Woah! Okay, people post fast here so I'm going to address EVERYONE! ...'Cause I'm cool like that.
Dameg: Apart from Gnommish, I don't think I know any other language well enough to translate the books. However, I'm an aspiring actress so I be thrilled to help record Audiobooks! Also, me not having a life gives me the advantage of being able to devote more time to the recordings...
Cool. I do accent coaching and odds-and-ends. Right now, I only have one actor in the to-do queue, so please drop by the line test thread.
Gryph: Sorry, but nope. Its meaning is surrounded in my pathetic nerdyness. It's a secret! Shh! agentAK is the username I've used on every site for years. Know an agentAK on another site? It's most likely me.
I usually go by wildweathel. I've only changed my name for the RAFparty, to match the new avatar. I have no affiliation to House Gryphondwarf, but I'm (almost, I seem to remember another one, but I can't find him) the only wildweathel online.
Ah, let's see. AgentAK from Xbox live, DA, and Newgrounds? No, I don't know you from there, but Google does.