Author Topic: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)  (Read 7271 times)

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Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:13:25 PM »

Okay, so here's the deal: Me and Rad have been cagefighting our characters (I'm using Brian from OSV, and she's using Ra'at, her Stargate RAFpersona) through PM for a little while now, and we figured we'd share it so y'all can see it. Feel free to comment, but as the title implies, this is a 1x1, and we are NOT accepting new players. :D



The cafe was noisy, even outside on the little promenade. It was only semi-crowded, being a Thursday afternoon. Brian hadn't touched his sandwich. There was a reason for that. These days, they didn't have much money to spare, so he'd simply snagged a plate that someone had left behind and set it in front of him on the table. That way, the waitress wouldn't kick him out for not ordering anything. He adjusted his sunglasses a bit. Well, ain't this a hoot? He checked his phone. His 'shift' was almost over. Just twenty-five more minutes, then -

Mr. Douglas got up from his table. He set a tip on the table, and began walking briskly down the street. Brian nearly jumped up from his seat, but remembered soon enough to keep his cool. After his target turned the corner, Brian began to follow from a distance. This was the part of stalking that he enjoyed best. It sure beat sitting and waiting. Brian and the other morphers had traded off trailing Mr. Douglas for the past two days, and so far, they'd seen nothing to suspect him as a Controller. But they were going to stick it out till the end of the day. They'd know for sure by then. The NASA director looked over his shoulder. Brian reactively turned as if he was waiting for the light to change before crossing the street. After a moment, he resumed following. Where ya headed to now, bub?

Suddenly, he bumped into the girl in front of him. She'd stopped all the sudden. "Oh, sorry," He said. She didn't answer. Actually, she didn't do anything. She simply... stood there. "Um... Ma'am?" Brian walked around front. Not even her eyes moved. He looked around, a sinking feeling crawling up from within him as an idea came to mind. Everyone else around them had frozen as well. Even Mr. Douglas. "Ellimist...." he said with a sneer.

~Correct.~ Brian didn't so much hear the word, as much as it simply came to mind.

"What do you want with me? I'm kinda busy, can't ya see?" He wasn't too interested in working with this guy again. Just 'cuz he's got cosmic power and can stop time doesn't mean that I have to stop what I'm doing whenever he wants. He complained silently.

~You know that I won't make you do anything, Brian. The choice is yours, as always. Though, I believe you may want to consider my request. The fate of humanity rests upon your choice.~

"Oh, of course it does. Why can't you just play chess or something? What is it with you and your stupid game?"

~Crayak and I have made a wager, you could say. The outcome of this wager could allow me to greatly help you and your friends, in ways that I would not normally be able to.~

"Shouldn't someone like you not be makin' bets? Seems kinda ... dangerous, don't ya think? What does this have to do with me?"

Suddenly, he appeared before him. He looked like an oddly-elvish old man, long wisps of white hair hanging over his face. The Ellimist smiled mischievously.~Perhaps you are right. The challenge is simple; a contest of champions. His against mine. I have chosen you, Brian.~

"...Why me? What about the others?" Brian asked. What is this, a football game? He couldn't beleive this. It did seem somewhat tempting with the possibility of him 'greatly helping' them, but... what was the cost?

~There may be others, though not your friends. The circumstances are.... different than those you have encountered before. The winners - the survivors - will determine the outcome. ~

"So wait, I might die? You're... sticking me in a cage fight?!?"

~The choice is yours.~

What kind of choice was this? What would Tarry say about all of this? He didn't know what to do. This didn't seem like something he could pass up. He sure wished that this guy would be a bit more specific. Like, about anything. Apparently, details were against 'the Rules'. "This is dumb. Just plain stupid. I'm sure if I say no, some horrible thing is going to happen, so fine, I'll -"

~You have decided. Good luck.~

Instantly, Brian found himself standing on a street corner, much like the one he'd just left. Although, it was clearly obvious that this was not downtown Houston. He looked around, confused, and convinced that someone would be coming after him this very minute. Someone bumped into him from behind. "Just gonna stand there, twerp?" Brian was going to reply, but he needed to think. If he could count on the Ellimist for anything, it was this: Today was going to be one hell of a day.

Ma'at was sitting in her host's office. She had a chance to breath for a moment between her duties as a mayor and Earth's favourit Goa'uld. She was almost asleep when
Morgan Le Fay
came in.

“Ma'at,” she said quietly. “I was wondering if I could as a favour of you.”

Ma'at jumped at the voice and pointed her zat at the woman made of light before her. An ascended had never shown themselves to Ma'at or Rad, her host, before. She knew who it was because she fit Daniel's depreciation of her.

“You're-you're Morgan Le Fay,” Ma'at said with with some awe. “I've never seen-” Ma'at broke off. She wasn't a big fan all omnipotent beings since she masqueraded as one for a while.

<<Say something before you look like an idiot,>> Rad reminded.

“Yes,” she said answering the ascendeds question. She knew that it wasn't like she really had a choice in the matter either way. “I hope this means that I'll have a get out of jail free card for the future.”

“If you survive you will.”

<<Please tell me I miss heard that,>> Rad said with an edge in her voice.

“You didn't,” Morgan said with a sigh. “We have to place a warrior in an area. We will help you with Tespara if you help us. We wouldn't ask such favours of you anymore after this.”

<<If the Ori are gone why does she need us?>> Ma'at asked her host.

<<There's no way to know,>> Rad said. <<But we've spent the past to months looking for Tespara with not one clue. If fighting means we can find her again than I'm for this.>>

“We'll do-”

“It,” she was there suddenly. She didn't think that the street she was now in was in Rad's beloved New York city or any Earth city the two had ever been in yet it looked so familiar. She then saw the human boy that appeared younger than her host by a few years. “So your the guy.”

She took shot a zat at him.

Brian was scanning the crowd, walking slowly, just enough to keep from being run over. He just barely had time to notice the lady across the street looking straight at him with some weird... curvy thing... pointed right at him. He probably would have decided it was a gun on his own, thanks to his experience with aliens and a healthy dose of paranoia, if he'd been given the chance. The gun thingie fired almost the instant he saw it, and he instinctively took his legs out from under him. He fell with a thud, right on the concrete with his rump,

"Ooph! Gaah, What the - ?" He began, silenced mid sentence by the blast of energy flying past where his head had just been. This wasn't a Dracon. It was... something different. "Oh goodie...." he muttered. The people on the street kept walking, oblivious to the gunfire around them. He reached for his own energy weapon, a stolen Dracon, but thought better of it. He preferred surprises. He rolled onto all fours, and while stooped over - hopefully safely hidden behind the pedestrians - he ducked through the doorway to Aeropostale. He ran to the fitting rooms and locked himself inside one of the stalls.

“Kree,” Ma'at muttered under breath. “Where did he go?”
<<He ducked in to the crowd,>> Rad said.
<<I saw that too,>> Ma'at snapped. <<Let's just get this done so we can go after Tespara.>>
Neither of the girls were trackers some they began to wade through the crowd without a clue of what she was doing. This area had pavement so tracking was even harder.

"Perfect..." Brian said under his breath. As he'd expected, the fitting room floor was covered in a respectable layer of discarded clothing, from which he picked out a few items. The sloppiness of people was apparently going to save his life. He changed what he was wearing, keeping his morphing suit underneath, as he began the morph to Chuck. 'Chuck' was how he'd come to referred to the older man he'd acquired way back at the start of his experience with the Yeerk war. His gut pushed out, his thighs thickened slightly, and his face itched as a five o'clock shadow sprouted. He'd grown used to that though; he had to deal with that, even in his own body now. Being a fairly simple morph, from person to person, he finished quickly. He walked out with his Dracon in a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He had traded his t-shirt and jeans for an extra large button-up and khakis. Luckily, he and 'Chuck' wore the same shoe size, so he wasn't barefoot, but he hoped that whoever it was shooting at him didn't recognize his shoes. Wonder what the chances are.... He thought. He felt conspicuous, walking out of the store in stolen merchandise, but... no one paid him any attention... and this was going to safe his life. And besides, it wasn't like he'd never run from the cops before, either. The girl had moved from where he'd seen her. That could be a good thing. Or a very bad thing.

Ra'at knew that they had to hide since they couldn't find the guy again. She went inside a Claire's and picked up a red wig, a hair band and sunglasses. They didn't have their wallet on them, (because I didn't think to put it in their inventory) Ra'at zatted the woman at the cornter to get away. She would wake up in a few hours. She **** her what she bought and walked out of the store.

Brian assumed that the lady with the freaky gun thing was this 'champion' the Ellimist had told him about. He felt a little ... off... fighting a girl, but it wasn't as if he hadn't before. But then again, why did he have to fight her? Just as part of the Ellimist's game? That wasn't a good reason for her to die. Had she agreed to this? Then maybe, but.... what if she didn't want to be a pawn? But if that was the case, why was she out to kill him? After all, she'd made the first shot...

Brian was confused about all this. He hated this whole situation. He spent a good while walking the streets, grumbling to himself, and looking for this person. Eventually, he found her. She was kinda obvious, with that sword hanging from her side, and that metal thing wrapped around her arm. He laughed a little. Had she really thought a wig and glasses would hide her? Maybe he was a little biased. It wasn't everyone who could gain twenty years on the spot, not to mention fur, or wings, or fangs, or... yeah. He had the advantage when it came to stealth. He didn't want her to see he was following, and he didn't want to lose his chance. So when she had her back turned, he pulled out the Dracon, and fired a couple shots.


It was only set to stun though, from the last time he'd used it. Crud, he thought. Quickly, he shoved it back into the bag he'd nabbed from the store, and resumed walking in the same direction, hoping that he looked like the average pedestrian.

<So Morgan didn't make this easy,> Ma'at comented. She ducked out of the way and slipped behind a large street sign.

<You do still stand out,> Rad reminded.

<I wasn't taking off my ribbon device,> Ma'at said. <You would want me to just use the sword against him. Where ever he is.> She peeped out from behind the sign.

<Cloaking technology?> Rad asked.

<With this crowd its hard to know,> Ma'at said. She looked for the young man she had tried to shot earlier. But kept the zat in her hand.

Crud, Brian thought as the girl jumped behind a street sign. He wasn't too surprised he'd missed; he'd been trying to shoot through the crowd without hitting any other people.. if these were even really people. They hardly acted like it. They seemed more like the wandering crowds from Crazy Taxi... they just walked along their way down the street, paying no attention to the guy with the flippin' laser gun. Y'know... I wonder... He had a crazy idea. ...What if these 'people' didn't mind a bear tearing through town? He didn't want to demorph quiet yet. Then he had another - perhaps crazier - idea.

He walked a good distance down the street, passing her, hoping he didn't lose track of her in the mean time. Two block down, he came to a taxi cab, engine running, simply sitting at the curb. Without a seconds hesitation, he pulled out his pocketknife - it was a wonder he hadn't lost it all these years - and pulled a nice long streak down side of the door. Perfect. The cabby came out, yelling obscenely. He stopped pretty abruptly as Brian pulled out his Dracon again, careful to not show it from behind. "Shut up. Walk away." He said. The cabby did so without remark. He hopped in the car, put 'his' bag in the seat next to him, and tucked the Dracon under his leg. He pulled out into traffic, did a U-turn, and headed back in the direction of the girl... at the creeping pace of what had to be rush hour traffic. Of course it is..., he grumbled. He scanned the sidewalks, looking for that sign, looking for that girl.

As Rad kept looking at the street as Ma'at thought.

<What type weapon was that?> Ma'at though.

<I don't know,> Rad aswered. <It wasn't of Earth disign, that's for sure.>

<I hadn't seen it before,> Ma'at said. <But if this means that he is using new technology I should acquire it.>

<You're not a Goa'uld anymore,> Rad reminded. <Though if you want to make that a goal you could try to talk to him about trade.>

Brian was getting edgy. He didn't like the traffic. Not. At. All. These stupid drivers were going slower than some ol' granny. What, were they slowing to look at a squirrel?! He blared his horn. No one responded, which was rather confounding to him. He was used to dealing with the morons who decided to blare their horns back at him. But... nothing. There was something up with these people.

He continued looking around. Then he saw her, the girl ((I know, I know :P)) with the sword. She was on the opposite side of the road, though she wasn't in exactly the same spot as before. ((or.. was she?)) Slowly.. ever so slowly... he continued straight, pushing through the traffic for at least three minutes, which seemed like a lifetime. He pulled a u-turn again, and worked his way into the far left lane, closest to the curb. It was still going slow, but it would only be a moment or two before he was close enough. Only if she stayed still long enough...

Ma'at know that she couldn't stay here where the the *kid* had seen her last. She looked for the closess tall building.

<That's a long shot,> Rad commented on Ma'at's thoughts.

<Got a better idea?> Ma'at questioned. As she tore her way through the people to and to the building.

Just as Brian was pulling close to the corner, bracing himself to hit the curb with the intent of running her over, she ran. Despite the fact that it made him edgy, he parked the car and followed on foot. He had to remind himself that she wouldn't be able to recognize him in this morph. With his laptop bag at his side, holding his Yeerk firearm within, he kept pace several yards behind. He took his water bottle, that he'd managed to hold onto, and drank from it as he walked, hoping to add to the 'average joe pedestrian' look he was going for. He would wait for a better opportunity to retaliate.

<So we should run up the stairs, right?>

Ma'at rolled Rad's eyes as she pressed the butom for the elevator. <I'm taking the elevator. Make him use the stairs.>

Brian's target entered a tall building, very similar to some of the skyscrapers in downtown Houston. He wondered what she was up to... was this crazy town familiar to her? Was she getting back up? If so, this was totally unfair. "Yeah, I'm glad you're proud of me, but I ain't that good!" he said under his breath, at least pretending that the Ellimist would hear or care.

He didn't enter the building, though he did stop to 'tie his shoes' outside of the glass doors. He noticed the lady with the sword... which the security guard at the front desk didn't seem to mind, go figure.. head straight for the bank of elevators, and hit the button. Now, there was the chance that she was headed for a basement or subfloor, but chances were, she was heading upwards. With what purpose, he wasn't sure. But nevertheless... this was kinda why he was here, whether he liked it or not.

With the girl out of sight, he decided to conduct yet another little experiment. He reached out an pulled a large-ish branch off a neatly trimmed nearby tree, and threw it at a random passerby. The guy simply yelled at him for a moment, then continued on his way. "This is a town of freakin' morons!" he yelled... to which, no one responded. "All right, all right, I can roll with this..." Brian quickly sheds his outer layer of clothing and manages to somehow stuff it all into his shoulder-slung laptop bag. ((...I said he had one, right??? Well, he does now. :P)) Boy, wouldn't Mom be so proud of my folding job.... he joked with himself. He took the bag, and stuffed it in a trashcan on the streetside, but underneath the plastic bag, so that even if one of these crazy citizens decided to take out the trash, it just might be there for him later. He walked to a small alcove, to avoid being in the middle of plain sight despite his lack of fear of the public, and began to morph.

He quickly dropped his borrowed human form for his own, and after a couple moments' rest, he went into the next. First off, were the blades. Brian was slightly creeped out even at himself, standing there with long, deadly bone-like protrusions crawling out of his elbows and forehead. He was sure glad there wasn't a mirror nearby. His knees reversed, knocking him off balance with the suddenness to the point that he had to lean on the wall to catch himself as his spine stretched into a tail, covered with blades of its own. His skin broke out into patches, which itched like crazy, yet thankfully didn't hurt, and turned to a characteristic shade of lizard-scale green. After some other changes, including a rapid height adjustment and the exchange of toes for talons, he was finished. Brian had become a Hork-Bajir.

Brian went swiftly to the side of the building not facing the street, to not draw too much attention. With Dracon in hand, he quickly began scaling the outside of the building. He'd be at the top in just a moment at most.

The elevator opened and Ma'at stepped in and isn't followed.

"What floor, miss?" the elevator oprator asked.

"Whatever is the highest," Ma'at answered sharply with a human voice as pointed the zat at him.

"Yes ma'am," he said as he closed the door. He seemed on egde but not as much as she thought he should.

"I'm going up there to kill someone," Ma'at said testing him.

<<What you you doin'?,>> Rad asked.

<<Trust me on this,>> Ma'at said.

The man nodded. "Yes ma'am."

<<I was testing to see if he was an idiot,>> Ma'at said. <<I would seem that he is.>>

<<Your point..>>

<<We can be ourselves here,>> she said. <<I don't believe that we have to worry about planet sucority.>>

"Here's your floor ma'am."

"Thank you," Ma'at said with her voice as her own.

As expected, it was an easy climb. He didn't use his blades as would be natural, but rather held onto the cracks and ledges from the fancy architecture of the building. He was near the top of the building, just seconds away from pulling himself over the top edge, when he saw through the window the sword-toting lady with the freaky gun-thingie. Instinctively, he jumped sideways, hoping she hadn't seen him, and caught hold again to the building side without too much effort. He debated whether he should continue to the top now, or if he should go through the window...

Ra'at didn't see the giant lizard because both minds were focused on finding the stairs to the roof. They found a stair case and broke the lock with a few shots from their zat. After the two story jog, she was on the roof.

After a couple seconds, Brian craned his snake-like neck around to look through the window again, this time from a different angle. The girl was gone, but he figured he knew where she went. There was a door open, that didn't look like it was supposed to be. At least, he figured that having the latch and lock blasted off wasn't the normal way of opening it. Considering it didn't make much sense to take the elevator to the top just to take the stairs down, he knew she would be waiting from above. But the question was... where? He climbed upwards, trying to not make too much sound, though maybe not succeeding. Once near the edge, he sticks his head up again, only his eyes and forehead blades showing, as he scanned quickly for her location.

Rad's acute hearing picked up the sound of the climber. They turned to see what was making the noise while keeping an eye on the door her tarrget would come up. When they see the blades, they don't know what they are looking at.

<<What the sokar?>>

Oh crud... Brian thought. She was looking right at him. Apparently she had very good hearing. Or he just had really rotten luck. Probably both... He stalled for a couple seconds, not sure how to carry on from here. He fingered his Dracon... not sure how well he could aim from this angle. Brian had an idea, but... He decided to wait for her to respond.

Ma'at kept the defencive stand.

"What the Sokar are you?"

Well, that ain't good... He thought. She recognized him as alive. Somehow, he'd kinda hoped that she figured he was part of the architecture or something, or come closer to look. No such luck. She wanted a response. ....Nah... he thought. Still holding on, he picked up his legs and swung into and through the window just below him, ending up in a large conference room on the top floor. He bounded over the table, and through the door, into a hallway, hoping the doors on the other end opened to the windows on the other side of the building.

"Everybody here is crazy," Ma'at muttered still keeping a human voice. "What type of town lets lizards clime there buildings?" She kept looking at the door from the stairs be also around her now. She felt like she had missed something.

Brian didn't stop to look behind him. Either the sword-swingin' sharpshooter from Saturn had come in through the window, down the stairs, or she was still on the roof. Regardless, he needed the advantage here. He crashed through the door on the opposite wall, leaped over an office desk, and vaulted at the window that made up the entire facing wall. He spun, shattering the glass with his tail, and launched through into the open air. He passed through the opening backwards, and caught onto the wall before getting too far and plummeting from a height that would mean death even to a Hork-Bajir. Quickly, he clambered up the wall, and pulled himself up and over the ledge, landing on his feet. He hisses at her, shouting <Bring it on, ....> He stops and ****s his head to the side. <... aw, heck, I'll come up with a name for you later.> He says, with a bit less ferocity then he'd intended. That said, he began running at her, ready to wield the bark-harvesting blades as weapons of death.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 10:36:30 PM by Bear »

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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2011, 11:06:58 PM »
These sound like fun. Now I'll just have to start a free for all thread.
Rad is my RAFmom!
I love Jesus!


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2011, 02:10:50 PM »
What should... Whoa! Ma'at ducked the blade and turned her ribbon device on the creature. "I go by Rad most of the time," Ma'at said.  "You can change shape I see Mister Scaly Face."


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2011, 10:57:17 PM »
<Yes, this town is just entirely populated by shape-shifting lizard people, couldn't you tell?> He says sarcastically. Brian berated himself for letting on that he was the person she'd been looking for earlier, though he didn't think that he'd been that careless. <Now be still while I> *WUMPH* He went flying, totally unprepared for the sheer force coming from her hand. He assumed it was the whatchamacallit that was wrapped around her arm, and refused to believe that it was her strength alone. He tried catching hold of the building's edge, but had no such luck. He was sent shooting over the side and over the cityscape. <...Crud...> He said.

He tumbled through the air, and began demorphing with the intent of morphing an insect or something that could take the impact of falling 25 stories. But there wasn't any time. The ground was coming up too fast. Way too fast.

Luckily, he didn't have that far to go. He crashed through the through glass walls of another tall building. He hadn't been prepared, and took quite a beating from the broken glass and furniture he'd flown into. This floor was mostly open, filled with small cubicles, which were filled with unconcerned people. A few yelled at him, but rather than actually do anything, they simply began picking up their papers. He simply laid there, bleeding from a couple gashes, dazed by his current circumstances. Whatever he did... he didn't want to be on the business end of that curly-arm-blaster thing again.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2011, 11:37:38 PM »
Ma'at smiled.  It was done.  Margan would give her Tespara's location.  But nothing happened.

What did she do wrong?

<<He lived somehow,>> Ma'at said.  <<Or that wasn't the right guy.>>

Rad had gone to a corner in her mind.  She left the blood and the killing to Ma'at.  <<Then we need to find out and look for him.>>

Ma'at nodded Rad's head in agreement and walked to the stairs to go to the lizards location.  She knew where it went because she watched him fall.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 02:15:24 PM »
*stuff happened.*

Brian ended up taking his time to demorph, and acquired a random office worker before heading for the elevators.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 11:32:49 PM »
(((stupid RAFture
Ra'at is taking the elevator down to check on lizard dude.
I still think it's your post.)))


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2011, 05:17:21 PM »
Brian found the elevator music horribly out of place. He went down to the ground floor, and nervously walked out of the building. He didn't want to morph yet, since he was stuck in his morphing suit and would be rather conspicuous anyways. He had been tossed just a block from the building he'd scaled moments ago. He couldn't see the freak lady yet, so he bolted for the corner where he'd stashed the bag with his clothes. Hopefully, he didn't get caught in alien laser fire on his way....


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2011, 10:42:00 PM »
Ra'at had to be on the look out for anybody that looked out of place while traveling to the one block to where the lizard fell.  She also had to keep in mind that it could look like anything.  She started to walk the streets with her eyes pealed to any threats.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2011, 03:27:10 PM »
Brian didn't even look behind him as he ran, which really freaked him out after the door to the skyscraper he'd been tossed from passed from view. He would have no idea if she came out and spotted him. But it was only a short distance; he could already see the trashcan where he'd stashed his stuff. He hoped his luck would hold out, but he felt as vulnerable as a duck in a shooting gallery.

He nearly shouted in relief. Quickly, he pulled out the trashcan liner and grabbed his own bag. He coughed as he tried catching his breath over the old garbage. "Oh gaw... what a smell... " He sputtered. He felt much more secure with his Dracon in hand.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2011, 03:29:26 PM by Bear »


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2011, 12:04:30 AM »
Among all the people that were rushing about, one was running and taking clothes out of the trash.  That stood out to Ra'at and but Rad didn't want to start shooting a random person.  So they kept up from behind the man.  Rad with her hand on the sword and Ma'at with her hand ready with her ribbon device.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2011, 12:10:28 AM »
Somewhat casually, Brian shouldered the bag and began to walk at a more leisurely pace down the hallway. He turned behind him, just for safety's sake, and broke into a run down the alley. She was right behind him. "Crud monkeys, woman, can't you give a guy two seconds to get dressed?!" He shouted as he jumped over a cardboard box.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2011, 01:17:41 PM »
Ma'at smiled.  She had such a good comeback line for...

<<Don't you dare..>>

"But what if I like what I see."

<<You just had to.>> :dull:

<<Yeah, I did,>> Ma'at replied as she started to run after the lizard, or man, whatever he was.  She jumped over the box and turned her hand device on a washline above her target hoping to have clothes fall on him.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2011, 12:15:17 AM »
"...are you seriously hitting on me while chasing me with guns and swords? 'Cuz that really ain't gonna work for ya, lady." He shouted over his shoulder. He turned back to look where he was going, and got a face full of undershirts. "Ack!" He kept running, and pulled the white tee's hanging off his shoulders. He held on to one... just in case. He turned a corner abruptly, and tried firing off a few rounds from his Dracon while he did.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2011, 02:38:57 PM »
<<You need to find a new way to entertain yourself.>>

"I'm just saying thanks for the view,"
Ma'at laughed.  Then she got hit in the hand that had her hand device on it.

<<Because you were looking at the "view" you stopped being carful,>> Rad scolded.  <<I won't be able to take that off my hand now.  You shouldn't be hitting on dudes without my permission.>>

Ma'at tripped as Rad's hand burned.  "Shut up.  I'm not really in to lizard people anyway."