Richard's Animorphs Forum
Animorphs Section => Animorphs Fan Fiction & Art => Topic started by: Sub Visser on July 03, 2009, 03:29:12 PM
Like many Animorphs fans I felt empty after finishing the series, so I went looking for something more. What I found was an expertly rewritten books 53 and 54. They are written so well that I forgot KA wasn't the author. After reading them I knew I had to share what I found, enjoy!
Anybody going to read these, you won't be disappointed.
What are they like?
Is this the old one where it continues onto some planet afterwards, hooking up with a bunch of aliens and fighting another war?
Yeah, just end it with them dying in the Blade Ship collision, as intended.
It is written in KA style, but with a more optimistic ending. It's definitly not: "Rachel and Tom don't die and we all live happily ever after" no, it has a lot of not very happy parts but it just makes more sense. There are many things that I read and thought made 100% more sense than the real ending. It seemed to fit much better with the previous 52 than what KA's did. Trust me, you have to read these, you will not be disappointed.
How can it possibly "fit better"? She's the author. She's infallible when it comes to her own material. Nothing fits better than what the author intended for her own narrative.
But yeah, I've read the fic before. It's well-written, but is still pretty much basic fanfic. Better left unpublished, merely put on paper/harddrive for the author's personal benefit.
I agree, whatever KA thinks is the ending, that is the ending. But from my point of view this one follows the previous 52 books better and seems to make more sense. That is just my opinion.
Eh. I thought it was kind of convoluted and unnecessary, personally. It doesn't flow.
The only thing I didn't like was the stuff between Jake and James. But some stuff made so much sense, like [spoiler]the AUxillary Animorphs not just walking blindly into a sluaghter, and one of the last scenes is going back to the construction site, plus I totally agree that humans would not be so fast to accept Hork-Bajir.[/spoiler] idk, that's just me.
I would love to read it, but the links to the chapters aren't working.
They are working for me.
How can it possibly "fit better"? She's the author. She's infallible when it comes to her own material. Nothing fits better than what the author intended for her own narrative.
But yeah, I've read the fic before. It's well-written, but is still pretty much basic fanfic. Better left unpublished, merely put on paper/harddrive for the author's personal benefit.
the ending was a KASU
Okay, got it to work, read it, loved it. Tobachel FTW!