Hello, hello!The name's Eli! I'm a Musician/Author/Artist/Poet/Physics Tutor extraordinaire, who has Three Separate Youtube Channels to warehouse all of this diverse and extraneous media. I've always been an avid reader, and I have had the Animorphs series as one of my inaugural landmarks of literature—I even have a small collection of the first dozen or so books that I keep in my library!—that fueled my subsequent veracity for
more books, and
more stories, and
more.I never was able to finish the series, which is one of my greatest regrets...
Which brings us to the matter of why I've actually come here today! I happened upon this website from a
news article that attested that it might be possible to
read the entire Animorphs catalogue for free. As you can imagine, I was absolutely delirious with anticipation at that opportunity. I followed the link, and it lead me to a blank page. Further attempts to locate it have proven in vain; especially the FAQ. I was wondering if perhaps someone could direct me to the correct location, or maybe confirm to me that there is no such service at all?
<Edit: I did happen to find the ebooks elsewhere, and I now know that RAF cannot host them anymore. Thank you to all that responded so graciously!>