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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #75 on: September 09, 2008, 07:15:52 AM »
ok, I'm slightly confused, I better read all of it, but not right now, cuz I don't have enough time. this weekend, i'll read it. Like my ability.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #76 on: September 24, 2008, 06:25:17 AM »
((So so so sorry I took so long with this one. I was on hiatus because of a mental block. Anyways, I had a huge brainwave (Rachel, you been pooping again?) lol.. so yea.. enjoy.))

Because I lack the creativity to come up with a better title...


“Oookay, what just happened here?” I asked, directing my question at Claire, Ken and Mike, who had just come back from the future.

Claire started to explain. It was a long story.

“Okay, so Issam is going to turn evil and going to kill.. some of us?” I asked, not really believing. “Why would he do this?”

“I have absolutely no clue, hey if we’ve been missing for 2 days…” Claire started to say.

“Two and a half days, actually.” I corrected.

“Oh, well if we’ve been gone for 2 and a half days, what’s the date?”

I told them.

“Oh, really? We have less than a week now, to save the cheerleader!”

“Um guys?” Ken muttered. “What are we gonna do about this Yeerk in my pocket?” According to the others, Ken had kept the Yeerk in a mindless state for that entire time, so it could not escape.

We all acquired the Yeerk, and Claire grabbed it off of me.

“It’s. Going. To. Die.” She said slowly. She dropped it to the ground and stomped on it several times. We all looked away.

I wasn’t sure what to feel. I’m sure that if I had been through that, I’d want to kill it badly too.

“We have an important issue right now guys.” I said. “If Issam has gone traitor, this is a seriously big deal. He knows everything about us all.”

We all agreed to meet up later in the day, unfortunately life got in the way sometimes.

I was close to home when I saw someone sitting on my fence. As I got closer I realised it was Issam.

“What are you doing here?” I called. I stopped in my tracks.

“Why do you sound so surprised to see me?” He looked puzzled.

“Um…” I said. “You’ve forgotten that you attacked us earlier?”


“You know, we all trusted you, how could you just stab us in the back like this?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He walked over to me.

“Traitor!” I shouted. I formed a fire ball in my hand. I didn’t really want it to come to this.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, Issam. But you attacked us, that’s your fault.” I said as I threw flames towards him.

He leaped out of the way and into my front yard. He continued to run into my back yard, so I followed him, pulling my mobile phone out of my pocket and dialling the first number in my address book. A for Anna.

“I need help! Get to my house right now!” I shouted, hanging up the phone. “Would you stop running?”

“What do you want me to do?! You’re trying to roast me!” He yelled back.

He got to the end of the backyard and prepared to climb the fence.
I threw flames at him, but with his telekinesis he shot them back at me, but it seemed as if he was just trying to divert them away from me.


I was at Ken’s house, with Claire and Rachel when Jen called me, needing help.

“Well it’s a good thing I’m here then.” Claire said, and teleported the four of us to Jen’s house.
The first thing we heard was the deafening screech of a fire alarm. There were flames around the back of the house and flames on the neighbours house.

“Holy crap” I said. Soon ice formed from my hands, going up my arms. I shot it at the flames, freezing them all and putting them out.

“Jen!” Ken shouted and ran over to her. She was on the ground.

“Is she..” I began to say, but I was interrupted as Jen sat up and started coughing loudly.

“Where the hell is Issam?!” She said, looking around wildly.

“There’s nobody else around here.” Ken said. “I can only hear you guys.”

“No! Issam!” Claire yelled. “Holy crap, Jen, you killed him?! I know he attacked us, but you killed him? I’ve known him the longest out of all of us, I have to go back… I have to stop this.”

Issam was lying on the ground, he must have been thrown several feet, it looked like a bomb hit in the backyard.

“Claire, wait!” I yelled as she disappeared into thin air. It was annoying when she did that.


“Claire, wait!” was the last thing I heard before I teleported away.

I was in Jen’s backyard, the same place I was standing earlier. But it was different, there was no evidence of fire. I left the backyard and teleported to Ken’s house.

I watched as Anna, Ken, Rachel and the younger me walked into the house. I didn’t want her to catch me, it could mess things up. I didn’t have time to worry about that though. Jen and Issam were in danger of killing each other in just a couple minutes.

I teleported inside the house, going straight to Ken’s room. The four of them chose that moment to walk into the room.

“Holy crap, give me a heart attack.. Claire…” The younger version of me said. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to stop a… friend of ours being killed. We have to get to Jen’s house, Issam is in trouble.”

“He’s turned villain now, why should we help him?” Anna asked.

“We can’t just let him die! I have the power to stop this, I’m not going to let him die.” And with that, I grabbed Ken, Rachel and Anna’s arms and teleported to Jen’s house. The younger me followed.

“Listen, younger Claire. It’s really confusing having you around, and I don’t want to mess this up, okay? Go home, please. It’ll be like this never happened in a few minutes.” I hoped so. It was too weird having two Claire’s exist in one place. Really freaky.

We ran to the backyard, leaving the younger Claire behind. Jen and Issam were fighting. Well, it was mostly Jen fighting. It seemed as if Issam was trying NOT to hurt Jen, even though she was almost kicking his ass.

They heard us approach, when Rachel stepped on a branch and broke it. They turned to us, startled, and Issam stumbled backwards, hitting a barbeque grill behind him.

“Oh, s***” I yelled as the gas was turned on. Jen had fire in her hands. It combined with the gas and there was a bright explosion. I flew through the air and fell to the ground. I could see Ken next to me, on fire and looking quite dead.

My whole body hurt, and I realised that I was on fire too. I screamed, and the last thing I saw was something like a white light, before it turned into darkness.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #77 on: October 09, 2008, 03:38:45 AM »
um...just in case you don't know, all comments and discussion for this fic goes here:,448.375.html

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #78 on: October 14, 2008, 12:00:22 AM »
Russell's awesomeness  ;D


“Listen, younger Claire. It’s really confusing having you around, and I don’t want to mess this up, okay? Go home, please. It’ll be like this never happened in a few minutes.” Future me said.

She had run into the backyard with the others, leaving me standing out in the street, confused as all hell. 

I considered teleporting home, but just as I was about to go, there was a big flash of light. The ground shook as Jen’s backyard was exploding.

I stopped time and ran to the backyard. There were flames everywhere, frozen in place. I said a few curse words as I saw my friends scattered around the place. I looked down at my own dead body and retched.

“Jen!” I shouted and ran over to her, helping her stand up. She was in better shape then the others, since she was immune to fire.

“This is all my fault, I have to go back again.” I said to her, and it was like watching a DVD. Basically I pressed rewind.

I watched as Jen sat back down, got thrown backwards through the air, as well as Ken, Rachel, Anna and myself. The flames all went back into Jen’s hands. Everyone started running backwards out of the backyard.
It was extremely weird yet extremely cool to see.

I tried to change time so that no one would have to die. I tried five times and each time my friends died, each time ended in that single explosion that killed them all.
I froze time and sat outside Jen’s house in the gutter.

Every time I tried to save my friends I ended up killing them. This time travel stuff sucks.
“Dammit.” I muttered. I finally realised that I had an idea. It was the only choice I had left.

I rewound time again, going back to the start. I waited for Jen and Issam to show up and run into the backyard. At the last second I teleported them away, down the street and away from where the explosion was happening.

I was launched through the air and fell to the ground. It all went black.


I met up with the others at the morgue. Claire was dead. None of us could believe it.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” Jen said sadly. “She saved me…”

After a long time of us saying our goodbyes to Claire, we left the morgue.

We were walking through the woods, all of us, with Ax.

“Wait, stop! I hear somebody, well I hear their thoughts…” Ken said hurriedly.

We all crouched down and hid behind some bushes and scrubs. A boy ran towards us at top speed, going past us and continuing to run away from us. Soon enough two people and two Hork-Bajir controllers ran after him.

“Holy crap!” I muttered.

“The guy, he’s not a controller. He’s free, he escaped. He’s Visser Threes human morph! His name is Russell, and he’s 18.” Ken revealed.

The boy stopped running in a clearing not too far away from our hide out. The human-controllers and Hork-Bajir stopped.

“Enough of this!” Russell yelled.

“Let’s morph.” Jen said. “We could get caught just sitting here. Battle morphs, now. Let’s go.”

Russell raised his arms, and the trees around him began to sway.

<What the hell is he doing?> I wondered, as all of us tried to creep closer, still not being noticed.

Russell’s eyes went wide when he saw us, and slightly nodded.

We knew he had a power, which Visser Three would also have. He was there in his human morph, one of the human controllers we could see.


“Are you sure this is going to work?” I asked.

“Trust me, this guys power never fails.” Shanker replied.

I had met up with Shanker and his crew after the explosion. I had been betraying my friends, helping Shanker for a while now. And now Claire was dead. I hadn’t wanted that to happen.

Shanker knocked on the door to someone’s house.

“This better work.” I said.

The door opened, it was just some guy. “You ready?” Shanker said. He had already spoken to the guy on the phone earlier.

“Yes.” The guy answered. He has a slight Jamaican accent.

We drove to the morgue in silence, I had no idea what to talk about. I just hoped this worked.

“Are you sure this will work?” I finally said.

“For the last time, yes. I’m sure, isn’t that right, Rich?”

“Do not call me Rich.” Richard said.

Soon enough we arrived at the morgue and went inside. It was shut, so Shanker put some acid on the doors to let us inside.

I searched for Claire’s name. “This is it.” I pulled out a drawer from the wall, it revealed a person in a bag. I unzipped it and it was Claire.

She looked just like I saw her last, except she was burnt along her face and her clothes were scorched black.

“Okay. It is time.” Richard said, holding his hands out on Claire’s forehead.

A few seconds later, Claire sat up and coughed, looking around at us.


I coughed violently as I sat up. “What the hell just happened?!”

“Claire! You’re alive!” Issam said.

“Oh it’s you. The traitor.” I laughed.

“Hey, me and Shanker organised this. Without us you’d still be dead. Thanks to our friend here you aren’t.”

“Yea I know.” I said. “I missed you guys. Playing nice was starting to get annoying.”

“Let’s get out of here. We have things to do. We need to meet up with Kat and Sakae soon.” Shanker said. “Rob and the others are already there.


I was slightly nervous, using my power against Visser Three like this.
The Andalites Visser Three called “Andalite bandits” happened to be close by, so I was less worried after that.

The trees around me swayed, and soon they took a step towards Visser Three. He did the same to the trees around him, but I had more experience with the ability.  I used my power on a log next to Visser Three. The log stood up and slammed into Visser Three, knocking him to the ground.

He slowly stood up, and the Andalites took the chance to start fighting.
A bull ran straight into the Hork-Bajirs, knocking them off their feet.

Visser Three began to morph, so I used the opportunity to continue to use my ability. Every inanimate object around him became animated, attacking him. He continued to morph, eventually stopping as a small bird. He flew away, no matter how hard I tried to stop him from getting away.

The other human controller was long gone, ran away when the bull came along.
The Andalites turned to walk away from me, but I didn’t want to be left in the middle of the woods.

“Wait.” I said.

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Re: [Fic/Crossover] The New
« Reply #79 on: November 10, 2008, 03:54:06 AM »
Actually going to save the cheerleader? I don't believe it! ;)


It was a few days after the Visser Three fight, and I still could not believe it. I was living in an Andalite’s scoop in the middle of the woods, and the Andalite bandits were a group of super powered humans, just like me.

It was interesting living with an alien, I had already lived with a Yeerk in my brain for a little while, but I went through a lot to escape the way I did. Visser Three made the order to have me be killed, so the Yeerk controlling me left me for another host.

I could barely remember it, the fighting and the escape. I didn’t want to remember it. The only thing wrong with Ax was that he was a TV hog.
“There’s this car show on now, you mind?” I asked impatiently.

He started talking about “These Messages” so I just walked out of the scoops and went for a walk through the woods.

After sitting on a log for ages, the others came. We had scheduled a meeting today.

“Okay, first things first. We lost two of our members, but gained two recently. These villains need to be taken care of. Second thing I need to mention is the saving of the cheerleader which Claire told us to do. Do we still need to do this? I mean, future Claire seems like she isn’t a villain, but who knows? What does everyone else think?” Jen said.

“I think we save her. I mean, we have to get to her before they do. Or the Yeerks.” Tim replied.

“Good idea. So, you guys said Claire was a teleporter? How are we going to get there without being able to teleport?”  I asked.

“We start driving.” Jen said, dangling her keys in her hand.

We had to take three cars, as only two of us knew how to drive, Tim and Jen, but I could make cars become animated so I didn’t need to how to drive.


It was a week after Claire had risen from the dead. She and Issam had told us all about the Yeerks. We may be villains, but we didn’t want to be infested by aliens.

We found an old abandoned apartment building, which we were using as a headquarters.

“So, what now?” Claire asked. “I didn’t join you guys to just sit here and do nothing. We need to go save this cheerleader, and the Yeerks are out there.”

“You sound like you want to change your mind.” I said.

Shanker raised his eyebrow. “If you want to leave, then leave.”

“Listen to me, if we go to Texas, maybe we can stop Sylar. He’ll kill us all if we don’t. He’s dangerous, but all of us against him? We can stop him.”

“Fine. We’ll go to Texas, and probably run into your old friends. When do we leave?”

“Tomorrow. It happens tomorrow.” Claire said.

“Alright. Jayne? Jayne? What’s with you, everytime I say Jayne, you take so long to turn around, like you don’t know your own name.”

“Oh, sorry.” Jayne turned around.

Shanker looked impatient. “Just get the others, we need to leave tomorrow.”


“Okay. Thanks.” I said as I walked out of a gas station in Midland, Texas.

Ken had decided that he needed waffles before we went to save the cheerleader, which was in a couple of hours.

We walked into the diner and found a table, while Ken and Anna went to order food for us all.  The diner was pretty quiet, only a couple of girls talking at the front, and an Asian man who looked lonely.

For an hour, we just waited, with not much else to do in such a small town.

A bit later on, I heard a man speaking to the Asian man from before. He hadn’t moved from the diner since we got there.

“You have a power? Super strength? Teleporting, like Hiro?”

“Guys, guys, quiet.” I muttered. “Ken, check them out, are they Yeerks?”

He concentrated, but then shook his head. “No, they aren’t.”

We listened in to their entire conversation, and when the other man said “I know where the cheerleader gets attacked, I have to stop it.” I stood up and walked over.

“Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but overhear you. You need to save a cheerleader? That’s why we are here. A girl, who can teleport through time and space, well her future self told her to save a cheerleader.”

“You’re serious? This.. this sort of happened to me too.”

“Oh thank God for that. I figured you’d think I was crazy!” I laughed.

“I still do. But I need to save her, can you help me?”

“Sure. I’m Mike by the way.” I held out my hand, and he shook it.

“I’m Peter.”

All of us met up outside and told Peter our names.  A few minutes later we started driving towards Odessa. Peter took a taxi there.
Finally we made it to the high school. It was quiet and dark around this side, because there was some sort of celebration happening, homecoming I assumed.

“Ahh!” Peter muttered, his hand flying to his head. One of his hands was covered in ice, and then the other hand was covered in fire. “What’s happening? Do you all have abilities, like me?”

“What are you doing?”

“I absorb other peoples abilities, and now I’m absorbing all of yours, what are they?”

I explained to him everyone’s powers.

“Great, just great.” He said, falling over and hitting the ground hard.

“Um.. what the heck just happened?” Tyler said.

“Maybe he absorbed too many abilities. Let’s get him in the car, he’ll be safe there while we save this girl.” Russell said.

Tim and Ken started to help him up, but Ash picked Peter up like he was a piece of paper.

“Still can’t get used to the whole super strength thing.” Tim smiled.

“You guys again.” A voice said from close by. We whirled around to see the group of villains standing there, including Issam and Claire.

“Here to save a cheerleader? Didn’t think it was your style.” Jen said. “You got some extra villains on your side now, huh?”

Two new girls stood close by. Ken informed us of their names, Kat and Terenia.  “Seen Sylar around, by any chance?” Kat asked.

“Of course… you’re here to find Sylar!” Ken said. “You want him to join you? Good luck with that.” He added sarcastically.

“We don’t have time for this!” Claire urged. “Let’s go save her.”

“I’m not done here.” Shanker said.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 03:12:30 AM by Claire v2.0 »
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