Welcome back, Jayne (and Jax, by association)!!
Jayne, you've missed it, I suppose, so I'll post it here: I've been (slowly) making a sequence of poems about/for different RAF members. They are in my poetry thread, but I'll go ahead and post yours here.
I hope you like it!
Every day, I greet the dawn,
twelve more hours to carry on,
one more night survived and gone,
wondering if I'm Knight or Pawn.
Darkling things surrounding me,
I'm the one that stands between
the Human dreams, so pure and clean
and Creatures no one else can see,
the horrid Things that shouldn't be.
Every night, I face the threat.
One more time, a trap to set.
I venture forth and spread the net,
then hurry home without regret.
Swiftly fades the sky to grey.
With clearest Sight and surest aim,
the trick is made, I win the game.
So when the light reveals the day,
only I will walk away.