Richard's Animorphs Forum

Animorphs Section => Animorphs Forum Classic => Topic started by: Moanna on April 21, 2009, 11:38:26 AM

Title: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Moanna on April 21, 2009, 11:38:26 AM
Probably been asked before but I couldn't find it on this forum. (Maybe no one else was disturbed enough to want to know!)

If this is a violation do let me know, but as long as it's kept sensible surely no harm can come of it.  ???

I don't think KA ever mentioned anything, except something about a wishing tree.

I always assumed it was similar to horses, but then that doesn't seem, Andalite enough to me.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: wildweathel on April 21, 2009, 11:46:44 AM
There's nothing in cannon that deals with Andalite reproductive biology.  

So, we have nothing.  Move along.  Move along.

(seriously, we know more about Ketran and Skrit Na reproduction than Andalite.  Strange, hunh?)
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Coal Kropotkin on April 21, 2009, 11:53:58 AM
I always presumed they mated the same way as horses. Never thought about the birth giving.
And I would like to state the ONLY reason I even have thought about the mating is because of that sodding fan-fic. :P
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Moanna on April 21, 2009, 11:57:34 AM
I'm not judging, I thought about it cos i'm wierd and its interesting and I didn't see if it was mentioned anyware.

Nothing wrong with wondering, i think.... ::)
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Chad32 on April 21, 2009, 12:05:45 PM
It's been in other threads. I think maybe the Andalite Physiology thread. I figure they mate like horses, or dogs. The male comes from behind, and things procede from there. As for how a newborn eats, I figure they're able to eat grass from the start. If they take milk, then I figure the milk leaks down onto the grass, and the newborn walks on it. That may seem a little weird, but it's not as bad as other things I've heard about. Just look up how baby koalas eat.

That's my theory.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: wildweathel on April 21, 2009, 12:09:54 PM
Lactation is biologically extremely strange, guys.  No reason to think any other taxa have figured that trick out.
/me can't believe he's involved in this conversation.  Eject, eject, eject!
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: anijen21 on April 21, 2009, 12:20:58 PM
when a mommy and daddy andalite love each other very much, the kafit stork comes and delivers a baby!
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Coal Kropotkin on April 21, 2009, 12:28:31 PM
Well, I wouldn't have thought they lactated. Although if they do I would presume they would have some form of feeding area in their scoop. Like a small hole dug for baby to stick their foot in.
They seemed rather mammalian(Horse reference). So, I would say that they mate/reproduce as most mammals.
I think really the only difference would be the feeding.
Although it seems a bit... vulgar for such a proper specie.

Also, is it ever mentioned how long an Andalite gestation is?
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Essam 293 on April 21, 2009, 12:38:57 PM
when a mommy and daddy andalite love each other very much, the kafit stork comes and delivers a baby!

Oh, WIN!

+1 for you, haha.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Shark Akhrrana on April 21, 2009, 12:58:18 PM
I think i know why its not mentioned.
see the ones who would answer that question to any of the Animorphs who want to know
would be an Andalite.
maybe they don't want to talk about it.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Shock on April 21, 2009, 04:39:07 PM
/me can't believe he's involved in this conversation.  Eject, eject, eject!

wrong choice of words when you are talking about reproductive biology.

anyways, my guess they go like the deer do.

although those tails must be a bugger to get out of the way.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: ThinkAgain on April 21, 2009, 08:47:57 PM
Not to be rude, I think it's pretty arrogant to assume that Andalites reproduce and care for young like mammals do.

What if they lay eggs? Platypuses have fur and are mammal like in most ways, yet they lay eggs; no need for lactation. There simply isn't enough evidence to say anything conclusive.

What if a female produces something similar to an egg, and the male somehow fertilizes it outside the body, where it grows inside that egg-type thing until it is ready?

Just because it happens one way on earth doesn't mean that it will happen that way on a planet light years away.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: goom on April 21, 2009, 08:52:57 PM
It's been in other threads. I think maybe the Andalite Physiology thread. I figure they mate like horses, or dogs. The male comes from behind, and things procede from there. As for how a newborn eats, I figure they're able to eat grass from the start. If they take milk, then I figure the milk leaks down onto the grass, and the newborn walks on it. That may seem a little weird, but it's not as bad as other things I've heard about. Just look up how baby koalas eat.

That's my theory.

meh, i doubt they mate in a fashion anywhere close to what we do.
maybe telepathic conception? :D
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: anijen21 on April 21, 2009, 09:12:40 PM
honestly I have a much bigger problem with hork-bajir reproduction than andalite reproduction

unless getting all sliced up is a part of hork-bajir foreplay...
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: wildweathel on April 21, 2009, 09:28:56 PM

Well, if porcupines can manage, I'm sure the Hork-Bajir have it figured out. 

(pro-tip: Never attempt to tooth-and-claw kill a porcupine.  It may seem like a good idea at the time.  But, oh, the horror...)

And yes, platypuses are weird.  Internal fertilization, oviparous, and yes, dear Virginia they do lactate.  Weird, even by Earth standards.

(side note, can you imagine this convo happening?
Tobias: *awkwardly explains lactation*
Ax:  :o :o
Epic lulz there.)

If I recall correctly, the bit in TAC about the wishflower at least implies that gestation is fairly long.  Which would suggest placental vivipary on Earth, but hey, like I said, there's precious little cannon evidence to go on.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: ThinkAgain on April 21, 2009, 09:39:03 PM
I'm pretty sure we can assume the Andalites don't lactate, at least in the way mammals do.

Also, just because the wishflower implies a longer period of time does not necessarily imply vivipary; it might just mean that an egg may take a long time to hatch, and they are hoping it does so successfully.

Or, they could have such a strange method of reproduction that it is difficult for us to understand it without it being described to us, simply because it is so different from more local means.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: anijen21 on April 21, 2009, 09:57:23 PM
Well, if porcupines can manage, I'm sure the Hork-Bajir have it figured out. 

This just made me curious enough to research porcupine sex. If Hork-Bajir sex is anything like it, well...I'll let you see for yourself.

How do porcupines mate? (
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Chad32 on April 21, 2009, 10:05:33 PM
8-12 hours a year? How is this species even producing at all?
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: wildweathel on April 21, 2009, 10:09:26 PM
By making the most of that time.  Plus, it helps not having too many predators. 

I have to say that that's not the most disturbing thing I've ever read about animal sex.  That distinction goes to ducks.  *shudder*

As our author notes, "the female cannot be raped."

Yeah, you really wanna stay away from that tail.

Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: anijen21 on April 21, 2009, 10:34:35 PM
I have to say that that's not the most disturbing thing I've ever read about animal sex.  That distinction goes to ducks.  *shudder*

Omg you're right. Ducks win (
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: goom on April 21, 2009, 10:52:21 PM
I have to say that that's not the most disturbing thing I've ever read about animal sex.  That distinction goes to ducks.  *shudder*

Omg you're right. Ducks win (

can't resist bringing out the ol' duck picture.

(side note, can you imagine this convo happening?
Tobias: *awkwardly explains lactation*
Ax:  :o :o
Epic lulz there.)

*envisions a combination of that conversation and ax's addiction to taste*
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: wildweathel on April 22, 2009, 12:34:55 PM
Gewm.  Ewm! 

I should have known that this would happen eventually.

/me feels dirty for ever morphing the critter.  Doubly so for enjoying the fact that it is a really good distance flier.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Tim Bruening on July 10, 2015, 01:45:59 AM
when a mommy and daddy andalite love each other very much, the kafit stork comes and delivers a baby!

Which begs the question: How do the Andalites send a signal to the Kafit storks to order a baby?
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: YeerkSalad on July 10, 2015, 09:52:39 AM
Would the to-be-mounted Andalite have to bend its tail to the side in order to not stab its partner/snap its tail?
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Dylan on July 10, 2015, 11:49:04 AM
Lol, I've always assumed they reproduce like mammals. And, I'm pretty sure their "junk" is on the horse end.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: YeerkSalad on July 10, 2015, 12:38:04 PM
Andalites would probably mate like horses, which are mammals. Yes, their junk would be on the horse end. They'd have to move the tail out of the way while they're reproducing, but I was wondering how they'd get the tail out of the way. Is it flexible enough to move to the side?
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Dylan on July 10, 2015, 12:40:06 PM
Guess so, That would be awkward other wise.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Tim Bruening on July 10, 2015, 12:55:06 PM
Andalites would probably mate like horses, which are mammals. Yes, their junk would be on the horse end. They'd have to move the tail out of the way while they're reproducing, but I was wondering how they'd get the tail out of the way. Is it flexible enough to move to the side?

The tail would need to be really flexible to serve as a weapon!
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: YeerkSalad on July 10, 2015, 02:50:06 PM
Scorpions have effective tail weapons and they aren't super flexible.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Dylan on July 10, 2015, 10:13:00 PM
Well, andalite tails are more like whips.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: YeerkSalad on July 10, 2015, 10:42:02 PM
Yeah. I guess so. They'd be so weird if they were scorpion-like!

I say about blue, mouthless, four-eyed, shape-shifting, knife-tailed creatures who eat through their hooves.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Tim Bruening on July 10, 2015, 11:31:46 PM
We had better ask the Elimist how Andalites reproduce.  I understand that he knows the process intimately!  How do I e-mail him?
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Dylan on July 10, 2015, 11:35:52 PM
I don't think you wanna know that.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Quaf on July 10, 2015, 11:36:54 PM
Wait why does the elliimist know it intimatly?

Yes, i know i cant spell.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Tim Bruening on July 10, 2015, 11:39:54 PM
Wait why does the elliimist know it intimatly?

Yes, i know i cant spell.

Ellimist Chronicles Spoiler:  [spoiler]At one point, the Ellimist created an Andalite body for himself, joined a primitive Andalite community, and had 5 children with a female Andalite![/spoiler]
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Quaf on July 10, 2015, 11:40:36 PM
oh ok I havn't read that far. I'm not sure if I want to now.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Dylan on July 10, 2015, 11:43:45 PM
Ummmm, you might wanna use spoiler tags. Also, ew.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Tim Bruening on July 10, 2015, 11:46:54 PM
Ummmm, you might wanna use spoiler tags. Also, ew.

[spoiler]What is ew about how Andalites reproduce and about the Ellimist assuming the form of an Andalite and mating with an  Andalite?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Quaf on July 10, 2015, 11:49:40 PM
Dude, you don't need spoiler tags now, its too late.

Reproducing in general is ew.
Title: Re: How do Andalites reproduce?
Post by: Dylan on July 11, 2015, 12:12:29 AM
Just edit the other one to put a spoiler tag on.