Author Topic: Animorphs+primeval+godzilla(Da series) Please respond! *Update: chapte 2+3 added  (Read 1517 times)

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Offline robinwing

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Yeah, I was so bored today, and it was the last day of school, plus I saw godzilla (1998) a few days ago, and my favorite show's primeval, so I desided to write a fanfic. I have no title for it yet, but when I get one I'll put it up.

Prologue, part 1

Okay, listen up. It's Jake. You probably already know what's going on around here. But just in case you don't, here's the deal: Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, Marco, and me are five kids and one alien out to save the world.
No, this isn't a joke. It's real. About as real as you can get. Real enough for screaming nightmares about the things you've seen and done.
Because sometimes the stuff you see in the movies, the stuff you thought could never, ever happen to you... well, it can happen. It does happen. I've seen it.
I can't tell you my last name. Or where I live. There's an alien invasion going on. Right here on Earth. But I'm not talking little green men with ray guns. I'm talking a much smarter way to conquer a world. Just invade people's brains.
I'm not nuts. I've seen it. And because of that, my friends and I were given a special power - the power to morph into any animal we touch. To acquire it's DNA. It's the only way we can fight the Yeerks - that's what they call themselves. We have to find a way to stop these slugs that get into people's heads and make them slaves.
But things have gotten worse. We need backup. A new Animorph. We've tried this once before and it didn't work out. At all. We're going to try again. But this time, we won’t make the same mistake. We’ll make sure it’s someone we know well. Someone who won’t switch sides. It’ll be risky, but we have to risk it. Because, we don’t know it yet, but we will have to face our hardest battle yet…

Prologue, part 2

The raptor nudged her eggs closer together. She looked around, watching for scavengers, and wasn’t surprised when she saw a lizard slinking forward, trying to get at her eggs. She lunged at it, and was satisfied when she tasted the sharp tang of blood in her mouth. She dropped the lizard on the ground and began eating. When she was done, she ran back to her eggs. It was getting late, and night meant cold, and cold meant dead eggs. She gently laid down on all twenty eggs, making sure that none of them were cold tonight.

The raptor awoke the next morning to the sounds of humans doing unknown things. She watched from her nest, which was hidden in the trees, as the humans walked around in strange clothes. She ****ed her head to one side, trying to understand what they were doing. Suddenly, one human waved his hand in the air, and all of the other humans hurried of the beach. The raptor looked around, confused at their sudden change in behaviour. Suddenly, an island a little ways of exploded. The raptor screeched in confusion and fear, and rattled her neck scales. She ran around, totally forgetting about her eggs. She found the shining thing she had arrived through to this horrible place, and escaped back to her time, just as it closed.

Chapter 1

I sat in social studies class, listening to the teacher drone on about the history of America. I wrote all I could down in my notebook. It was a few minutes before the bell when she said, “Remember, children, our trip to New York is to take place on Friday, so get your permission slips signed and returned by Wednesday!” Then the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door into freedom. I saw Rachel, my best friend, at her locker. I walked over to her.
“Hey.” I said.
“Hey.” Rachel said, turning. “So, you going on the field trip?”
“Yup.” I said. We walked out of school, talking about random stuff, when we bumped into a kid named Carly. She was a year or two younger than us, but I knew her a little. She looked up at me and Rachel, and looked a little scared. She kept on looking over her shoulder, as if she expected to see someone with an axe come out at any moment. “Hi.” She said, looking over her shoulder yet again.
“Hey Carly.” I said.
“Hey.” Rachel said. She looked at me with a worried expression. I could tell she had the same worries as me. We had seen many horrible things before, and I was pretty sure I knew what was wrong.
“See ya.” Carly said suddenly, and sprinted off. I looked at Rachel, and whispered, “Tell Jake I’m holding a meeting at the barn.” I ran off to catch the bus after that.

  “Okay, what is this meeting for?” Marco asked from the hay bale he sat on. Everyone was in the barn, except for Ax, waiting for me and Rachel to explain what had happened today. I looked at Rachel, and then I said, “Me and Rachel bumped into Carly today…” I began, but Marco cut me off. “Wait, which Carly? The ugly one in my class, or the cute kid in grade 7?” I saw Rachel roll her eyes. Marco and Rachel rarely get along, and always seem to be competing with each other.
“The one in grade seven.” I said. “Anyways, she seemed to be all jumpy and twitchy. I think it has something to do with the yeerks. She kept on looking over her shoulder, and suddenly ran off when she saw some guy in a black suit.” Jake looked thoughtful. He said, “It may not have anything to do with the yeerks, but I think we should have her on watch.” He glanced at me before continuing. “Tom said that the sharing has a new huge facility in New York. I was thinking that when we go on that field trip, we could attack the facility. It would help if we had more firepower.” We all knew what he was thinking. If Carly was a yeerk target for some reason, we could turn her into an Animorph.
<But remember what happened with David? > Tobias said what we were all thinking. We had made David an Animorph when his parents were taken by the yeerks. Long story short, he tried to kill us and give the blue box to the yeerks. He had failed, and now he was stuck in a rat morph on an island. None of us wanted to go through that experience again.
“If it comes to that, we may have to risk it.” Jake said. He looked at me, and said, “What do you think?”
“Um… I think we should risk it.” I said. Jake nodded.
“Okay then, Tobias and Rachel can have the first watch.” He nodded to them. Rachel nodded.
“This meetings over now, I guess.” Jake said. “See ya later.” He said, leaving. As everyone left but me, I could only hope I was right about this.

*UPDATE!!!* Chapter 2 and 3 added! here they are!

Chapter 2

I flew over the house in seagull morph, with Tobias a little ways off. I flew close to the window and landed on the ledge. I looked into the house and saw Carly looking at her parents. She took a deep breath, and then began talking. Luckily, the glass wasn’t thick, and I could hear what she was saying. “Mom… I…I found some… some stairs at the sharing that lead to... to a… a hor- horrible place with people in cages and… and a big pool in the middle, and I was so scared, and there were monsters, and some people chased me, and… and….” Carly suddenly began to cry. He mother looked at her father, and nodded. The father walked over to the phone and dialled a number. I heard him say, “She saw it.”. I’d heard enough to know that Carly was in trouble. I looked up and saw Tobias flying up a little ways above.
<Tobias! > I cried.
<What? > He asked. I fluttered into a bush and began demorphing.
<Cassie was right! > I said. My thought-speak would some morph away. <Get the others! Tell them to come in battle morphs! > Then my thought-speak faded away.
<Okay! > Tobias said. I looked up and saw him flying away at full speed. I was fully human by the time he was out of sight. I began morphing into my battle morph, a grizzly bear. I concentrated on its DNA, and felt the changes begin. My mouth and nose suddenly burst outwards. I felt fur grow out of my back. My spine grew, and I suddenly fell forward onto all fours. My arms grew fur, and my nails grew longer. The last thing to change was a tail. Then I was a full grizzly bear. I had morphed just in time too, as a car had just pulled into the driveway. I stood up and peered through the window. People were grabbing Carly and dragging her away. I could hear her screaming. I knew I shouldn’t take them on on my own, but the others were taking to long. By the time they arrived, it would be too late. So I did the only possible thing I could think of. I roared and bashed through the windows. The people in the house looked shocked for a second, but then one of them took a gun out of his jacket. He began shooting at me. Lucky for me, bullets were nothing to a grizzly. They still stung when they hit, but it was better than getting killed. I ran at the man with the gun, who decided to get out of the way of a rampaging grizzly. He dropped the gun and dove for the sofa. I trampled the gun. Suddenly there were guns firing all at once. I caught a glimpse of Carly crawling behind a chair. I ran toward one of the people, but this one wasn’t smart enough to get out of the way in time. I rammed him, but not hard enough to kill him. Just hard enough to stun him. That’s when things got ugly. I guess one of the people called for reinforcements, because suddenly hork-bajir burst through the wall. In case you don’t know what they look like, they’re these huge, seven feet tall lizards, with blades all over them. I’ve been in battle with them before, and I know just how dangerous they can be. Anyways, they began pouring into the room, and I knew that if the others didn’t arrive soon, I’d ether die or be captured. And none of those options seemed pleasant. I had to distract them, somehow, until the others arrived. I did the only thing I could think of doing in this situation. I roared. The hork-bajir paused for a second, but then they continued pouring into the room. I knew I was screwed. Suddenly, there was a roar from outside, followed by a screech. If I could have smiled, I would have. Because I knew that the rest of the Animorph had come to the rescue.

Chapter 3
Abby (Primeval)

Abby watched the acrocanthosaurus carefully. It could smell her, she knew that. Abby knew she was safe up the tree, but she couldn’t help worrying that it would somehow get up to her and her boyfriend, Connor. They had been stuck in the cretaceous for a few months now; well, she was pretty sure it was a few months. It was hard to tell time in the past. She looked at Connor and mouthed, What do we do? Connor just shrugged. Abby looked back at the acrocanthosaurus, which was now looking around, looking confused. Why is it doing that? Abby thought. She looked around, and caught a glimpse of something moving the tree a little ways off. It was moving very fast, and heading strait towards them. Abby tapped Connors shoulder and pointed in the direction of the shaking trees. Connor’s mouth dropped open. He looked about to jump out of the tree, so Abby tapped his shoulder and pointed to the acrocanthosaurus below them, which was now growling with annoyance. That seemed to get Connors senses back. He looked behind him at the trees. Abby followed his gaze, watching the trees. She turned and saw that the acrocanthosaurus was looking that way too. Abby turned back to the shaking trees, when suddenly she heard snap! Crack! Crash! The acrocanthosaurus screeched, and Abby was able to see a huge dinosaur standing over the fallen acrocanthosaurus, screeching in triumph.  It was the largest thing she’d ever seen, bigger even than a giganotosaurus (Though not by a lot.). It was also the scariest looking she’d ever seen; it had a killing claw on each toe, plus one on its tail. As if that wasn’t enough, it had huge sabre teeth. It had scales on its back and arms that looked dangerous. A few scales on it’s back were covered in blood, too. Abby turned her gaze towards the now dead acrocanthosaurus. It had two holes punched through the middle of it, plus many other rips in the skin, probably caused by the scales. The strange dinosaur bent down and ripped a chunk out of the acrocanthosaurus. Another one suddenly ran out beside the first and hissed at it, grabbing the chunk in its mouth and ripped a chunk out of that. Abby suddenly realized that they were a type of raptor! She turned to Connor, who was staring at the scene with a look of horror on his face. Abby nudged him, and whispered, “Connor, what the hell are those things?” Connor shrugged. “I don’t know.” He whispered. “There’s nothing like them in the fossil record.” By now, at least ten raptor things had appeared, all fighting over the remains. Suddenly, one of them whipped its head around and stared at Connor and Abby. It shrieked and crouched down.
“I think we should leave now.” Abby whispered.
“Yup.” Connor whispered, turning around and grabbing onto a branch overhead. Abby did the same. They swung down onto a lower branch just as the raptor jumped. Abby looked up, and saw the raptor crouched, hissing. It took her a moment to realise it was in the tree. She climbed as fast as she could. “Come on!” She heard Connor scream a little ways below her. “Hurry!” She was getting closer to the ground when she saw the raptor jump. This is it. She thought. I’m dead. She covered her face and prepared to die. She heard a crashunk! And suddenly realized she could feel hot breath one her arms. She uncovered her face and saw the raptor’s face only a few inches away. One of its sabre teeth had gotten stuck on a branch! She heard the branch begin to snap and bend. She knew it wouldn’t hold much longer. Abby climbed down the tree as fast as she could climb. She hit the ground just as the branch snapped and the raptor hit the ground, dazed, but alive. Abby ran after Connor, who was screaming “Abby! Hurry! Come on!” Abby soon caught up to him, and they ran as fast as they could. Abby heard a screech, and looked behind her to see all the raptors running after them. She ran fast as she could, but she was getting very tired. Connor seemed to be getting tired too. Suddenly Abby looked up and saw a huge tree, a huge redwood, by the size of it.
“Connor! The tree!” She screamed, pointing at the tree. Connor and Abby ran forward and Abby grabbed onto a low branch. She began climbing. She looked down and saw Connor a little lower than her, and turning her head, she saw the raptors still coming for them. Abby kept on climbing, and by the time the raptors arrived beside the tree, she and Connor were half way up, too high for the raptors. They were safe; for now.

*Update: july 2* I have finidshed chapter 4! Here it is:

Chapter 4

I flew as fast as I could. I knew that if I didn’t make it, Carly would be made a controller. But even if I did make it, she wouldn’t be guaranteed safe. I knew a battle would soon take place. I soon arrived at Jakes house, which was closest. I saw him in his bedroom, studying. I flew to his window and tapped it with my beak.
<Jake! I don’t have much time. Cassie was right! > Jake looked at me and nodded. He got up and ran downstairs, about to make an excuse to get out. I flew off towards Marcos. He was alone when I got there. I tapped on the window, and he came over and opened it.
“Cassie was right, wasn’t she?” Marco asked.
<Yup. > I said.
“I’ll call Cassie, you go help Carly.” He said. “I’ll tell Cassie to get Ax.”
<Okay. Great. > I flew off towards Carly’s house. On the way there, I saw a peregrine falcon flying a little ways off.
<Jake? Is that you? > I asked.
<Yeah, I guess. > Jake said. We were almost at Carly’s house now. There was a car outside the front of the house, and I knew who was in there. Jake landed in a bush and demorphed. He looked up at me when he was fully human and gave me a thumbs up. I flew to the house as he began morphing into a tiger, his favourite battle morph. By the time I got there, I saw Jake appear behind a tree in full morph.
<Let’s go! > He said. He roared, and I screeched. Jake ran into the house and I followed him. It was chaos inside. I saw Rachel surrounded by controllers and hork-bajir. I screeched and dived at one of them. The hork-bajir clutched at where his eyes should have been. I screeched again, and flew as high as I could get in the house. Suddenly, I felt some sort of large object hit my, and everything went black.

   I woke up in Cassies barn, dazed but alive. Looking around, I saw Carly a few feet away, listening to the others explain to her about the yeerks. She looked horrified. I wasn’t surprised. I heard Cassie explaining the yeerks to her. “… And you saw what they can do.” She paused, and looked at Carly, who was now staring into space. “You okay?” Cassie asked. Carly nodded. “That pool I saw, was the yeerk pool?” She asked. Cassie nodded. Carly looked around the barn. “Why did you guys help me?” She asked suddenly. Cassie looked surprised by that question, but she still said, “Why wouldn’t we?” Carly shrugged. I guess no one noticed I was awake.
<Hey guys. > I said. They all turned around and looked at me, except for Carly, who looked around in confusion.
“Tobias!” Rachel said. “Are you okay?” I stretched my wings. Nothing seemed broken.
<No, I don’t think so. > I said.
”Ah, it’s the bird that’s talking this time.” Carly said.
<Um, technically I’m a hawk. > I said. 
“Okay.” Carly said, nodding. She seemed really paranoid. I looked at Rachel and asked, <What happened? >
“Someone threw a book at you.” Rachel said. The battle went badly, and we were barely able to save Carly.” She added, pointing to Carly. “We’ve already explained everything to her. She’s taking it surprisingly well.” Carly looked at me and said, “Is that the Tobias kid you told me about?”
“Yeah.” Jake said.
“So, let me get this strait.” Carly said suddenly. “Theirs an alien invasion going on, with slugs that invade peoples brains, and you guys, the Animorphs, are the only people that can stop this invasion?” Carly finished. Marco nodded. “Pretty much that.”
“Count me in!” Carly said, clenching her fists.
“Oh yeah!” Rachel said. She and Carly high fived.
“Oh no!” Marco moaned. “Not another Rachel!”

If you want to be in the fan fic, fill this out:
Name (Character):

To create a mutant (Example shalt be shown later)
Mutant name:
Size (Make it BIG!):

To create a future creature:
Creature name:

I will be putting up 2 chapters at a time.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 01:16:44 PM by robinwing »
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Offline Gumby

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I think this should be in the Animorphs RPG section.
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

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Offline robinwing

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Why? It's fan fic.
Hi. I like pie.

Offline AnyaSciarra

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Animorphs, Godzilla, and Primeval? This couldn't get better! It's funny that you'd choose Primeval and Animorphs. I have thought about those being put together. I like your opening!
"The saddest day of my life was that day when I learned that Sherlock Holmes was not real. Boy was I wrong."--- Norah Yasgur

Offline robinwing

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Thanks! I was watching primeval one day and thought what would happen if this met animorphs? I tried writing a fanfic bout that, but soon got bored. Then I watched godzilla, and for some reason I was thinking about animorphs, and then it hit me! Anyways, thanks! i'm currently writing chapter 4.
Hi. I like pie.

Offline AnyaSciarra

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  • "Computers don't care if they're yelled at."
Well, I think that it'll be great.
"The saddest day of my life was that day when I learned that Sherlock Holmes was not real. Boy was I wrong."--- Norah Yasgur

Offline Gumby

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I know it's  fanfiction, but you're giving people the choice to make a character and join in, so that makes it an RPG i believe.
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

Offline robinwing

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Wel, not exacly join in, just create a character that I wil deside what hasppens and I will metion in the book. So, it's not roleplaying.
Hi. I like pie.