Hi, my name is Taylor.
And alot was happenign to me right now.
we were at the Sharing.
We, meaning, me, Chance, Zack, Adam, Taliyah, and Jason.
We were gonig into to see if, all was that meets the eye.
Why us? and why can't we just mind our own business? Let me fill you in.
We were given the power to morph. By a dying alien, to stop other aliens. Yeah, I'm not a detail person, no wonder I'm failing English. Anyway, I was at the door with Adam. We were asking to get in.
"Please, sir? My Dad is in there, and..."
"Oh sure!" He said. "Be my guest, and remember..."
"Have fun?"
<Ok, your in,> said Chance's voice in my head. He was a fly on my shoulder. <This is just like Fighter Pilot 12: The Remix.>
"No need to geek out on us now," I whiusperede as we took a casual stroll around the building. You know, looking for trouble but not trying to find any.
<No anything,> Chacne said.
<Hmm, you need to get farther inside,> Taliyah said.
"The place doesn't look bad," I said. "It's really cool, it has games, pizza, soda. It's like Chuck-E Cheeze only cooler."
"Excuse me?" asked a girl.
"Oh, sorry, I'm jsut...telling my friend about how much I love the Sharing?"
"Oh, well, good for you, if you really love it, you should become a member."
"Well, every Tuesday night, there's an intiation for newcomers, you should join," she then grabbed my hand and with a hollow look said. "You really should."