Author Topic: The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Beginning - Characters  (Read 9581 times)

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Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Beginning - Characters
« on: November 06, 2012, 04:21:21 AM »
The Galactic War:  Rogue Element

Player/Character Reference

Following is the archived thread devoted strictly to the basic defining characteristics of each character actively playing in the thread RP  "The Galactic War:  Rogue Element ~ The Beginning."  This thread is meant as a character quick-reference resource for existing and new players.  Please refrain from making any personal comments on this thread.  If you need something changed/modified, either send me a PM or bring it up on the OOC thread.  Each player will be given an individual post which will include his/her character(s). 

Please note that these are abridged versions of the submitted character sheets.  Sections have been omitted as the mods feel that said sections contain information that is not deemed to be "common knowledge."  The mods have all kept complete copies of the submitted character sheets for future reference, but we will not allow our particularly intimate knowledge of your characters to influence our own characters' thoughts or actions.

*Moderator Note*
This thread is now an archived character reference thread for the archived Galactic War: Rogue Element ~ The Beginning thread.  Please consult the OOC thread for the most-current character sheet thread.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 10:31:40 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 05:02:30 AM »
PlayerLuke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

Thread Role(s)Thread Leader, Andalite Mod, Thread Mod, Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Ossanlin  (Andalite)  ;  Firin ~ Rythil  (Rebel)  ;  Eleric  (Andalite

Character Sheet(s)


Name(s):  Ossanlin-Rethin-Sephirel

Race:  Andalite

Gender:  Male

Physical Features/Appearance:  Ossanlin is tall and well-built, even for a male Andalite.  He has a well-defined upper torso honed from specific weight-training, and his lower section is the size of a quarter-horse rather than that of a deer.  His tail is also a tad longer than that of a typical male Andalite, and his blade somewhat larger.  He has a full coat of deep royal-blue fur flecked with almost imperceptible streaks of silver.  His eyes are a bright, vibrant sky-blue, and when viewed in darkness, one can see that his main eyes emit a very soft internal glow.  His hooves are muted black, but with a certain sheen.  His tail blade is just a hair off-white in color, but when moved through light-glare it takes on a strangely iridescent quality, almost seeming to shift colors with its movement (though this only happens in sunlight or very bright environmental lighting).

Ossanlin carries himself with the strength and assurance of a being used to commanding soldiers and one who knows his own worth.  He emanates an air of strength and stability that helps to bolster his soldiers’ spirits even in tough times.

Personality:  Ossanlin is kind, caring, and open-minded.  He keeps a tight ship when on-duty, but tends to loosen considerably when off.  Ossanlin is companionable when he’s not busy running the ship, and will happily share a drink or an afternoon feeding with the meanest of his men.  Ossanlin is also heavily committed to his own ideals of rightness.  So heavily, many believe, that it borders on fault.  Ossanlin will always do what he considers to be right in every situation.  He attempts to act for the good of his soldiers and the People as a whole, even if it means hurting a few along the way, himself included.

Ossanlin has never believed in the Electorate’s propaganda due to his upbringing and has striven to eliminate the biased attitude from his soldiers as well.  Ossanlin thinks for himself and judges individuals for themselves, and only upon personal observation.  He is steadfast and loyal to his friends and allies, and a scourge to his enemies.  Though he abhors ruthlessness, Ossanlin is more than capable of it where necessary.  Ossanlin has done and will do again, things that many would consider to be cruel or even monstrous (figuratively).  And though he does mourn his actions, he does so in private, never allowing his soldiers to see even a milligram of what many would consider weakness.  So too does he privately mourn the loss of every soldier under his command.  He works through his emotions in his own way and attempts to gain strength from every experience.

Equipment/possessions:  1x Basic Andalite Field Kit with one modification.
Instead of one standard handheld Shredder, Ossanlin carries two modified, personalized Shredders that have slightly enhanced energy stores and an improved lens assembly made of seerlix crystal that enhances energy focus and efficiency.  The crystals also cause the weapons to emit a high-pitched hum when fired instead of the characteristic “Tssaap” of typical handheld Shredders.

2x Enhanced Analog Fighting Blades.
These swords, made primarily of a neutronium weave alloy, resemble Earthling katana in form and function.  Each sword is 1.3 meters in length with the bottom .3 m clothed in an ergonomic, high-grip tsuka-type handle with stylized handguards shaped like crescent moons.  The functional portion of each blade is precisely one meter long, and gracefully curved backwards on a slight bias.  The blades are single-edged.  Due to their neutronium weave, the twin katana-like swords are capable of absorbing and diffusing focused energy fire (including that from both Dracon and Shredder alike).  The neutronium weave also makes the swords virtually unbreakable.  When not in use, the two swords are held in plain, slightly-curved satin-black sheaths that are attached to either side of the belt at Ossanlin’s waist and held back along his lower body to minimize hindrance to personal maneuvering capability.

1x Command-com wrist-panel mounted on his left fore-arm.
This wrist-panel is an accessory component of the ARC system available only to field-commanders and officers.  It allows the commander to interface with every ARC inside his/her domain, causing them to display communiques and pieces of useful or required information for his/her Warriors via each soldier’s ARC emitter matrix.

Various personal items within his capacious quarters, including but not limited to:
1x Holo-loop of his mother and father and his home bowl
1x Luxury sleeping cube
1x Personal mobile computer
1x Luxury toiletries unit connected to his main quarters
1x Verdian-wood work-table/desk
Several holo-art projections of wide-open expanses from the Homeworld hanging on the otherwise sterile walls
His old flight-patch emblazoned with a silver Tail Fighter and the callsign “Slaedreth" printed in silver around the bottom.  It is displayed in a small, trans-polymer stasis box on the rich-colored verdian work-table
Various sundry items

***Firin ~ Rythil***

Name(s):  Firin-985 / Rythil Kynee

Race:  Controller—Hork-Bajir

Gender:  Male (Self-identified) / Male

Physical Features/Appearance:  Firin looks as unremarkable as any other Yeerk.  Rythil is of average height and size amongst Hork-Bajir, but he is more fit and toned than the typical Hork-Bajir.  His skin is an unremarkable green, but his reptilian eyes have bright, royal-purple irises.  Rythil’s blades are on the slightly-larger side of average, though certainly not anything to cause remark.  He does keep them razor-sharp despite the lack of a need to peel bark.

Personality:   Firin is a technical-minded individual.  Despite his host’s combat capabilities, Firin is actually skilled at working with Rythil to fabricate and fix things.  Firin isn’t terribly open-minded, but discussions with his current host have taught him the value of not underestimating anyone.  His logic-based personality sometimes comes off as aloof, critical, or even condescending, though he usually doesn’t mean things that way.  He’s not hot-headed or combative usually, but he does make use of passive-aggression when it suits him.  Firin prefers to work with his machines or theories instead of socializing, but he can BS passably if forced to, or if filled with enough redin.

Rythil is more emotional than his controller, demonstrating a deep compassion for all life…but he defaults to logic when necessary.  Rythil has a high-functioning intelligence, a bit of a “throw-back” from the genetically-engineered mental-slowness in the majority of his race, and he’s more than capable of philosophy and logic.  It was Rythil who, through logical discourse, convinced Firin that the Empire itself was illogical, and the only acceptable option was rebellion against the Council.  In social situations, Rythil generally takes full command, leaving Firin to his own introverted thoughts.  He’s fairly empathic and genuinely cares about other people and their problems.  Rythil is a loyal friend, and tries to be friendly with everyone.  He almost never gets angry.  The same cannot be said for Firin.


1x Over-engineered Dracon that has a variety of settings that allow Firin to adjust the beam width, angle, intensity, pulsation, and other functions.  Not because he has need of it and not because it’s slightly more useful than a regular Dracon…just because he can.

1x Enhanced cube computer.  It’s capable of greater processing power and speed with a smoother, easier interface.

1x “Omni-tool.”  A device contrived, designed, built, and coined by Firin himself, it takes the place of multiple self-contained tools including but not limited to:
-Quantum Spanner
-Electric Inducer

1x Self-contained med-kit.  (It’s presence is stipulated by his host, who argues that he’s the one who gets hurt when Firin’s “perfectly safe” efforts turn out not to be so.)

1x Standard transponder/communicator.

1x Five octave Sony electronic keyboard.

During the evacuation, he lost his drafting table, easel, and all the rest of his furniture, but managed to save most of Rythil’s paintings.  Most depict scenes from the Hork-Bajir Homeworld and are rather beautifully done.  They’re packed away right now with the rest of the things he’d managed to save from the base and abscond with when those dirty blue-furs attacked.  He also managed to preserve his musical keyboard.


Name(s):  Eleric-Serivul-Mezian

Race:  Andalite

Gender:  Male

Physical Features/Appearance:  Eleric is on the shorter, lighter side of the male Andalite bell-curve.  His fur is bright, light blue, his eyes steel blue.  His fur is longer around his hooves than anywhere else on the rest of his body, and his body is toned.  He is considered rather attractive from a female Andalite standpoint, aside from being a tad on the short side.  His features are strong and defined, yet vigorous, giving the appearance of a youthful male Andalite in his physical prime.  Eleric is 19 years old UGTS, and looks it.

Personality:  Eleric is ****y.  He’s more than sure of himself, despite his youth, and is socially charismatic.  He has a sense of invincibility about him that can only come from a combination of youth and inexperience.  He performs his orders and duties adequately, but not without unnecessary flare.  He has a ready grin that always seems to say that he knows something that others don’t, and he pushes his restrictions and orders to the limit, but has an uncanny ability to see right where the safe-line is and to stop just shy of it.  He’s cavalier and confident, always eyeing the next rank and the next responsibility as if he knows it’ll be his before the day is through.  Eleric is not really impolite, but he often comes off as arrogant, no matter.


Flight patch emblazoned with his callsign, Scythir.

Holo-loop of his mother and father.

Metallic toy replica set of six miniature tail-fighters displayed on the wall of his small quarters.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 02:22:37 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2012, 05:28:56 AM »

Thread Role(s)Rebel Mod, Thread Mod, Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Myitt ~ Tara  (Human-Controller)

Character Sheet(s)

***Myitt ~ Tara***

Name(s):  Myitt One-Nine-Five and Tara LaFauci

Race:  Yeerk and human

Gender:  Neutral gender; Tara is female.

Physical Features/Appearance: Myitt is an average-sized Yeerk, no more than five inches in length, gray with greenish mottling. She has a gash of scar tissue along her dorsal side.

Tara is in her late twenties, a pale Caucasian woman who could do with a bit more sunlight. Injuries over the years haven't exactly helped her sallow complexion. She is thin but not very athletic, a bit on the short side at 5'4". Her hair is brown, frizzy, past her shoulders; more often than not it is unkempt. She has dark brown eyes.  The scars on her arms, legs and abdomen are almost always hidden by her ratty black trench jacket, a worn and faded band t-shirt, and old blue jeans. She is rarely seen without black army boots strapped to her feet.

Personality: When she isn't being glum, she's being sarcastic. While that may be a generalization, the two moods fit her pretty well, most of the time.Myitt is doggedly loyal to her friends, exceedingly paranoid, and fierce when caged. This can work (and has worked) to her advantage, as well as to her great disadvantage.She grew up in a rigid society that forced her to hide her sympathies and ignore her mistrust of her superiors--above all, mistrust of the higher political eschelon of the Yeerk Empire.

Myitt very rarely lets her insecurities break through the paranoid, sarcastic soldier exterior--but they are there all the same. She fears causing irreparable physical or mental harm to her host, and by extension, her friends and family within the Empire. In public she tries to act tough, but among her closest friends she lets her more gentle interior bubble up.

Tara is Myitt's more emotional foil. She is much less sarcastic, although years of Myitt's dry sense of humor have required Tara to appreciate the finer points of sardonicism. She is originally from Boston and occasionally the abrasive accent comes out. Before being taken away from Earth in high school, Tara had aspirations of studying marine biology; she misses the ocean.

What they both want more than anything, in the best of times, is to retire on a beach in Hawai'i. With a martini.

Equipment/possessions: Beyond her clothing, Myitt has a single Dracon and several extra power cells, held in a holster slung across her waist. She also keeps a small blackish-green Yeerkish computer cube, and a flat panel communications link.

She normally pilots a beat up older model Bug fighter.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:29:48 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 05:51:50 AM »

Thread Role(s)English Mod, Thread Mod, Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Keslin ~ Chris  (Human-Controller)  ;  Efaen  (Andalite)

Character Sheet(s)

***Keslin ~ Chris***

Name(s):  Keslin Five-Seven-Four and Christopher O'Hearn

Race:  Controller--Human

Gender:  Male

Physical Features/Appearance:  Almost immediately the similarities between Chris and his younger cousin, James, who is the host to Reven, are apparent. He has the same slew of freckles, the same pale complexion. His hair is strawberry blonde, a mess of unkempt curls that he wears just past his ears and he is almost always in need of a shave. Broad-shouldered and relatively well-built, he stands at fairly average height for his twenty-five years. He also seems to have a tendency towards ataxia (trembling hands) that only plagues him when Keslin, his Yeerk, is in control.

Keslin looks slimy and Yeerkish. He was born just after the wars began, putting him at about thirty-five in human years.

Personality:  Keslin is by far the more serious of the two, and the more responsible one. Despite having been with Chris for over a decade now he still finds certain aspects of humanity curious and almost endearing, other aspects terrifying. He tries to be fair and diplomatic, and his position of leadership has led him to develop a good mind for problem-solving and, despite having a generally amicable personality, he can be quite manipulative at times.

Chris is much more laid-back under normal circumstances, though he also is more hot-headed. He definitely provides the more human element to their partnership. Where Keslin is the businessman, the leader, Chris is the one who keeps him from getting too serious.

Equipment/possessions:  Typically he carries his holster, which has a Dracon and a small compartment that carries his computer cube, comm link, and spare power cells. I imagine this would have been stripped from him when he is captured, though.


Name(s):  Efaen-Purinial-Serfit

Race:  Andalite

Gender:  Female

Physical Features/Appearance:  Efaen is in her early adulthood, standing at fairly average height and weight. Her fur is blueish-purple in hue and her eyes are an amber color. She has the traditionally smaller female tailblade. Her preferred morph is human, and she spends a good deal of time in this form. The morph has a slightly androgynous look to it, despite being female, with frizzy black hair, a short stature and gray eyes.

Personality:  A generally unforgiving person, Efaen has an unfortunate habit of generalizing the actions of one to an entire group. She is not particularly trusting, but once you earn her trust she is loyal to a fault. Efaen is not afraid to act if she thinks that the actions will help her achieve her end goal, no matter how morally problematic those actions might be. She shuns the cultural focus her people put on honor, refusing to take part in the usual rituals. Generally, she approaches other Andalites with caution, and even a little fear, and is obviously incredibly uncomfortable around her own kind, preferring the solitude of her quarters.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 06:45:30 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2012, 06:07:51 AM »

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Norry  (Andalite)  ;  Mal ~ Soren  (Rebel)

Character Sheet(s)


Name(s): Enorryma-Almoress-Ingrell; "Norry" for short; ex-callsign "Vanarx" (Yeerk-Bane)

Race: Andalite

Gender: Female

Physical Features/Appearance: Enorryma has a relatively stocky, muscular build for a female Andalite, owing to the strict physical conditioning she performs on a near-daily basis. She has a long, thin scar along the left side of her face, causing the fur there to grow thinner than elsewhere. The scar alone is an indication to how rarely she morphs: she has had it for years. Her fur is a very dark greenish-blue, and her eyes are yellow. Her age is equivalent to the human age of thirty-nine years and seven months, at the beginning of gameplay.

Personality: Enorryma strives to be the walking definition of dutiful military service, and for the most part, she succeeds in this. She takes orders immediately and intelligently without argument, but she also has a mind for regulations and the letter of the law, not just the spirit of it. On-duty, she is stiff, imposing, intimidating, and 100% on-task. Off-duty, well... nobody is perfect. Norry has a decade-long addiction to the tablet stimulants administered to fighter pilots of her generation, and she and her generation are arguably the number one reason the stims were discontinued for general use among non-fighter crew members. She has a temper and doesn't hesitate to let it play out toward younger Andalites who she sees as ****y and who haven't yet earned their stripes to Norry's standards. She does not tolerate rule-breaking or weakness, physical or psychological, in the people who work under her, and more than once an aristh has wondered aloud to his peers if the Old Vanarx is secretly out to get him.

Norry is highly religious and committed to performing daily morning and evening rituals, even if her environment is not conducive to them.
She hates to morph, as she sees it to be nearly an insult to the natural prowess of an Andalite's already-powerful body, brain, and ballistic-and-beam technology. She sees espionage and stealth as necessary evils, and while guerrilla warfare is fundamentally and profoundly repugnant to her, it is less disgusting than the prospect of the dominant military force acting not in service to the People, but to itself and to genocide. This conflicts with her intense and vindictive hatred toward all Yeerks, and she likes to think that the Rogue Element's Andalites aren't truly allies to the rebel Yeerk forces... they're simply taking advantage of the convenient division of loyalties which exists among the Yeerks. No, Norry would happily see every last Yeerk destroyed. It's killing their host bodies that causes problems for Norry. She truly and deeply believes, at her core, that the only reason the rebel Yeerks are rebels is that their host bodies simply proved so strong-willed and so fierce in their convictions that they were able to convert their Controlling parasites to the cause of fighting back against their own species. Enorryma will adamantly refuse to address a rebel Yeerk by its own name, opting instead to address the host, as though the Yeerk is not even present, provided she knows the host's name.

It's fair to say Norry has no shortage of personal illusions to sort through, but she's a zealot in every sense, to her religion, to her duty, and to her loyalty to Prince and People. She may not be right about many things, but she is still a force to be reckoned, and she will move Sky and Land for the people and causes who have her devotion.

Equipment/possessions: Standard Andalite field kit, with minor alterations - the Shredder sidearm is a one-of-a-kind model Norry constructed for her own personal use. An extra pouch on her belt houses a few other nonstandard additions: stim capsules reserved from her time as a fighter, a second adrenaline auto-injector, and a Quantum Spanner designed for making careful adjustments to ship equipment on occasions when thought-speech controls go on the fritz. Aside from her field kit, she also keeps a box of GRAP (Gees, Radiation, and Air Pressure) sensor patches at her station in the bridge, to distribute among crew should the hull or internal gravity regulators be compromised.

***Mal ~ Soren***

Name(s): Maliss-274 "Mal" and Soren Hagerty

Race: Controller -- Human

Gender: Male

Physical Features/Appearance: Soren is 32 years old, a tall, skinny but athletic white man with neck-length blonde hair which he keeps in a short pony-tail most of the time. He has a short scruffy beard due to the lack of opportunities to shave. His eyes are light blue. He generally only wears clothes that cover him from neck to ankle and wrist, both to avoid getting blood on himself and to hide several narrow burn scars from glancing Dracon and Shredder shots on his shoulders, forearms, and legs, all earned while helping people injured in firefights. He has strong, clever hands well suited for surgery. Most of the time his clothes consist of black tennis shoes, a dark grey or black standard jumpsuit, and scrubs or a lab coat pulled on over these when working in a proper set of clinical facilities. Mal finds that in the field, dark clothing is better simply because it does not show blood as visibly, and it makes his host a bit less of a target.
Maliss is a green-grey Yeerk slug with no particular distinguishing features other than a thin line of darker grey spots along his left flank.

Personalities: If it were only Mal's life in peril, he wouldn't show much in the way of a self-preservation urge, instead putting his whole focus into providing medical care for fallen soldiers and injured civilians... but he has to think about his host, too, so his lack of attention to self has to be tempered by a drive to protect Soren's life and not to take unnecessary stupid risks. Mal is the type of doctor to run straight into the fray to drag a man out of the line of fire, and sometimes it earns him the guilt of having to treat Dracon and Shredder burns on Soren's body. Mal's bedside manner sometimes leaves much to be desired; his Yeerkish medical education did not encourage 'coddling the infirm', so his demeanor tends to be gruff and frank. This is actually a mask for whatever emotions he might actually be feeling at the time: he finds that at least among soldiers, if they are given less than sympathetic treatment, they are more likely to bounce back from their injuries. Showing a soldier too much gentleness seems to make them more likely to assume the worst about their own condition, and it slows their recovery. Outside the medical context, Mal is fairly withdrawn but much more personable overall, and it's in the moments after he walks out of a surgery that you can see on his face what he is truly feeling- intense relief, crushing worry, or defeat.
Soren has all the burning intensity of curiosity that can be expected of a biologist who has been handed the opportunity to spend his life learning new things in his area of interest. Mal chose him as a host, specifically of the available candidates, because he had displayed a proficiency and steady hands at animal dissection and a lack of squeamishness around blood. Soren has the ability to become hyperfocused on a task, excluding all other environmental input, and while this has made him fairly easy to shoot at, it has meant that when Mal has had to do work in the middle of a firefight, he has stayed on task right there with Mal, fascinated instead of panicking. Soren isn't much for socialization, perhaps because of this hyperfocus: he looks at people as though they are specimens to study, and he doesn't understand their discomfort at his brand of intense clinical scrutiny... just like they probably don't understand his fascination with Yeerk digestive and circulatory systems. Conversations with Soren tend to devolve into him rambling about his latest research or Mal's latest work, and he tends not to notice or get offended when people walk away in the middle of one of his lectures.
The two of them work extremely well together, with their knowledge and skills being supplementary to each other's, and their personalities complementary and highly cooperative.

Equipment/possessions: Standard-issue jumpsuit, white armband with the word MEDIC on it written with red Sharpie in English and Galaard, two changes of scrubs, a lab coat, a reusable face mask and hairnet, five or six sets of latex surgical gloves (they've nearly run out in the last months), a bare-bones set of first aid supplies, scalpels, and basic surgical tools, several small plastic specimen containers for Soren's study, a pen-scope and light (pocket microscope and torch which clips like a pen to the shirt pocket), and a bag to contain all these things. They carry a Dracon weapon if their people insist on it, but they tend to ditch it at the first opportunity, unless they think they'll be needing it to cauterize wounds or sterilize equipment.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 04:55:16 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2012, 06:25:53 AM »

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Keshin ~ Joanne  (Human-Controller)

Character Sheet(s)

***Keshin ~ Joanne***

Name(s):  Keshin Five-Two-Three and Joanne O' Donahue

Race:  Controller--Human

Gender:  Joanne is female. Keshin uses masculine pronouns when not speaking as Joanne due to a number of experiences in male bodies. It is also to pacify his host, who prefers the idea that he is male.

Physical Features/Appearance: Joanne stands at roughly 5"6 inches tall, making her a relatively tall woman. Her overall build is rather gangly, but muscular due to years of fighting. Her hair is a mousy matted dark brown, with her eyes roughly the same color as her hair. Her clothing consists of a black Imperial jumpsuit covered on the shoulders, chest, knees, and elbows with body armor. The body armor is light and very worn down, possibly stolen from several different targets. At her side is a holster with a Dracon beam in it. The Dracon beam is an older model, the same model Keshin had with him when he left the Empire. Joanne prefers its range and feel.

Personality: Joanne O' Donahue herself is impestuous, light-hearted, and a bit rough around the edges. She speaks with a peculiar lower-class New York accent she's seemingly taken from several different burroughs and gangs. She fires first and asks questions later, but more out of ignorance than spite. She doesn't appear to carry the weight of her past experiences at all...perhaps because she realizes her life will end in only a few years. To some extent, her manner conceals an empty heart willing to kill for the next day of life. Her behavior is impulsive and spontaneous, getting both her and Keshin into unpleasant situations on a regular basis. She looks pale constantly these days, and is not as lightning quick as she once was. She has little naivete but an almost dangerous amount of faith in the Yeerk living inside her head.

Keshin is perhaps his host's opposite, his personality being very similar to the typical Yeerk. Exceedingly level-headed and rational, he plans the missions for the duo. He attempts to drag Joanne out of trouble, but with mixed results. He has little empathy for anyone other than his own host. He did not leave the Empire out of conscience for human beings but out of guilt or fear regarding Joanne. He attempts to be self-sufficient but often finds himself begging for or demanding help. His demeanor is usually casual and calm, but he finds it difficult to express much non-factual information.

-Two Dracons, one used and one spare
-Crappy Bug fighter (No really, it should be in a scrapyard)
-Imperial credits (never enough)
-Bizarre experimental medicine (also never enough)
-Twenty bucks (No explanation)
- A wad of hair (?!)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:33:11 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2012, 06:38:27 AM »

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Claxter  (Andalite)  ;  Xevec ~ Derrel  (Rebel)

Character Sheet(s)


Name(s): Claxter-Karmesh-Sinopul

Race: Andalite

Gender: Male

Physical Features/Appearance: A young Andalite, not much older than most Arisths. The arms of his centaur-like body are weak, but his tail and blade are strong, as is typical for his species. Light blue fur covers his body, with small spots of tan here and there. Normally he strides somewhat confidently, as a Warrior should, though there's a cautiousness to it as well. His facial expression is normally soft and unintimidating.

Personality: He's a nice guy that is somewhat open towards rebels. He's not the bravest Andalite, but not as cowardly as he was during his first battle. He never developed any real hatred towards Yeerks as a species, though he does think his is the best race in the galaxy.

He tries to be kind and helpful whenever he can, and help those in need. Though he is capable of anger and violence if he is pressured.

Equipment/possessions: He has a fighter in his possession, though he only got it because he stole it while fleeing his first battle. It could justly be taken away by officials.

***Xevec ~ Derrel***

Name(s): Derrel (last name unknown), and Xevec 2511

Race:  Yeerk and Human

Gender:  Derrel is male, Xevec is neutral.

Physical Features/Appearance: Derrel is a white, American, young adult with brown hair and eyes. His body is covered in small scars and other things from living his life out in the world, instead of in a nice house like lucky people do. He is typically unkempt, but not as bony as he used to be when he was just a homeless guy fending for himself.

Xevec, like most Yeerks, doesn't look a whole lot different from most. However since he grew up as a primary twin, he is a bit fatter from generous amounts of nutrients he got when he was in the Empire.

Personality: Derrel is a mellow guy that doesn't like to cause a scene. He isn't cowardly, but he doesn't like conflict. He's the kind of guy that will walk away if you threaten him, but if he can't get away, he WILL fight back, and if he can he WILL seriously hurt you. He is not a true pacifist, and there is sometimes a coldness to him. He's nice to those who are nice to him, avoids those who threaten him, and as much as he liked to live to see tomorrow, will stand up against threats if there is an equal or greater benefit for doing so.

Xevec has lived most of his life popular, and well off. He got so used to being with other people that he doesn't really know what to do with himself when he's alone. This has made him friendly and outgoing. Unfortunately he was betrayed by some people that he never thought would betray him, and now he has trouble trusting others. He likes being around people, but he doesn't like being surrounded, or cut off from an exit path. It's a tightrope between his fear of being alone, and his fear of being betrayed. This does exclude Derrel for obvious reasons.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 02:24:09 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2012, 06:54:54 AM »

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Tess  (Free Human) ;  Serid  (Andalite)

Character Sheet(s)


Name:  Theresa (Tess) Franklin

Race:  Free Human

Gender:  Female

Physical Features/Appearance:  Tess is a woman of thirty years with naturally black hair and dark brown eyes. She keeps her hair bleached and dyed with Kool-Aid—typically hot pink, her favorite color, but at times purple, green, or blue. At the moment, the dark roots are starting to show, dark streaks in pink, wavy hair that falls halfway down her back. She is of average height—5’6”—and slender build, although right now she is nine months pregnant with twins. When not pregnant, she wears jeans and tank tops or close-fitting t-shirts, but now she is reduced to whatever fits her large belly—men’s sweatpants and an extra-large t-shirt with a hole under one armpit. She still wears her usual plain black sneakers. On the base, she had a small collection of simple jewelry, but the only thing that made it with her was what she happened to be wearing the day of the attack: a tarnished chain with a butterfly pendant hanging from it.

Personality:  Tess’s bubblegum pink hair says it all: she is bubbly and happy, flirtatious and fun. She is the perfect friend to take out on the town. Beyond this, Tess is highly nurturing and an excellent listener, and so few people seem to dislike her—although more than a few find her to be an airhead. Of course, after spending so much time on a ship with only two other beings has taught Tess how to be calm, as well. Completely and utterly devoted to Chris O’Hearn and Keslin, Tess’s tucked-away ferocious side emerges when he is endangered. This is also true, although to a lesser degree, for those who were part of the “pirate” rebellion with her for a decade, and for those she considers to be her family: James O’Hearn and Tora, Corliss and Terenia, and Myitt and Illim.

Equipment/possessions:  After the attack, Tess has very little in her possession save a tattered, shrapnel-pierced tote bag containing a couple of packets of Kandrona supplements, twelve hair ties, four packets of powdered Kool-Aid mix, one hair brush, two ratty towels with roughly hand-embroidered flowers in the corners, and one can of Spam.


Name(s): Serid-Harman-Piluk

Race: Andalite

Gender: Male

Physical Features/Appearance: Serid has an average height for an adult male Andalite and lean build, and his coat is a deep but not particularly outstanding blue color. He has almond-shaped green eyes and a slightly shorter-than-usual tail blade and torso, although his legs are long enough to make up for the latter, making him a rather fast runner. Serid's human morph, which he has only used once since he regained the morphing ability, is a male, appearing to be in his mid-twenties, at about 5'6", with light brown skin, dark eyes, and dark curly hair--Middle Eastern in ethnicity, most likely.

Personality: Serid's personality has changed significantly over the years, affected by the various situations in which he has found himself. Most recently, he has gained a level of suspicion and guardedness towards his fellow Andalites, although his demeanor is ever polite and businesslike. Once rash, Serid is now slow to anger and slow to rejoice. Careful may be the best word to describe him.

Equipment/possessions: Nothing beyond a basic field kit; Serid has nothing in his quarters as mementos of home or his training, as all was lost when he first went to Earth and was never able to take anything with him on any of his subsequent journeys.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 04:57:31 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2012, 05:39:05 PM »
PlayerEmber Nickel

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Esarvit  (Andalite)

Character Sheet(s)


Name(s):  Esarvit-Alosian-Ingirat

Race:  Andalite

Gender:  Male

Physical Features/Appearance:  On the smaller side for a male adult. He has a rather small and weak tail, but as a morph-capable warrior, has no scars or any distinctive features. He is a naturally fast walker and won't dawdle, but is not noticably a fast runner or tail-blade fighter. He is a quick morpher, as well, but cannot control the morphs in any elegant style.

Personality:  Esarvit is one for following orders and playing by the rules. He is not a natural leader and can become withdrawn when trying to socialize with too many people at once, but is competent enough when he sticks to his job. Like Ennoryma, he is very religiously observant, but unlike some other Andalites, does not feel much of a personal connection with the supernatural.

Equipment/possessions:  Basic Andalite Field Kit, command-com wrist-panel for communication with Ossanlin. Personal items include a slightly beat-up and old-model personal computer, which has some read-only access to essays about new theories in science beyond what he's studied at academy level, and driftball equipment.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 06:35:50 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2013, 05:04:46 AM »

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Priton ~ James  (Rebel)

Character Sheet(s)

***Priton ~ James***

Name(s): Priton Six-Two-Four; James Monroe

Race: Controller--Human

Gender: Male

Physical Features/Appearance: James stands at about five feet eleven inches, and has blue eyes set into a rather thin face. He has dark brown hair that has a tendency of standing on end regardless of what he does to it. Really, his whole appearance is generally disheveled. He is quite a bit thinner than is normal for his size, and his clothes have a way of hanging on him that makes him appear like a child trying to dress up in his father’s clothes. James also has a few nervous physical quirks: his hands tend to have a slight tremor, a condition that is amplified when he is tired or under more than the usual amount of strain; and when he is physically worn out, James tends to favor his left leg. There is nothing physically wrong with his right leg anymore, but he still sometimes, involuntarily, acts as though he still has a limp. James is twenty-six years old.
Priton looks like a very average Yeerk--average size, average features. He is about twenty-five years old.



Who James is, or appears to be, depends very much on what mood you catch him in. On a good day, he is fully capable of being charming and friendly. On a good day, James is the sort of person who will talk to anyone. He is relaxed, laid back, and tends to have a more mischievous sense of humor. He is an active sort, preferring long walks to most ground transportation--within reason, of course--and tends to get antsy and bad-tempered when that isn’t an option.
On a bad day, James is withdrawn. He would like nothing more than to find a place to hide away and pretend the rest of the universe doesn’t exist. The fact that he can’t do this--or at least that Priton can’t always let him do this--usually makes him sulky and bad-tempered. At such times, he is much more a solitary creature by nature. He likes being seen as a happy, charming sort of person. That is the persona that he wants people to see, the one he wants them to know him by.
James is reasonably intelligent, though most of his interests aren’t particularly cerebral in nature. To add to his usually contradictory nature, James prefers logic over most deep emotions. Emotions are tiring and his experience with mood swings tends to leave him feeling raw. Which isn’t to say he’s really capable of completely divorcing himself from emotions when making decisions, because he can’t. But as far as what he tries to do, the more grounding it has in logic, the better.


In Priton’s mind, his job, ultimately, is to balance his host’s more tumultuous nature with his own, more stable mindset. Priton has his own myriad of issues, but he is at least, above all else, steady. He is calm, calculating, and has a set of morals that are always malleable. That said, as a general rule, Priton likes to think of himself as mostly good-aligned. He doesn’t always do things that he’s particularly proud of, and he’s willing to do things that are technically immoral, but he justifies it with the fact his intentions are usually good.
To a certain extent, Priton is loyal. His first priority is his host, for the reason that he views their relationship as necessarily symbiotic--the Yeerk provides the stability, the host provides… well, the body. It isn’t the most perfect system, but he rather likes to think they make it work as well as anyone can. He tries to keep the peace, and he tries, when possible, to act in what is the best interests for both of them. It may or may not always work.

Priton does not apologize for most anything that he does that has any significant consequences. In his mind, an apology is only really appropriate for something one didn’t mean to do, or would rather they hadn’t done. On the whole, Priton tries to avoid doing things that fall into either of these categories. There is always a reason for why he does something, and regardless of the outcome, it is always something that he meant to do. Apologizing in that case would be dishonest, as far as he is concerned, and if he is even giving an apology a second thought, the other person is most likely someone he feels he cannot and/or should not lie to.
Priton is something of an opportunist. The opportunities he takes advantage of generally follow his personal philosophy, but in general Priton isn’t afraid to step on a few toes when he needs to in order to keep going. His politics aren’t exactly the safest, and he’s willing to throw his lot in with people he thinks are least likely to get him killed.

Equipment/possessions: Standard-issue Dracon beam, first-aid kit. James technically owns a pistol, but doesn’t find much use for it. Also Priton doesn’t let him keep bullets in it, so it’s mostly a “sentimental” possession.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 08:17:21 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2013, 08:11:35 PM »

Thread Role(s):  Thread Player

Current Character(s) in play:  Aetheas  (Andalite)

Character Sheet(s)


Name(s): Aetheas-Emelen-Sirinial

Race: Andalite

Gender: Male

Physical Features/Appearance: Slightly shorter than the average Andalite, in respectably decent shape thanks to military training. His tailblade is slightly warped, and significantly smaller than the average male's, as the result of a birth defect. The defect also affects his spine into the tail, giving it a limited range of motion, and causing the tail to have an apparent 'crook' in the middle. His fur is a greyish-blue, a little lighter than the average Andalite's.

Personality: He's a haughty, arrogant young hotshot who's convinced that he's far superior to his commanding officers. Tends to be disdainful of everyone as a default. He usually does a decent job of hiding it around other Andalites, understanding that he needs to climb the ladder to attain any real power, though occasionally his arrogance will break through. He's especially competitive and especially hard on himself for failures. Prefers to stand back and plan a situation before diving in- usually to the point of overplanning. Usually a loner, prefers to lose himself in fantasy or reading to spending time with other Andalites. Not easily intimidated, except maybe by females. Sees himself as probably far more capable than he actually is, constantly striving to pick up new tricks and become the best at everything he does- and he does tend to learn anything new very quickly, which is probably a lot of the reason for his insufferable attitude.

Equipment/possessions: In addition to the standard Andalite field kit, he keeps nothing in his quarters but a geode of sentimental value, and a computer pad containing books and information from the Andalites, the Yeerks, humans, and whatever else he can get his hands on.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 08:13:48 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element - Characters
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2015, 10:26:03 PM »
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