So I got the e-mail about today's party, and I discovered the e-book section for the first time. I am blown away. I have all the books, and I really want to read them again, but I really don't like reading from traditional books anymore. The answer is right HERE though! On the computer! Woo! So I was looking at all the covers of the books in the e-book section, and I never really realized this because I was a pretty naive kid, but while I always loved this series because of the Animorphs' amazing ability to morph out of their human bodies and single handly stand up to an alien invasion all by themselves, the REAL amazing thing was the ability to get the DNA of some pretty bad ass animals while they were at it. At one point Marco becomes a deadly snake! A cobra, no less! Geeze. It has been so long since I read it, but just seeing the cover I am amazed I didn't find it as amazing when I was a kid. Back then I was just like "meh, snake, great" and continued reading to see what happens next. Now that I have discovered the amazing e-book section, I am going to go right ahead and start reading em all again from my computer!