have posed a whole new set of problems when he tries to figure out how to break up with Nora without giving away the game, and let's just say that Peter isn't the best at handling subtle social situations.  :P

I also agree about Rachel's folks.  Mom would have gone straight to the police, dad may have helped the Animorphs from time to time (he seemed like the most well-adjusted of all the Animorphs parents).  As for Rachel's siblings, Sarah was too young to keep a secret, so she would have blabbed to someone somewhere along the line.  But I think that Jordan would have actually made a good addition to the Animorphs.  She seemed smart enough, and nearly as badass as Rachel at times.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 10:49:57 PM by Tobey »

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: What if they told them sooner?
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2011, 12:17:48 AM »

Very nice and insightful thoughts, Tobey. Thanks. :)

Offline yunyun

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Re: What if they told them sooner?
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2011, 07:08:22 PM »
I think it's a really good thng that they told them at the last min. If they told them earlier then it would be way easier to find the animorphs. So i think it was a really good idea to tell them at the very end.

But if they did know earlier then i agree with Zakryn on Rachel Jake and Marco and i agree with Tobey on Cassie
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