Yeah, Shikamaru is the first of Naruto's class to get promoted to Chuunin and the only one to accomplish it before the first series ends . For a while he was the last thing holding my interest in the series. His mother's name was Yoshino and knowing that is probably another point onto my already too high nerd factor.
As for the rest of my morphs, yeah some are pretty obscure. Gongjin and Kongming might be better known as their Dynasty Warriors carricatures Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang if that helps. I'm not surprised if you don't know Sky Crawlers (it tanked and it's hard to make it through the first time you watch it) but a Kildren is more or less this immortal clone thing, they don't age at all and they can do whatever they want to their bodies (i.e. they smoke, drink, etc.) without it actually affecting them, it usually takes an extremely graphic kill scene to slow the suckers down and even that doesnt--well I won't say anything to spoil the plot if you ever decide to pick it up. Suffice it to say the main drawback to being a Kildren (appart from coming from a movie nobody saw) is having little to no long term memory which I wouldn't need if I were only going to be in morph for two hours. Then again physically they're just humans with slightly sharper senses so I wouldn't really stand much chance against a Hork-Bajir in one on one combat. I was mostly just thinking it'd be fun to be one.
As for the Gargoyle morph I imagine it being an excellent night time battle morph I mean I'd have minor gliding ability, claws that can carve through stone and even the smallest Gargoyle--Lexington--is shown to have strength far superior to a human, so I'd have all sorts of advantages over a Hork-Bajir or whoever I was fighting, and the whole eye thing is intimidating, but yeah using it in the day or close to dawn would be a bad idea, unless the stone hybernation was somehow not affected by the morphing clock, since even the series creator seems not to be totally sure about just what happens when they hybernate (I know he's changed his mind on it at least once) it's possible that "morphing" to stone and then reverting back would bend the rules similarly to Cassie the catterpillar becoming a butterfly, in which case it's actually a morph you can fight in for more than two hours without having to worry about becoming a nothlit . . . not that I'd want to test it out of course.
An Irken would just be fun as they seem pretty indestructable Zim's body is practically destroyed in some episodes but he just bounces right back and they seem to be insanely long lived; Tak and Zim appear to be rather young adults (if they're even adults, Zim's level of maturity seems adolescent at best and even the more intelligent Irken characters like Tak or the other Invaders seem childlike in ways of their own) yet Tak states in the show that they attended the academy fifty years ago (and they look more or less identical to their present day selves so in fifty years they haven't aged) she also initially just seems disappointed by a seventy year sentence to janitorial work rather than devastated as for a human that'd be a life sentence, for her it's just the amount of time before she can retake her final exam. So if I ever did get trapped at least I've got a nice long life of indestructability to look forward to. I'd just have to hope the Irken I morphed was tall.
And Pokemon would be awesome; that's
hundreds of possibilites and many of them "morph" so being trapped isn't all that dangerous. If Tobias had been trapped as a Pidgey all he'd have to do to get free would be evolve
I wonder if I could acquire a Haunter, then just use hypnosis and confusion ray on all the Hork-Bajir, and laugh while their physical attacks fail to bother me. If I morphed a Ditto I could just turn into whatever wierd monster Visser Three became. There's a lot of neat things in the world that could make effective morphs.