Mind-Jail" sounds like a great concept for the post-war on Earth stuff. So many story potentials and it would pick up on events post-war on Earth.
If there were Yeerks who willingly became
nothlits, I can imagine there being opportunistic Yeerks who would also find a way to beat the nothlit-proposal and bend the rules a bit coming up with an offer for the humans such as this.
Mind-Jail sounds like the ultimate prison. So long as the YPM-Yeerks are the ones in the head of the prisioners and become a force of good in human society. You would have an unwilling criminally inclined individual hijacked by a anything-can-happen type of Yeerk. They could be young or old, decent or malicious Yeerks themselves. The Chee would provide them sustainance but also monitoring. I could see it working in that universe.