Author Topic: What Odds Do You Give Them  (Read 1022 times)

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What Odds Do You Give Them
« on: December 12, 2010, 12:12:14 PM »
The rules are simple before placing your bets. And no, there's no prize here, I just want to know what you think.

In five variations of the universe, only one Animorph gets the morphing power. Ax doesn't count as he himself says that he is not one of the Animorphs and we see in MM4 that he eventually finds his own way out of the Dome Ship. In your opinion (And based only on the information given to us in the canon books, not fanfictions) how long do they last before they are either killed or made a Controller?

My bets are here:

Jake: I'd give him to about book three. Without Tobias to blow up that truck ship, Jake would have undoubtedly died when the ship made it back to the mothership and he was forced to fight his way out.

Rachel: I give her until Megamorphs 1. In her amnesia state, if it hadn't been for Cassie I honestly believe Rachel would have been killed off in morph by cops.

Tobias: Book One. Book Three at the latest. Still would have wound up a nothlit and would likely have succeeded in his suicide attempt after giving in to his animal instincts.

Cassie: Second most likely to survive to the end, albeit with some major scars. Though she was the most morally grounded of the five, she was also realistic and analytical. When push came to shove she could do the thing she hated the most, like kill. She didn't take stupid risks without Rachel pushing her and I think she could have found a balance between her need to kill to survive and to maintain her moral grounding.

Marco: Most likely to survive until the end because that's what he is. A survivor. I agree with Poparena's assessment of Marco in that he would most likely grab his Dad (And his best friend if Jake were still in the picture) and get as far away from the Yeerks as possible. At the time of book one, he would have also likely refused the power to morph, not wanting to risk his life and leave his father alone.


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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2010, 01:34:19 PM »
Jake is a leader, without anyone to lead he does not last long, I'd give him till book 5 though.

Rachel:  Probably book 2 without anyone to back her up, althouth it was Jake's tiger morph that cast suspicion on her (which is kinda dumb but oh well) so failing that, she would probably go out in a blaze of glory in which ever book they discovered the yeerk pool in.

Tobias: I actually give him the longest, I don't think he would be dumb enough to become a nothlit without the other animorphs there.  Is David still going to find the cube?  If so, most likely there.

Cassie:  I took agree that Cassie is pragmatic enough to do what needs to be done, but she would still hesitate, and that hesitation would get her killed in the heat of battle, when is difficult to predict.

Marco:  Book 5.  One look at his mother, and without the others to keep him grounded his cover is blown.

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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2010, 01:38:23 PM »
But Marco probably wouldn't have ever gotten as far as the Pool Ship in #5. I mean, he had to be dragged practically kicking and screaming into all the adventures before that. I'd honestly place him lasting up till the end, because odds of him running into Mommy Dearest aren't all that high if he isn't an Ani. But then, the Yeerks would win and everyone would either die or end up enslaved anyone, so no good there.

Rachel would have gotten killed early. I'd bet she'd do a lot f violent, quick attacks a la #37, but without experience or backup she eventually would have gotten cornered.

Tobias: Book 3, if that. He's probably have lost himself earlier without the other Anis to ground him.

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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2010, 01:48:00 PM »
Well, I think this is kind of hard, because taking four Animorphs away leads to a complete change of events.

For example, russian gave Marco until book five, but if it weren't for Ax joining up with the team they would have no reason to even be on the Pool Ship that led to that discovery. Given's what I think would happen:

1) Jake: Jake would probably die/be made a Controller very early on. As soon as he discovers that Tom is a Controller he will try and save him, since he won't have Marco holding him back with reason. I predict he would find out the same way as in canon, but it would take him longer (Marco put it together quickly, Jake would take some time). As soon as he did find out he would attempt to infiltrate the Yeerk Pool and either die or be captured because no one else would be there to stop him from running after Tom.

2) Rachel. I think that she would last fairly long, actually. Early Rachel was very gung-ho, but not quite as psychotic. I think she would use her power to spy on Melissa and Cassie and protect her friends. She wouldn't be discovered in cat morph via Visser Three because there probably would not be the precedent of Jake's tiger. Eventually, though, she would find out where the Yeerk Pool was and try to infiltrate/attack and be captured or killed. Probably around book sevenish. I can see her discovering the pool through the Ellimist somehow.

3) Tobias: He's doomed by book three. He would still become a nothlit, because his human life still blows. He would be able to figure out where the pool is pretty quickly thanks to the images sent telepathically by Elfangor. Then around book three when he goes on his suicidal rampage Rachel and Marco will not be there to save him, so he'll just be a bird in a window.

4) Cassie: I think she will last a long time, simply because I think that she won't really get too deep into the war. She will stick to protecting her family and infiltration, avoiding harming anyone if necessary. I think her best bet is if she still finds a way to discover the Peace Movement and help propagate that. She may make it all the way to the end, but I don't think this is a scenario where the humans win, so eventually she would be taken.

5) I give him to the end and beyond. The guy is cynical, analytical and properly paranoid. The only thing that could end him early is the discovery of his mom, but it's likely that he would find out in a much less personal way than in canon since there would be no reason for him to be on the Pool Ship. Given that fact I think he would be pretty successful. He would probably move his dad somewhere safe (and maybe Jake too) and work on strategic attacks. I think in the long run his paranoia would be his downfall, though, and he would not do nearly enough damage to the Yeerks, resulting in either his demise or an eternity spent in hiding after the Yeerks won.

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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2010, 01:56:56 PM »
Well, I think this is kind of hard, because taking four Animorphs away leads to a complete change of events.

That's how I was pretty much looking at it too. Of course Ax wound up in the town the Yeerks were focusing on anyhow, so that's why I don't factor the events of The Message in my assessment no matter who it is. So Ax and David are wildcards, if either Animorph makes it long enough for David to find the cube.

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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010, 10:16:33 PM »
     I don't think a lot of people give Tobias enough credit, given the whole, "run-away-from-humanity-because-his-home-life-was-too-tough-and-become-a-nothlit" argument. I disagree, and think he would last significantly longer than "book three", as it was previously mentioned. And, personally, I doubt if Cassie would have lasted longer. The girl gave up the war because she didn't want to fight (book nineteen, the deception), and you think Tobias (the kid who CONTINUED to fight despite being a bird?) Maybe we all just have differences in opinion, and have a tendency to back our favourite characters (which pretty much explains why I've been ranting about David all this time). Anyways, here's why I think Tobias would have lasted longer than three books.

     Of all the characters in the series, Tobias had a special connection to Elfangor. Even at the construction site, it was obvious that KA was building up something special. Elfangor gave Tobias all those memories and the information he needed to defeat the Yeerks (that they need Kandrona, etc). And, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Tobias who convinced Jake to morphp-- to join the fight and defeat the Yeerks? Wasn't it Tobias who said something about not wanting to let Elfangor down? I could be wrong, but I'm not sure. I read a few fanfics where the authors pretty much rewrite the Invasion word for word, and I remember Tobias saying that to Jake.

     THAT is why I think Tobias would try to fight the Yeerks, had he been the only one. I think that he deffinitely trapped himself as a nothlit purposely, but didn't really think his situation through. Sure, Tobias wanted an escape, but I doubt if he really considered the fact that he'd be living off rats and voles for the rest of his life.

Post Merged: December 12, 2010, 10:22:37 PM
     However, there were still four other Animorphs to save the world. So, even if he did want to escape the war (or, if he "accidentally trapped himself, depends on the way you look at it) there was still a resistence against the Yeerks. And, even then, Tobias was able to do his part for the Elfangor.

     But, if Tobias was by himself, I don't think he would have been trapped. We get a sense that Tobias was a determined, strong-willed kid early on in the series, despite whatever homelife he had. I think he would have some trouble escaping as a bird and let the world rot to hell; even if he was alone in the world. Tobias was many things, but he wasn't selfish (sorry Cassie, but that was directed at YOU!). I think he would have had difficulty forgetting the dying Andalite's wish to save the planet. Tobias wouldn't have done that to Elfangor. He would have, reluctantly, stayed human long enough for someone else (David, maybe?) to pick up the reigns, as it were.

     Also, compared to all of the other characters, Tobias had nothing to lose. Cassie and Jake had two parents. Marco and Rachel were raised by a single parent. Jake and Rachel has siblings. Tobias was pretty much on his own. He wouldn't have tried to get a sibling or parent out and run into hiding like the rest. That's why I personally believe Tobias would have faired well had he been the only one to meet Elfangor.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 10:22:37 PM by TobiasMasonPark »
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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2010, 08:40:13 AM »
Maybe we all just have differences in opinion, and have a tendency to back our favourite characters

True. Tobias ranks as my favorite character, but that I just don't agree that he'd last long for the reasons you cited. He's driven by his emotions.

So yes, he feels for Elfangor and doesn't want to let him down and he does know things about the Yeerks. But he was all ready spending too much time in hawk morph. When he was offered the chance to aquire stronger, more dangerous animals, he chose to stick with his hawk. And he was in hawk morph before they even went into the Yeerk Pool.

Hawk morph was what gave him freedom. He rose high above the ground away from his aunt and uncle, away from the bullies. That was his drug of choice the way Ax's human morph was. And the kid was all ready becoming addicted before they even got to the first battle.

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Re: What Odds Do You Give Them
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2010, 05:02:06 PM »
Although I agree that some might have lasted longer than others, I doubt any of them would've lasted long at all, especially if they had actually tried to do something about the Yeerk threat. Of course most of them wouldn't have actively fought them, as Tobias was the one who got the others motivated to fighting and convinced Jake he had to be leader.

Jake: Remember his initial reaction in #1 the day after they got the power? He wanted nothing to do with any of it and was pretty much convinced it was a dream. Even if he doesn't tell anyone (eg. Tom) I don't see him trying to fight the Yeerks. Very good chance he joins The Sharing though, as he wants to re-connect with his brother and feels like a failure after getting rejected by the basketball team. Wouldn't be surprised if he's a Controller by the end of #1.

Rachel: Like Jake, she almost thought it was a dream, but she is much more likely to do something about the Yeerks. Assuming she doesn't tell anyone and somehow figures out how to morph (Tobias and Cassie were the only ones who seemed to work it out without help) then she'd probably try and fight. This might be difficult without knowing any Controllers (Marco guessed Tom and Jake guessed Chapman) or where the Yeerk Pool is (or even what it is since Tobias was the only one told). Despite all that, say she actually fights the Yeerks. She's far more reckless than the others and without help would be dead in five minutes (nothing personal, none of them would stand a chance without help).

Tobias: Much better chance than Jake and Rachel, as he's motivated, cautious and has some knowledge thanks to Elfangor's info burst. Sadly he still has no clue who's a Controller, but I think he would keep spying as a Hawk until he found something. Maybe people suspiciously turning up at school after hours, having secret meetings at the beach or even going to the Mall and not coming back out. Sooner or later he tries something and either dies or gets trapped as a Hawk. Without the others, he's pretty much useless as a Nothlit and would either succeed in killing himself as Sean already suggested, or would simply continue life as a Hawk. At least as a Hawk he would survive, potentially outliving the others.

Cassie: Like Tobias she has the motivation to do something without being reckless. She also figured out morphing (possibly before he did) and has a natural talent for it. Unfortunately she also has no clue about the Yeerk Pool or who any Controllers are. The fact that she almost got herself infested in #1 makes it clear that she wouldn't last long on her own. Yes I know that only happened because she followed Jake, so maybe she'd last a little longer, mainly because she wouldn't know how to find any Yeerks.

If she's lucky she might even survive the first 3 books (doesn't know about Yeerk Pool, Chapman or the Truck Ship) until Ax starts crying for help. Good chance she'd either get caught by Controllers down at the beach or die attempting to save the Whale from those Sharks. If she's incredibly lucky, she actually saves Ax and they start fighting the Yeerks together. If she pulls that off then her chances of survival and effectively hurting the Yeerks increases significantly.

Marco: As we know from the early books, Marco wants nothing to do with any of it. He doesn't want to fight, morph or tell anyone about the Yeerks. He only got involved to help Jake save Tom. He also has no idea about the Yeerk Pool.

However, Marco is smart and it's quite possible he still figures out Tom is a Controller. Or perhaps Jake is infested after joining The Sharing and Marco realises Jake is a Controller. He comes off as not caring, but we know that he would get involved at this point (he saved a stranger from thugs in #5 despite risk to himself). He wouldn't be reckless like Rachel, but his odds are still terrible without help. He would also realise this and possibly try and publicly expose the Yeerks (remember it was his idea to try and disable the Truck Ship's cloaking device in #3). A good idea in theory, but we know from Megamorphs #4 that public exposure of the Yeerk threat would cause an open war that the Yeerks would win. Naturally this means death for Marco and a sizeable fraction of the Human race.
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