Author Topic: The Experiment  (Read 20102 times)

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Offline Damien

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2008, 07:52:56 PM »

"I hope that I'm right about this..." I whispered. Lifting up both feet, since they were tied together, I brought them down hard in the center of the hork-bijar's chest. Yes! I was right, that was this creature's center of balance. The creature fell backwards, as it fell I managed to free my hands by cutting the rope aorund my hands on on of the large blades it had. I tumbled out of its grip and landed several feet away. Sitting up I looked aorund quickly, there it was, right where I expected it to me, its gun type weapon, just a foot to my left. Quickly I picked it up, it seemed familiar, like I seen it somewhere before... I adjusted the setting, somehow, to level one and shot at the ropes binding my feet. I jumped up putting the setting back on level five and pointed the gun at the human. He seemed to be the leader. "Any of you move one inch and I shot!"I shouted with unusual rage in my voice. "Leave me alone you filthy slugs!" Slugs? Where did that come from?

(Sorry if that seemed a bit godmodish but he is supposed to be very intelligent, why wouldn't that include anatomy and physics?)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2008, 07:54:33 PM by Damien »
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

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Offline demos666

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2008, 08:41:03 PM »
As I was running shooting the green thing, hork-bijar the Blue Centaur called them i lost track of him. I heard shouting, a loud thud and a kid pointing a gun at a unarmed kid. I found a second gun picked it up and walked out to where i could see them both. I pointed one ant the kid threatening and one at the threatened "Put down the gun or your head tastes laser. And you drop yours as well! Unarmed one! You got five seconds to tell me why he's going to shoot you. Same with out why are you going to shoot him? Hurry or else."
My Theme song is The Number Of The Beast-Iron Maiden
Save a fire, Burn a tree
I put the laughter in manslaughter
“I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” - Winston Churchill
"Vidi, Vici, Veni." - Julius Caesar
"Hope is the first step to disappointment" - Librarian, Blood Ravens

Offline ShadeFawks

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2008, 10:05:49 PM »
(( Wait... where did the second one come from o.O Daimon has the one from the fallen Hork-Bijar. ))
Guns don't kill people, but they help make it easier. - Shoot 'em up

This may upset a lot of you, but you do have souls... and they taste like Butterscotch pudding ^_^ -Death, Ctrl-Alt-Del

I once ate the soul of a monk, it tasted like Chocolate. - Richard, Looking For Group
 ^_^ it takes an unusual mind to think of unusual things.... wait... o.O  

Offline jmnar4

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2008, 10:13:14 PM »
i finally caught up to whatever or whoever i was following.  but what i saw made me stop dead in my tracks.  i saw three guys, two around my age, the third alittle older. the older one had a gun of some kind point at one of the others who appeared to be tied up. the third guy had a weapon in each hand and was pointing one at each of them.  but what really caught my attention was the creature that lay on the ground, a creature covered in blades and looked like it came out of some weird sci-fi movie.

Offline HkRevan

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2008, 10:28:27 PM »
First thing that caught his attention was the big walking blade. For a second, all he could think of was how cool it would be to have those blades on his own body. Following that was a few seconds of terror as to how to fight it.

What really freaked him out was the sudden reappearance of people, all males, and all of them people he didn't know. He was quite prepared to leap out and join when he saw  the gun. He didn't know what it was but he was sure it was a gun.

Alexander felt his heart beat faster and his limbs tremble. He didn't hate guns but he had an irrational fear of them. Now he didn't want to go there, he didn't want to be in the group of gun totting people. A person is smart, people are stupid. And three individuals constitute as a group, ie mob. Although they lack the torches and pitchforks.

It took a few minutes to calm down, to back away slightly. One of the greatest things he learned while studying with the monks was meditation. Breath in and out, center yourself. He grabbed a sturdy branch, and sneaked back to his hiding place. For now he doesn't know who is the bad one, and who was the less bad one but he knew charging in was reckless.

For now he will watch and wait. The strange looking one was on the ground, males with guns and one other unarmed person.

Breath in. Out. In. Out.

And wait.

Offline yrkd88

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2008, 12:27:03 AM »
(Geez i'm gone for a couple days and already we have a bunch of posts! well, time to play catch up to the best of my abilities I guess)


I froze dead in my tracks listening to the sounds of the ensuing struggle in the forest. I knew at that moment that I should just walk away, go home, call the cops, and do my homework. However, acting on impulse, those thoughts of reason and sanity were quickly discarded as I crept in closer to the action, making sure to keep myself concealed within the shadows of the trees.

What I saw next had taken me utterly by surprise. "What the hell?!" I said  as I caught sight of several freaky looking bladed creatures and some guys around my own age with some weird looking ray guns. In fact, a couple of the guys actually looked vaguely familiar as if I had seen them at school perhaps. It took me a second to register my big mistake. In my shock, I had stupidly opened my mouth a little too loudly, which had no doubt attracted the attention of the kids with the guns or those other things.

Instinctively, I slowly and quietly began to shrink back into the foliage to avoid detection. Okay, Victoria get a d*mn hold of yourself I mentally chided myself as I continued to back away, eyes still focused on the creatures and armed guys out there. As if things couldn't get worse, I accidentally rocked back off my heels and fell backwards with a thud. I winced in pain, as I noticed that a sharp stick on the ground had managed to tear through the fishnet stockings on my left leg. A thin rivulet of crimson ran down the side of my thigh, and had stained the hem of the modified skirt I wore over it.

Offline HkRevan

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2008, 05:43:56 AM »
He saw the newest person, heard her first actually. Silently, he crept parallel to her. When he saw her fall, he quickly leaped into action. Alexander grabbed her by the arm and hauled her up and out of view. He clamped one hand on over her mouth, to stifle any sound. He had ditched his branch beforehand so he could use both of his hands.

"Shhh." Alexander whispered, eyes darting to see if anyone had seen any of them.

His first act, in fact the one lesson pounded into him was to do no harm. It was a good way to avoid lawsuits not to mention expulsion at school. He hoped his actions would save her. Alexander had a feeling that once you enter into this twilight zone, you won't be able to go back.

Offline Damien

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2008, 05:55:02 AM »
(Where did the second dracon beam come from, they don't grow like plants...)


I looked between the two other humans, one that I was trying to get away from and one that was pointing dracon beams at both of us. Great the random x factor, this completely ruined my plan. I didn't know what to do, I was trying to figure out what to do in this situating but my mind drew a blank... I still held my weapon firmly.
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline ShadeFawks

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2008, 07:04:18 AM »
<<Now What...There are way too many people here to make this a clean escape.>> Stephen thought to Zaphod
<< I don't know... I never would have guessed all these people would have stumbled upon us...aside from the obvious ruckus we were making>> Zaphod takes a quick glance over to the sudden sound, nodding slightly to one of the hork-bijar that heard it as well, the bladed alien slowly making its way over there.
<< Well we have to think of something, Fast!>>
Zaphod sighs as he calmly speaks to the other humans holding the Dracon guns, "Now now, there is no need to start shooting anyone. This can all be resolved without anyone getting hurt... well getting hurt more." he says as he turns the weapon in his hand, before holstering it again. "I just need to take this boy back with me, he's in some trouble and I'm making sure that he doesn't get anyone else involved in his problem." He lies as he turns to the human aiming at both of them, "I think its best if you just hand those back to me, and just forget what you saw here. I wouldn't want to have take you into custody along with him, the extra paperwork is just too much of a hassle."
Guns don't kill people, but they help make it easier. - Shoot 'em up

This may upset a lot of you, but you do have souls... and they taste like Butterscotch pudding ^_^ -Death, Ctrl-Alt-Del

I once ate the soul of a monk, it tasted like Chocolate. - Richard, Looking For Group
 ^_^ it takes an unusual mind to think of unusual things.... wait... o.O  

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2008, 08:10:20 AM »
((Hey, mind if I join up as an OC and Ax? If so, I'll post profiles laterz.))
I'm not real anymore. I am an illusion. -Rob Thomas, "I am an Illusion"

Offline Damien

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2008, 04:56:05 PM »
(Go ahead)


I narrowed my eyes,"No!"I shouted aiming the dracon beam just above Stephen's right shoulder and fired so it would only graze him Hopefully that would be enough of a distraction. I turned aorund and ran as fast as I could, which wasn't fast considering I was almost completely out of energy and my leg was injured from a dracon beam.


I watched helplessly, I had to help somehow, but when, and how?
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline demos666

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2008, 05:04:35 PM »
I saw the shot and the armed kid started to run. I turned something on the gun hoping it was the power. I fired at the legs hoping to stun him. I thought i hit his legs but i turned and pointed my full power gun at the other guy.

 "Why were the hork-bijar listening to you and what is up with the Blue centaur? Speak or i'll shoot you and get my answers from the other guy."

 I turned the power back up on the gun and stayed seven feet away
My Theme song is The Number Of The Beast-Iron Maiden
Save a fire, Burn a tree
I put the laughter in manslaughter
“I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” - Winston Churchill
"Vidi, Vici, Veni." - Julius Caesar
"Hope is the first step to disappointment" - Librarian, Blood Ravens

Offline ShadeFawks

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2008, 06:41:30 PM »
Zaphod blinks a moment, "Blue Centaur, What blue centaur? All I know is this boy almost started an intergalactic war with the Hork-Bijar and I need to take him in to answer for his crimes." he reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a realistic looking badge with the initials D.H.W.S. on it, "I'm with the Department of Home World Security, we're kinda like the Men in Black only less suits are more realism. We were discussing a treaty with their leaders when he attempted to attack the council and basically put us in quite a pickle." he says as he puts his hands up in the air, but slowly edges toward the boy with the 2 guns, "Like I said, just hand them back over to me and forget what you saw here. You don't want to be considered an accomplice do you, the charges would be Treason."
Guns don't kill people, but they help make it easier. - Shoot 'em up

This may upset a lot of you, but you do have souls... and they taste like Butterscotch pudding ^_^ -Death, Ctrl-Alt-Del

I once ate the soul of a monk, it tasted like Chocolate. - Richard, Looking For Group
 ^_^ it takes an unusual mind to think of unusual things.... wait... o.O  

Offline Damien

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2008, 06:51:47 PM »
(I never thought the yeerks would have a cover up like that...)


Run, I had to keep running. I brought the dracon beam so I was holding it in both hands in front of me. Maybe I could... would it work... no I didn't even know what parts are in here... I slowly down and hid behind a tree sitting on the ground. I slowly pried a small sheet of metal off the top of the gun. It must have came loose when it fell on the ground. I then reached in and began fiddling with the wires and various other parts of the weapon, this metal was strange though, I don't remember seeing anything with its properties before...
That'sssss a very nice possssst you have there... It'd be a sssshame if something happened to it...

If you get the reference above you will get a cookie, an imaginary cookie, but a cookie none-the-less!

Offline jmnar4

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Re: The Experiment
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2008, 08:05:57 PM »
(hope the others catch up to us...and what are Ax and Tobias doing while all this is going on)
i watched from my hiding place and tried to make sense of what was going on.  "just when life couldn't get any weirder," i muttered to myself.  i saw one of the three make a break for it and would have follow if my attention hadn't been captured by the conversation between the other two.