In this book, the Animorphs hit on a truly brilliant plan: Morph mosquitoes, so that they can draw the blood of one Hewlett Aldershot (2nd in command at the Secret Service, and currently lying comatose in a Yeerk controlled hospital), so that they can acquire his DNA without having to go to him in their natural forms! They would then morph him, go to the President, and tell him all about the Yeerks, and buttress their credibility by showing off their morphing abilities.
However, an Andalite warship just happens to bump the parts of their masses that have been extruded into Z-Space. They therefore find themselves in Z-Space, and are soon beamed aboard the Andalite warship (The Ascalin).
PP 82-86: Ascalin captain Samilin turns out to be a traitor (but why would any Andalite help the Yeerks voluntarily, given the intense hatred between those two races?). He programs the ship to land behind Yeerk lines on Leera, and slices off the tail of T.O. Harelin. After the Animorphs help Harelin defeat the captain, why doesn't he morph and demorph to regrow his tail? Shouldn't it be standard procedure for all Andalite warriors to have at least one morph so that they can do the healing morphing trick?
P 87: Harelin tells Ax and the Animorphs to morph something small so that he can blow them out the escape hatch before blowing up the ship. Why doesn't he tell the entire crew to morph something small (and exit via the escape hatch) in order to elude the waiting Hork-Bajir? (If the answer is that none of the crew had small morphs, I would ask why Andalite soldiers don't routinely acquire small morphs for just this type of situation).
P 136: Force Commander Galuit says that few Andalite warriors acquire morphs, which answers my questions up above, but begs the question "Why don't ALL Andalite warriors acquire morphs as a matter of course, so that they could use big morphs to crush enemy troops, or small morphs to hide from their enemies?".
I recommend that the Andalites hire the mind reading Leerans to scan for Andalite traitors.