Author Topic: Morphs of the Old Republic  (Read 1178 times)

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Morphs of the Old Republic
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:56:41 PM »
This it a fic I tried to write awhile ago, it's a crossover of Star Wars: Knights of the old republic and Animorphs. I've made some changes to it and I think I can do a much better job this time.

Also I need a better title if anyone wants to make a suggestion.


I went to the dieing Animorph. She deserved to know why I played this game. For a long time I told her, and after awhile she seemed to understand.

I told the dying human, "Now you know who I am. What I am."

"Yeah, You were a kid. Like me in some ways, a kid who got in way too deep and couldn't get back out."

"A kid.”

"You were trapped. You still are. I've been trapped."

"Yes," I said.

"Was I one of your game pieces? Were all six of us just game pieces?"

I considered that for a moment. Who is to say who is piece and who is player? How often had I wondered whether I myself was just a game piece in a still larger game whose players laughed at my pre-tensions?

"I did not cause you to be one of the six. You are . . . you were . . . a happy accident. An unwitting contribution from the human race to its own survival."

The human was silent. No begging, no pleading for life. At the end, acceptance came even to this strong, turbulent spirit.

"You said I could ask one more question."


"I can't ask if we win, I can't ask if it will all turn out okay."

"I don't know those answers."

"Okay, then answer this, Ellimist: Did I... did I make a difference? My life, and my . . . my death . . . was I worth it? Did my life really matter?"

"Yes. You were brave. You were strong. You were good. You mattered."

"Yeah. Okay, then. Okay, then."

A small strand of space-time began to go dark. I reached out and stopped it.

"Crayak, I have a proposition." I saw the vile creature. The amalgamation of parts.

"You wish to use her in the other game?" He said.

"The other game. We each choose two, do you agree?" He made a hideously evil expression that I had come to know as his smile.

"Agreed, let us begin."

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Re: Morphs of the Old Republic
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 11:57:48 PM »
Chapter 1
2 Years Later

My name is Rachel. Rachel Solo.

It seemed right, I am alone after all. All my friends and family are somewhere a long ways away.

See, I died 2 years ago. But, thanks to the Ellimist, I was given a second chance at life. The only catch was that it would be in a galaxy far, far away, farther away than any Yeerk or Andalite had ever been.

But, and this is the strange part, there are humans everywhere. I mean there are all sorts of strange aliens but, at least on Taris, humans hold most of the power. Few aliens are even allowed in the Upper City, and the ones who are try to avoid it. People aren't very accepting of them, a lot are down right xenophobic.

The fact that the Sith have the entire planet under quarantine isn't helping matters in the least. Then a Republic ship was destroyed in orbit. Escape pods had crashed through to the Undercity, which is why I was down there. I may have been far away from my home, but I was still one of the good guys.

I was in bear morph when I found another pod.

<Mission, I found another one. It seems intact, I don't think the rakghouls could have gotten in.>

I found the pod's hatch. It was damaged and probably couldn't be opened from the inside. I reached up a paw and tested the hatch. The metal had been weakened and I got the hatch opened with relative ease.

I looked in and saw a man pointing a blaster at me. I couldn't tell with the bear's eyes, but he seemed to be okay.

<Whoa, I'm here to help.> I said.

"What the? What are you?"

<At the moment, a grizzly bear.>

"A what?"

<Never mind, I'm here to help. Are you the only one in there?> He moved a little and I saw an unconscious woman behind him.

<Give me a minute and I'll help you get her back to the Upper City.>

I move to the side of the hatch and started to demorph. My front legs shrunk, becoming much weaker human arms. Soon I was fully human again.

I stepped back to the hatch.

"That's better. Now lets get you two out of here."

"Where did you come from?"

"I'll explain later, but right now we need to get you two out of here before the rakghouls show up."

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Re: Morphs of the Old Republic
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 11:58:53 PM »
Chapter 2

For three days the woman tossed and turned on my bed in an abandoned apartment I'd been living in for the past year.

I learned that the man's name was Carth Onasi and that he was a republic solider that had been put in charge of protecting a Jedi named Bastila Shan. Carth didn't know what the woman's name was.

"If she's alive there's a good chance she being held by the Vulkers." I said. The Black Vulkers were one of the two major gangs on Taris, the other being the Hidden Beks.

"The Beks are the closest thing to good guys on the entire planet. I work with them sometimes. Supply raids, strikes on Sith bases, you know, like Robin Hood. I can get you into see their leader, Gadon Thek."

"I'd appreciate that Miss Solo." He said.

"It's Rachel, and don't mention it. I know good guys when I see them. Now, if we're going to get off this planet, we need a lot of credits."

"We?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's right. We."


"Ladies and Gentleman, they've been illegal for over twenty years. But tonight we have a fight to the death! We have Bendak Starkiller out of retirement for one last fight against or current champion, the Mysterious Stranger!"

That last one was me. I know what you're thinking, 'Why is she taking part in a fight to the death?'

We needed a lot of money, fast. Bendak had a huge bounty on his head, but there was no way to get near him out side of the ring. Being the champion I was the only one able to get him out of retirement. I had 1:100 odds against me. So I bet everything I had on myself.

I was about to become obscenely rich.

"Hope your will's up to date Solo." He taunted. I grabbed my sword from the sheath in the back of my skintight combat armor. My skin started turning green and scaly. Blades sprouted out of my wrists and I started growing taller.

"I still have a couple tricks up my sleeve, Starkiller." I said with my newly formed Hork-Bajir mouth.

The fight was bloody. Grenades, blaster bolts, and swords flashed.

I was constantly on the defense. I would need to get in a couple hits to bring down Bendak, but it would only take him one to kill me.

I got close and swung my sword. He did the same. We were locked, neither one wanting to be the first to give. I swung my tail around to hit his leg. He jumped, I swung my arm at his armored neck. I got lucky and hit a weak spot in his armor, slicing trough to his throat.

He was down, but that wasn't good enough. I slashed at his armor with my wrist blades, tearing through with unnatural ease. I grabbed a grenade from his belt. I went to arm it and stopped.

The man was already dead, I had know that. But I wanted there to be nothing left but a skull nailed to a fence post. I tossed the unactivated grenade away and stood up.

It was sickening how far I'd gone. I couldn't blame it on the morph, as ferocious looking as they are the Hork-Bajir are a peaceful race.

Far away I heard the crowd going mad and the announcer saying something about a beautiful victory. I had killed a man for money.
Not for the evils he had commited, but for money.


I woke up in a cold sweat. The fight had taken place almost two years ago but it still haunted me. I got up from the pile of blankets I was using as a bed and walked into the shower.

I came out feeling a little better. I put my armor on followed by some slacks and a tunic.

"Hey, Rachel. Look who's up." Carth said as I walked into the main apartment. Standing there was the woman. She wore a black vest with a lot of pockets over a long sleeved shirt. Her hair was done up in a tight braid.

"My name is Jayden Elias. I'm guessing you're the one who saved me." She said.

"Yeah, the name's Rachel Solo." I said.

"Carth here says you have a plan to get us of this rock."

"As a matter of fact, I do."