Author Topic: The Warden of Blizzard Pass.  (Read 2795 times)

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Re: The Warden of Blizzard Pass.
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2011, 09:43:14 PM »
(typed this with my speech recognition software... :D)

" What an honorable decision, my son," Borigard said.  Uncle Isaac stepped in front of me and squeeze my head into his chest.  He was crying as he spoke.  " I'm proud of you Reuben.  I can't imagine how part of the decision that was." I left slightly.  Actually it was hilarious to me.  He really had no idea.  Asher still hadn't moved.
"I promised," he reminded me.  We hugged as well.  I've never known how far in to my heart these childhood stories had been planted.  And it was the same for everyone.  After a moment, the Skayles return.  Only the silence was warm and…  happy.
"Umm…  So what happens now?" I asked
" you're asking us?  We come to you with questions now!" Everyone laughed at one of the councilor's joke while I felt slightly awkward.  Oh, he was right…
"Well, that doesn't mean I won't have any advice is there to give me some feedback." Borigard looked at me with another kind look.
" How wise.  It seems we chose well!"
"If you're looking for some advice from us, I say we celebrate!" Cheers erupted within the chamber.  We had every good reason to celebrate.  A whole new chapter had just begun.  
Planning begun immediately, though the general public was still kept unaware.  I was consulted for many things, but I was glad that most of the coordinating was done by others.  See, it wouldn't be so bad….  I 'requested" that a messenger be sent home to tell Aunt Natalia, Simon, and Dianna (they would have already been told why we'd left by now.). I was assured that he arrive well before sunset the announcement (and following jubilation) were scheduled for tomorrow in the late afternoon.  We insisted that Aunt tally have time to arrive from my ceremony.  I was greatly amused by the heightened commotion of the townspeople as I walked the streets.  It was odd being the center of attention, and nobody knowing it.  After a few hours, I was 'free', meaning no one else had any questions for me or congratulatory remarks.  We all agreed to keep quiet a little longer.  No one would know until tomorrow…  Accept one person.
"Where are you often our, Reuben?" Asher asked as he kept pace beside me.
"You don't have to follow me around everywhere, Asher…,"
"We've been over this, cousin.  I am…,"
"We promised Granny Becca that we tell her what the decision was.  I figure I should start this job by keeping my promise."
"I'm good with that.  Maybe if we walk real slow, it'll be dinner time when we get there." We laughed together as we walked.  I stopped and stared at him as I said,
"I'm so glad that you're bound by it were to stick with me.  I'd hate doing this by myself, without anybody I know."
"Well, besides that, you could just tell me to come help you…  I'd kinda have to it.  How do you think 'Warden's Assistant' sounds?"

Post Merged: February 22, 2011, 03:47:14 PM
" Or how about 'Warden's lackey'?" We laughed more.  "Yeah, I'd die of all this responsibility with without you here.  You will be a lifesaver, I just know it."
Granny becca was overjoyed at my 'big news'.
"Oh, I just knew he could do it!" She hugged me tight, and surprisingly so for her size.
"I haven't even done anything yet!"
"Pish-posh!  I don't need any big decisions as to the new warden.  I meant the big decision to even take the title.  That was courage, child." She promised to come to the celebration in ceremony the next day.  Farther into town, the preparations continued.  Cheese wheels rolled through the streets.  Cattle, chickens, and other livestock were led to the chop shop, only upset by all the noise and activity.  All kinds of other dishes were carried through town; the air smelled and even felt festive everyone was carrying some, everyone was talking.  No one suspected I had caused this.  Tomorrow, I would wear my medallion outside of my shirt.  I finally displayed for all to see; not for my own gain (I doubted I'd ever get used to all the tension I have for the rest of my life.), but for the people who wanted it so badly.  I had never really been the main event before.  Tomorrow I would be on the center stage in front of everybody.  I guess I have to get over not liking to talk in front of a crowd, because I'd be doing it a lot.  I asked one of the workers if they can try to get podium on stage; I didn't tell him it was for me to hide my knocking knees behind.  Asher chuckled when I explained to him how public speaking left me somewhat nervous.
"Seriously?  I think that would be the least of your worries now!" It was kind of sad that I was still bothered.…  Whatever.  The rest of our family arrived shortly after a quick lunch that day.  It must've been very hard for Dianna to keep quiet about her big cousin's surprise.  I led her, and Simon two, to more private place and showed them my great treasure.  An unjust about exploded with excitement and energy.  I don't know how I survived the bombardment of questions and requests she had for me.  Eventually, she darted off to go tell her mother…  As if she'd forgotten that her mother was the one who'd told her.
"Well, I guess you'll have your hands for now, in between hosting parties, giving long speeches, and looking like you're important…," Simon told me.  He was my favorite older cousin…  Even though he was my only older cousin.
" Hey!" We laughed together.
" and I hear you're taking Asher, too.  No doubt he'll be kicking and screaming the whole way.  How kind of you leave me to care for all of the sheep, and not to mention everything else." He shook his head slightly as he pretended to chide me.
"Yeah, you're right.  How rude of me!  Me know what, I still get to be the ruler of the world, too.  It must be the end of life as we know it."
" You've got that right, cousin.  You can always come to me if there's anything I can do for you, okay?"
"Other than what you're doing now?  You're already picking up my slack it home so I can do this…."

The rest of the afternoon flew by, in recent somersaults behind the stage.  Tomorrow, I'd meet again with the council to discuss my duties, resources, and a whole ton of other 'official business'.  Woo Hoo….  But tonight would be fun.  I was surprised to see granny becca backstage.  She had a short stack of books of her are.
"These are for you; you might find these useful to you." They were the books I'd look at earlier about the past Wardens.  I felt so honored.  Aunt Tally introduced herself, and I was whisked away while they were chitchating.  Councilor Conrad, who'd personally be helping me with getting started with my new lifestyle, asked me if I was ready to speak.
"Well, I don't know what would really count as 'ready', but not as prepared as I'm going to be." I was led up to the side of the stage.  It was essentially a large raised platform, and the entire mass of people had gathered in front of it, and even around it, inside the expansive town square.  I doubt anyone saw me as the guest of honor, that was OK with that.  Borigard introduced me to the crowd.  Everyone grew still and quiet once he took center stage.  He stood in front of the podium….  Of course he did, I thought, and I had to stand next to him.  Oh goody.
" Greetings, Cherry Grove!  If I'm glad to see we have quite a turnout for our big announcement.  I have good news!  Upgrades coverage and made by one of our own neighbors.  Which let me tell you what it was?" The crowd roared.  " I'm afraid I wouldn't be good for me to do." He paused dramatically.  " I'd rather show you." He waved to me, and I felt 1000 lives turn my direction.  I stepped forward, I was required to force my feet to move.  I stood beside the councilor while trying not to look to sheepish.  Borigard spoke softly, just to me, " go ahead, one below.  Show the world."
I lifted the Medallion, the amulet of our ancient past, and trusted high into the air.  Every single person saw and knew.  There was no secret anymore.  "We have found the Medallion!" He sure did.  The cheering grew to a frenzy, and continued for several, several minutes.  I realize for the 20th time has severely my reputation was on the line.
"Believe it or not, it was this young man, Reuben, Isaachar's nephew, who found it, washed down ish dream of the great Harvest River.  As some of you, if not all of you, have already be sinned, we have also found…  our Warden." And almost reverent silence fell on the crowd.  Then celebration as I'd never heard before.  I expected this to take awhile….  Borigard accepted it from my hands, and, to the town's approval, placed it over my head.  No longer with a high, not anymore.  For some reason I'll never understand, one man far out on the edge of the crowd caught my attention.  He looked frantic.  It wasn't so much his worn clothing, or his unruly hair, but the expression he had.  Why would a new Warden frighten him, I thought to myself.  Someone can't enforce the stage and he stood stock still.  The stranger then began weaving his way through the crowd. He -
" Warden Reuben!  Would you like to now address your faithful countrymen?"
My head snapped to Borigard.  I'd been totally distracted by the panicked man.  I had completely forgotten what I was going to say.  I had spent all full hour, if not more, coming up with the perfect response, and it had simply vanished like a flash of lightning.  I looked back to the crowd; the man was gone.  I cleared my throat, desperate to find the words.
" I am…" I cleared my throat again.  " I am honored to be here.…  I'm glad to see that you are much more accepting of a young man standing here, than I am myself.  I…  I don't know if it was by fortunate or fate that I happen to find this…  But it looks like we're off to a wonderful start." I smiled.  Hey, I thought, that wasn't half bad on a moment's notice.  The people apparently agreed.  They cheered yet again, and louder, if that's possible.
Borigard thrust his hand skyward, and shouted " Let the celebration begin!"
Shortly, I walked to the end of the stage and started down the steps.  I couldn't remember what came next.  Was it the feasting?  Or maybe I was to meet the people now…  Or something, but I couldn't remember for the life of me.  It soon became apparent that that really didn't matter.  For as soon as I stepped to the cobblestone pavement, the same wild-eyed man pushed through the front of the crowd pressing up against the stage.  He was within feet of me, and I gasped slightly.  He had this look of sheer determination in his eyes, an expression that said he had found what he was after.  Out of nowhere three random citizens jumped between me and the stranger, acting as a living barrier from the threat of danger.  Shelves rose up from the people within sight of the surprising turn of events.  The man raised his hands, in a symbol of harmlessness.
"Whatch'ur bussiness, dartin' up here like 'dat for? Don't be tryin' anythin' funny, buster. You ain't gettin' through us, no sir, you ain't." One of my 'guards' said.
" I have a message." Was what he said, " a very urgent one.  I must speak with the Warden." His frenzied look softened, but it still retained that air of urgency.  I wasn't sure if I felt alarmed, worried, or both.  The men between him and I stared hard faced at him, not budging at all.  " Please!  I'm only from Alderwood, I mean no harm!  I must speak to the Warden!" One man stepped forward as if to remove the disturbance.
"…  Wait…" I said.  The man froze and looked at me slightly confused.  " Let him speak." Now all three of the men, as well as everyone else had gathered nearby, including Borigard, looked at me.  After only a second's hesitation, they stepped aside.  This kind of influence was just a little freaky  " What do you want?"
" I have terrible news for you, sir.  And it is of utmost importance." I was more than just a little concerned now.  And it was only my first day….
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 03:48:19 PM by Bear »