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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2011, 08:52:19 PM »
Last Exile:

Claus Valca - Jake, the de facto center of most of the action and responsibility
Lavie Hedd - Cassie, the participant character who is in over her head and isn't entirely comfortable with everything that has to be done
Tatiana Wiscla - Rachel, the bada$$ ice queen with well-concealed weaknesses and not-well-concealed impulsive tendencies
Alister Agrew - Tobias, the surprisingly-emotionally-stable, morally considerate individual with utter loyalty to the ice queen
Dio Eraclea - Marco, the source of humour and entertainment who lightens the mood for sake of morale, but who secretly has deeper and more serious problems than pretty much everybody else in the cast, and who isn't half the idiot the ice queen thinks he is
Lucciola - Aximili, the stoic career-military teenager, scorchingly intelligent, but generally on the quiet side of things, deferring decisions always to somebody else unless forced to act, and a terrifyingly capable fighter in his own right

Of course... some of these are a stretch, and your mileage may vary in your own interpretations of each character. :)
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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2011, 09:22:41 PM »
Mrs. Weasley = Rachel's mom. One stood between her children and a full grown bear. The other killed a woman who almost killed her daughter, and did it with style 8)

Both had a child killed by the enemy. Too bad Rachel's mother didn't get to avenge her the way Mollie avenged Fred. (Or was it George?)

It was Fred
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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2011, 07:53:29 PM »
Animorphs/The Pendragon Series by DJ MacHale.

Jake...well, this one's kind of obvious. Jake and Bobby Pendragon are both the leading characters in their respective series. Bobby's definitely more immature than Jake at the start, but that's probably because Bobby has a mentor figure to help guide him for a little while and Jake has no one. When Bobby loses his mentor, his "Uncle" Press-killed by Saint Dane, the main antagonist-it's comparable to when Jake realizes that Tom is a controller; it gives them both motivation to continue their respective fights. Although this happens for Jake in the first book, it happens for Bobby at the end of the second book...after you've already read 600 pages of his incessant complaining. Whew.

Both of them have a responsibility to essentially save the world--although considering the battle on Earth in Animorphs is a turning point in the war against the Yeerks, Jake probably has the responsibility of saving the freedom of who knows how many sentient species. Sounds difficult enough, but Bobby actually has it a little worse--he has to save Halla, which is "everything that ever was, ever is, and ever will be." Both are reluctant leaders, Bobby quits the fight at one point because he is simply tired of making decisions and being a leader for reasons he doesn't understand. In the end, though, Jake comes out of his war much, much, much more damaged than Bobby does. Especially when you take into account the fact that Bobby, at the end of the war, is allowed to go back in time to before he became a Traveler (that's what he is, like Jake is an Animorph), and relive his life with no war, nor any memory of it. And we all know what happened to Jake.

Rachel--In the Pendragon series, there is a multitude of strong, ****y, female characters, but a lot of them only have minor roles (Wu Yenza, Jinx, etc). In terms of main characters...I would say Rachel is an incomplete cross between Courtney Chetwynde, Bobby's beautiful, athletic, outgoing, popular love interest back home, and Loor, Bobby's alien, warrior, beautiful, brave, fellow Traveler, love interest. Thing is, Courtney's annoying as hell sometimes, and Loor's too well trained of a warrior to be as emotional as Rachel is. And neither of them account for Rachel's at-times psychotic behavior, which is really important to her overall character. Actually, the best representation of crazy outbursts of extreme violence only come from the villain, Saint Dane, and even then, they're very out of character.

Tobias--My mind jumps to Mark Dimond, Bobby's non-Traveler best friend back home, who's socially isolated, but not because his family is broken, but just because he's kind of a nerd outcast. Later on, he suffers great emotional trauma and it can be argued that he never really recovers from it.  Mark has a special relationship with Courtney (Rachel), but as of now, I'm not sure who really encompasses Tobias's feelings of isolation, his poetic narration, or general angst (although I guess Bobby can angst a lot).

Cassie--This is difficult. It's been a while since I read Pendragon, but if my memory serves me correctly, there aren't many Cassie-esque moral dilemmas. There are a lot of decisions to be made and the morality behind those decisions comes into play,'s not like Cassie's moral pandering. I'm going to say Cassie is most like Osa, the serene, wise, but also athletic warrior from another land. Oh yeah, she's also black. But...Osa dies in the first book and only has about 15 lines in the entire series. So I'm really inferring a lot about her personality from her brief appearance. Who knows, maybe she's the missing crazed nutjob that we need to represent Rachel fully?

Marco--Marco's role as the funny guy is best showed through the character of Vo Spader, a humorous fan favorite. He also has a father he lost to the enemy, much like Marco and his mom. The similarities stop there, though, because Spader is dangerously overemotional and impulsive, nearly costing Bobby and the others various missions. (Side note, Spader does actually act a lot like Cassie when he refuses to let a plane filled with people blow up--though he's been told by Bobby that if the plane does not blow up, chaos will ensue. After Bobby narrowly stops Spader, he tells him to go home until he's emotional ready to be a Traveler. Oh, how I wish someone told Cassie that once in a while.) Anyway, Marco's more strategic, analytical half can be seen in a couple other characters, but most interestingly, Saint Dane. Remember, he's the bad guy. Saint Dane isn't usually outrightly evil, but he implants himself in a precarious environment or social situation and does all he can to make sure the people of a land push their land into chaos--but he very rarely actually pulls the trigger. This all requires serious forethought, planning, and strategy, all of which Marco excell at. (Other side note, it also requires lots of manipulation and an understanding of people's emotions and how they will react in various situations. Sound familiar? Cassie...?)

Ax-I feel like I've written too much that no one's going to read, so I'm just going to say Ax is Aja, a brilliant computer nerd, and stop there. Not a very in depth or terribly accurate analysis, but it works.

David--Strongly similar to Nevva Winter. Her ordinary life is interrupted when she finds out she's a Traveler. She sees a lot of different worlds after spending time with the Travelers, discovers she doesn't like what the Travelers stand for, and joins Saint Dane. Dundundun!

Visser Three and Saint Dane are NOT very similar at all, as I alluded to above. Personally, I prefer Saint Dane as a villain.

This was fun to think about. Probably makes no sense if you've never read the Pendragon books before...well, if you haven't, you should, haha.

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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2011, 10:51:03 PM »
Animorphs/Beast Wars

Jake = Optimus Primal, the relunctant leader who, nonetheless, steps up to the roll.

Marco = Rattrap, comic releif and brilliant tactician.

Ax = Dinobot, honourable warrior. And I'd say he gets a bit of Silverbolt's social awkwardness anytime he's in human morph.

Cassie = Rhinox, Tigatron, and a little bit Optimus, as all desire peace over everything, and always take the time to stop and smell the flowers, and to learn from nature. Tigatron especially even had the same "leave the war, only to come back once realizing it's a necessary evil" storyline.

Rachel = Blackaracnia, sexy badass chick.

Tobias = Not really any close matches, but I guess you might be able to make an argument for AirRazor.

Ellimist = Cheetor, started off as just a kid playing games, then grew and matured into a leader-figure. Of course, Ellimist went even further, but Cheetor is still pretty close to how he started out.


Visser Three = Megatron

Crayak = The Vok

Drode = Inferno, crazy and completely devoted to his leader.

Chapman = Scorpinok, not as useless as he appears to be, but still gets no respect from any of his allies.

Taxxons = Waspinator, expendable and always getting killed.

Tom = Terrorsaur, only smarter. Essentially "The Starscream", as he thinks his leader is incompetent and wants to replace him. (At least by the end)
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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2011, 09:16:51 PM »

Ron = Marco (a...much stupider Marco) Leader's best friend. not the smartest of the group but has been known to have moments of brilliance (Ron's just happen to occur less often than Marco's)

Besides Ax, Marco was the smartest of the group.
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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2011, 03:40:07 PM »
Besides Ax, Marco was the smartest of the group.

True. Somehow I can't see Ron hammering out a math problem involving light years just off the top of his head. And Marco placed himself in danger even when he was a reluctant member of the group, whereas Ron's homelife made him a whiny SOB a good chunk of the time. (Even I wanted to kick his ass in Deathly Hollows)

Offline Tim Bruening

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Re: Animorph Character Swap
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2015, 02:22:57 AM »
Animorph/HP character swap

Harry = Jake. Protagnist and unofficial leader

Ginny = Rachel. Ms. Asskicker, not afraid to get down and dirty :P

Ron = Marco (a...much stupider Marco) Leader's best friend. not the smartest of the group but has been known to have moments of brilliance (Ron's just happen to occur less often than Marco's)

Hermione = Cassie. The group's tree-hugger moral compass, and minority(muggle-born) Cries a lot and most people either love or hate her, no in betweens

Nevile/Draco = Tobias. Both have been misunderstood social outcasts (Well..In Draco's case, he chose to be an outcast in book 6 when before, he was quite popular amongst his peers) and both have been pretty unhappy with their lives at some point

Luna = Ax. Need I say more?

Draco = David. Well Draco was never officially a member of Harry's inner circle but he did betray his school and he and David share similar characteristics and tragic situations.

Mrs. Weasley = Rachel's mom. One stood between her children and a full grown bear. The other killed a woman who almost killed her daughter, and did it with style 8)

I'll think of more later

The Harry Potterverse even has people who can turn into animals!

Lord Voldemort = Visser 3?

Dumbledore = Elfangor?