Author Topic: Thoughts on the ending  (Read 23103 times)

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Offline Chad32

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Thoughts on the ending
« on: June 12, 2008, 09:29:18 PM »
I checked the two pages, and didn't see a thread on the ending. I'd like to know what the general opinion of it.

I for one disliked it. Why did Applegate kill Rachel and Tom? Just to make a bittersweet ending? To make it more realistic. I know a happily ever after ending isn't realistic, but neither is the Animorphs series. Now I'll never know what Tom thought of Jake being an Animorph and never resuing him.

I blame Eric more than anyone else, since he powered down the pool ship's guns.

The series could have continued by having them go to the Hork-Bajir Homeworld. Maybe even the Yeerk Homeworld. Something other than that.

Also, I'm a little surprised Tobias didn't leave with Ax. Rachel was gone, but he went into hiding instead of going with Ax.

And what about this One thing that took over the ship? Was that the thing that banished Crayak? Maybe it was behind that wierd dream Jake had where the world was taken over by Yeerks and they were trying to convert the moon into a Kondrona Sun.


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Re: The ending
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2008, 09:35:55 PM »
i personally did not like the ending at the VERY end. i didn't like the whole thing with The One. I hate when books end in cliffhangers and dont continue them.

HOWEVER i really really liked that they killed rachel. i personally do not think that a novel that depicts war can be good, without a character you love dying. it happened in harry potter, and it happened in animorphs.

i think that anidragon said this on RAF classic, but they should have ended it with a convo between crayak and elimist

Crayak: Well, I'll take The One, you will have the animorphs
Elimist: You underestimate the power of the animorphs, they managed to defeat the yeerks
Crayak: Well, i believe that The One can beat them
Elimist: We shall see
Crayak: Shall we immerse?
Elimist: On the other side

Now that was something that i believe anidragon had said on the old RAF and i liked, i just wrote it by memory, so dont think that I wrote it
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Re: The ending
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2008, 09:41:36 PM »
All that is left is Cassie. Theoretically, she could dig up the Time Matrix and go back into the past. Though given her high moral code I doubt she would.

I think killing off the auxilary animorphs and having Jake labelled a war criminal would be enough without possibly killing everyone off but Cassie.

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Offline Hylian Dan

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Re: The ending
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2008, 10:39:47 PM »
Daphnes, any chance I know you from the ZU forums?

I was glancing through book 53 earlier and I noticed that Jake told General Doubleday that he'd only be sending a dozen or so auxiliaries with them to the battle with the Pool Ship. Shouldn't there have been survivors, then?

Anyways, I loved mostly everything about the ending. I don't think the Crayak/Ellimist thing is at all necessary, even though others here like it. We know that those two forces are at work; we don't need a reminder, really. And it's much more true to the spirit of the series to end with the Animorphs making perhaps the greatest of their many death-defying stunts, rather than showing a conversation between those cosmic forces. I also liked how Crayak's last appearance involved him cursing Rachel and the Ellimist's last appearance was his conversation with Rachel as she died.

I think KA needed to kill off Tom. It would have seemed a little cheap and unrealistic if both Tom and Marco's mom were saved in the end, given how much emotional investment there was in those storylines from the beginning and how impossible Jake and Marco's hopes often seemed. And if Tom had survived and been freed, KA would have had to awkwardly introduce a character in the final book, in a scene that would most likely come across as soft. There has to be a cost. Eva's freedom, after all, came at the expense of Nora.

Book 53 is brilliant as it is, I wouldn't want there to have been any significant changes to it. It's chilling when Jake says how he knows beyond any doubt that at least one person he loved would die. I definitely wanted to read a story with that sort of weight to it, not one that takes the easy way out and thus feels soft and unrealistic. Animorphs always had that weight to it, right from the beginning with the death of Elfangor and the casualty of Tobias. And the Chronicles never ever tied things up nicely with a bow. The ending as it was was appropriate to the dark, often tragic story we'd been following for years.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 10:47:30 PM by Hylian Dan »

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Re: The ending
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2008, 04:14:08 AM »
No. I mostly liked #54. the only part I don't like is that cassie stayed on earth. other than that, pretty good book.

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Re: The ending
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2008, 08:13:56 AM »
I checked the two pages, and didn't see a thread on the ending. I'd like to know what the general opinion of it.

I for one disliked it. Why did Applegate kill Rachel and Tom? Just to make a bittersweet ending? To make it more realistic. I know a happily ever after ending isn't realistic, but neither is the Animorphs series. Now I'll never know what Tom thought of Jake being an Animorph and never resuing him.

I blame Eric more than anyone else, since he powered down the pool ship's guns.

The series could have continued by having them go to the Hork-Bajir Homeworld. Maybe even the Yeerk Homeworld. Something other than that.

Also, I'm a little surprised Tobias didn't leave with Ax. Rachel was gone, but he went into hiding instead of going with Ax.

And what about this One thing that took over the ship? Was that the thing that banished Crayak? Maybe it was behind that wierd dream Jake had where the world was taken over by Yeerks and they were trying to convert the moon into a Kondrona Sun.


Not just so that the ending would be bittersweet. K.A did it because... that was what would really happened. Not just, because it's realistic. If the entire book was just "realistic", the Animorphs had died long before, in about book 7. The only possible solution is that. "Jake" formed out the plan from A to Z... asking Rachel's permission indirectly, if she was okay to... die. So that's not writing off an life.

Erek only did what his programming told him. It was what would bring less killing. If Erek didn't drain it, Visser One might not just fire only the engines, but going into an entire shooting frenzy and kill Tom and Rachel in seconds... with everyone else in the Blade Ship.

I personally liked how it ended. The Animorphs had enough Yeerk battles. I just reread #31, a little about war. People after war get old souls. Jake also said in the book, that if someday, they would award heroes who fought the Yeerks with medals, he would hide them instead of being proud of them. The Animorphs just already had their fill of war. They don't need more. Plus, why do they need to fight with the Hork-Bajir? It's not their war anymore.

Tobias was just broken hearted. I think he didn't want anyone, including Ax with him after that. He went a bit emo-ish, i think.

I don't think the One was the one who made that weird dream. If he was THAT powerful like in 41, he would just have grabbed Jake, not wait for him holding Ax as hostage. I personally think The one was once "The Five", as mentioned in #25.
I'm just a writer, and my main goal was always to entertain. But I've never let Animorphs turn into just another painless video game version of war, and I wasn't going to do it at the end. I've spent 60 books telling a strange, fanciful war story, sometimes very seriously, sometimes more tongue-in-cheek. I've written a lot of action and a lot of humor and a lot of sheer nonsense. But I have also, again and again, challenged readers to think about what they were reading. To th

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Re: The ending
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2008, 09:42:09 AM »
No. I mostly liked #54. the only part I don't like is that cassie stayed on earth. other than that, pretty good book.


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Re: The ending
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2008, 02:05:18 PM »
I liked book 54 up until the end. I was fine with Rachel dying(But if I had to chose, I would've had Ax die instead) but what I didn't like was that Jake and Cassie grew apart and Jake and Tobias were all depressed and sh[beep], I didn't like how Marco and Cassie were the only ones happy after the war, and I hated how all of them died at the end. I just like books to end happily like the Haryr Potter series. I know a happy ending is less realistic but come the f[beep] on, they secretly kept the world safe for 3 years and they were just teenagers they deserved a happy ending
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Re: The ending
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2008, 08:49:42 PM »
Well, War isn't like some Fairy Tale or Harry Potter book. In war, relationships get destroyed. People you love die. People who joined this war sometimes lose it, sometimes never recover. K.A even pointed out in one of her letters that the point of the Animorphs books were to show the effects of war. It was natural for Jake to become depressed, he had the guilt of killing 17,000+ innocent Yeerk lives, plus the death of Rachel and Tom was in his command. Not to mention the auxiliaries and the betraying of Erek.

Tobias, well... only Rachel really cared for him, and he had no one else to go to after the war except her. So, he decided to just lose his humanity at all and ran away.
I'm just a writer, and my main goal was always to entertain. But I've never let Animorphs turn into just another painless video game version of war, and I wasn't going to do it at the end. I've spent 60 books telling a strange, fanciful war story, sometimes very seriously, sometimes more tongue-in-cheek. I've written a lot of action and a lot of humor and a lot of sheer nonsense. But I have also, again and again, challenged readers to think about what they were reading. To th

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Re: The ending
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2008, 08:52:08 PM »
Well, War isn't like some Fairy Tale or Harry Potter book. In war, relationships get destroyed.

uhhh have you read harry potter?
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Re: The ending
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2008, 09:07:10 PM »
Yes, but  only up to book 4.... i'm not really a big fan of HP. I just pointed it out because he was comparing Animorphs ending to HP ending. There was a thread like that here too... AFAIK.
I'm just a writer, and my main goal was always to entertain. But I've never let Animorphs turn into just another painless video game version of war, and I wasn't going to do it at the end. I've spent 60 books telling a strange, fanciful war story, sometimes very seriously, sometimes more tongue-in-cheek. I've written a lot of action and a lot of humor and a lot of sheer nonsense. But I have also, again and again, challenged readers to think about what they were reading. To th

Offline Venom

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Re: The ending
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2008, 09:09:12 PM »
well there you go. after book 4, lots of people die, lots of relationships get torn, etc..
RAFDating Marie. Jealous?

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End

Basically I put everyone who looks like a good guy in Gryffindor and everyone who looks like a bad guy in Slytherin. The rest can go wherever the hell they want, I don't care.

Offline CounterInstinct

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Re: The ending
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2008, 09:15:45 PM »
well, someone died at book 4.... but i did not miss him the way I missed Rachel... I'll read the other books if I have the time (not to mention the extra money).
I'm just a writer, and my main goal was always to entertain. But I've never let Animorphs turn into just another painless video game version of war, and I wasn't going to do it at the end. I've spent 60 books telling a strange, fanciful war story, sometimes very seriously, sometimes more tongue-in-cheek. I've written a lot of action and a lot of humor and a lot of sheer nonsense. But I have also, again and again, challenged readers to think about what they were reading. To th

Offline Venom

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Re: The ending
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2008, 09:17:08 PM »
yea because nobody cares about the character who died in 4, he was pretty much introduced in 4
but at the end of the series a major character dies, much like rachel
RAFDating Marie. Jealous?

And then Buffy staked Edward. The End

Basically I put everyone who looks like a good guy in Gryffindor and everyone who looks like a bad guy in Slytherin. The rest can go wherever the hell they want, I don't care.

Offline Chad32

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Re: The ending
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2008, 10:27:36 PM »
Tobias, well... only Rachel really cared for him, and he had no one else to go to after the war except her. So, he decided to just lose his humanity at all and ran away.
Ax did, of course, which is why I kind of wonder why he didn't go with Ax. But then I've already mentioned that.

Though he did keep in touch with Cassie. She was the only one who knew where to find him.

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