Richard's Animorphs Forum

Animorphs Section => Animorphs Forum Classic => Topic started by: Yorick Brown on August 21, 2008, 11:05:39 AM

Title: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: Yorick Brown on August 21, 2008, 11:05:39 AM
-The Unknown or The Experiment?

-The Reaction or The Proposal?
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: Liz on August 21, 2008, 01:02:51 PM
The Unknown and The Proposal.  They were both really fun to read.  The Experiment was kind of dumb and The Reaction was good, but not one of my favorites.

Any special reason for asking about these particular books?
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: Phoenix004 on August 21, 2008, 01:05:15 PM
I'd probably say I preferred #28 (The Experiment) and #35 (The Proposal). Partly because I prefer Marco and Ax narrations to Cassie and Rachel ones, but mostly I just preferred the plot lines of those books.

#28 was funny, but still had some serious moral and ethical issue, and I found it interesting to see Ax's POV of how animals were treated on the Andalite homeworld. As a species, Andalites have no need for animals as meat or clothing, and they apparently find the idea of animal experimentation barbaric.

As for #35, it was interesting to see how intense stress affected the morphing ability. I sympathised with Marco as my parents are both getting remarried, although neither of mine have alien slugs in their brains (as far as I know). Also, I liked the part near the end when Marco mentions his new Star Trek idea (it sounded really cool!)

So why these 4 books exactly?
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: Yorick Brown on August 21, 2008, 02:00:12 PM
Both pairs were similar and I wanted to see people compare them
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: morfowt on August 21, 2008, 05:45:14 PM
#28 and #12. #28 I found funnier than #14. And #35, I didn't like. Something about it ticks me off.
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: filmstu2005 on August 21, 2008, 08:10:14 PM
Both pairs were similar and I wanted to see people compare them

Actually, only The Proposal and The Reaction share a similarity, which is the exploration of the morphing powers and how they can get f****ed up from time to time, based on your emotions. It was always fun to learn about the morphing complexities. The Separation was another book that also explored that.

But The Unknown and The Experiment are not similar. One has cows, the other horses. One deals with aliens and Zone 91 and Govt. The other about making voluntary host by feeding people beef. Not similar at all.
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: morfowt on August 21, 2008, 09:24:45 PM
actually they're sort of similar. they're two missions that the animorphs didn't have to do anything, and the yeerks would be pretty much busted anyway.
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: filmstu2005 on August 22, 2008, 02:56:13 AM
actually they're sort of similar. they're two missions that the animorphs didn't have to do anything, and the yeerks would be pretty much busted anyway.

They had to save Captain Torelli in The Unknown. He was the one the Yeerks were trying to grab. If they did capture him who knows what would have happen. So i wouldnt say the stories were similar
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: morfowt on August 22, 2008, 03:20:14 AM
I don't really see the harm in him being a controller. What's the worst that could happen?
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: filmstu2005 on August 22, 2008, 03:23:45 AM
I don't really see the harm in him being a controller. What's the worst that could happen?

Funny. That's what I said about David after the Animorphs rescued him and the blue box, but before they showed him who they were.
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: morfowt on August 22, 2008, 03:35:24 AM
well...what is the harm of David being a controller? Morally, not right, but what is the harm.
Title: Re: Which of these books did you prefer?
Post by: Phoenix004 on August 22, 2008, 05:55:11 AM
Infesting Torelli probably wouldn't have made any difference, as Visser Three was the only Yeerk that would recognise what the alien technology was (old Andalite toilet). Even if they had figured out what it was, so what? It doesn't benefit the Yeerks at all to know what it is, but not knowing forces them to waste unnecessary resources.