Author Topic: Group Re-read 2.0 Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret  (Read 3550 times)

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Group Re-read 2.0 Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret
« on: July 14, 2012, 03:47:59 PM »
The Yeerk that formerly held the rank of Visser Four has found the Time Matrix. Now he's wrecking havoc through history, creating an Earth ripe for Yeerk control. The Animorphs have been given the chance to stop him, to follow him through time and try to set things right. With one very simple condition. To save the world, to change all of human history, one of the Animorphs must die.

   1. What do you make of the alternate reality presented in the first few chapters of this book? It's later asked in the book to exemplify changes in the time line if "the Jake of that time was still Jake"? What do you think?

   2. In order to "correct the time stream" the Animorphs are allowed to pursue Visser Four on the condition that one of them dies. What do you think of this deal? Would you have agreed to attempt this knowing with certainty that at least one in your group would die? What did you think of Jake's death, the other's responses?

   3. What do you think of the Visser's choice of events in human history to mess with? He aims for war and weaponry, do you think these are good targets in looking to alter history? What other events would you expect to have a drastic effect if changed?

   4. What do you think of the opinions the author expresses on human history and our wars against one another? Considering all that was happening, what did you think of the Animorphs insights and actions in these events?

   5. Race is given little significance in the series, but in this book prejudice invokes a side of Cassie we almost never see. What did you think of this scene?

   6. What did you think of the decision to wipe Berryman out of existence? What about Cassie being the one to make this choice?

   7. If you'd gone through this adventure and ultimately ended  up with the Time Matrix, how would you seek to restore or alter history?

   8. Approximately when is the last time you read this book? What changes do you expect or would like to see in a re-release?

   9. Anything else?

Answer, ignore and submit your own questions and comments as you please; but remember to vote!

Next week: #30 The Reunion

Something, something, oh crap I pissed everyone off again....

Offline RYTX

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Re: Group Re-read 2.0 Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 12:10:45 PM »
   1. Fairly creepy, rather possible, and questionably ethical. That 14-15 yro's are adamant supports of government acquisition of land is a very interesting way to say "propaganda driven society." I found killing poor people while forcing white women to breed the most unnerving bit of information: not very cleverly thought out, and then of course, I'm not all that big on eugenics. I thought "is Jake still Jake" was a fascinating question. They all knew him as Jake, recognized that they are the same person, and in fact was the same Jake, but that's something of punch in the face for a person being a product of experience and personality.  You are you in every time, if not in every way, so really, the answer should be no. It's yes, but it should be no.

   2. Eww, bad deal, very bad deal. I was not, and it appears the Animorphs were not, clever enough to in advance work out the loop hole that they did. Had someone pointed that out, then maybe, but I don't like the idea of fighting when the bad guy is certain you'll lose. Jake's death was one of the most shocking-faux or real-in the series. And while I sympathized with most of them, and of course was a little irate with Cassie trying to run away, it was Rachel that surprised me most. " killed someone I love," I know they're family and Animorphs, but they never seem all that close. It came as a surprise to hear her say it, but it's one of the more touching moments throughout (Even though she says it while attempting murder).

   3. These are good, Henry was funny. Very confused about a WWII where Hitler is a driver, think things would have been altered beyond that. I'd hit a few others as well. Socrates, the guy who invented gun powder, maybe Columbus. Hammer down philosophy and the colonization age, think you'd have a pretty different world.

   4. A can't think of another book that has the terror of war theme more strongly than this. Ax's view was particularly interesting-he says that currently Andalites are a race of warriors, but is disgusted by human wars. Is that due to the fact the human enemies are humans, that the deaths aren't as clean as Andalite war really that much more grotesque? Rachel and Tobias came to disappoint me, Rachel with the Hessian and the tank, Tobias with Hitler. Very unfocused from their objective, and no consideration of "is blank still blank." After all they've been through already, I expected different.

   5. Ha! It still leaves me speechless. Seems rather darker than it should out of context, but end result was hilarious. Well done Cassie.

   6. Cold. Effiecent. Again, I feel bad for John, seeing as how his removal from time means nothing to the course of human history. Cassie's good at figuring out these cutting solutions. Much as I dislike her, reminds me to never piss her off.

   7. I've said before, I'll say again, I'd have to try something. "We put it all back," it's not good enough if you have a chance to make it even a little more right. Yes the risk are cataclysmic, and putting it back isn't as bad is it could be, but if you can make it better, well I'd at least have to take a shot at it.


   9. Why why why don't you die? Love it. Very Austin Powers
Something, something, oh crap I pissed everyone off again....

Offline Tim Bruening

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Re: Group Re-read 2.0 Megamorphs #3 Elfangor's Secret
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2015, 11:58:55 PM »

   1. What do you make of the alternate reality presented in the first few chapters of this book? It's later asked in the book to exemplify changes in the time line if "the Jake of that time was still Jake"? What do you think?

Since whites are the dominant race in this reality, how is it that a black girl (Cassie) can own a slave?  Can slaves join the Sharing?  The Yeerks have set up a front group aimed at the soldiers fighting in Brazil.  How would a Yeerk who resdies in a soldier in Brazil have access to a Yeerk pool every 3 days?

   7. If you'd gone through this adventure and ultimately ended  up with the Time Matrix, how would you seek to restore or alter history?

I: Go back in time to warn Seerow to not give the Yeerks technology in the first place!

II: Prevent the JFK assassination.