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The Animorphs lived after 54, Confirmed by Michael Grant

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Well, they say that if you can't find the story you want to read, you should write it.  ;)

That does sound like a good idea for a fic, and the post Yeerk War era is ripe for great stories.  Nothing wrong with bringing in a full team of new OCs, they just have to be interesting.  Good stories are always about the characters.  And yeah, this community could always use more fics. :)


--- Quote from: XenoFrobe on February 05, 2017, 06:28:48 PM ---Well, they say that if you can't find the story you want to read, you should write it.  ;)

That does sound like a good idea for a fic, and the post Yeerk War era is ripe for great stories.  Nothing wrong with bringing in a full team of new OCs, they just have to be interesting.  Good stories are always about the characters.  And yeah, this community could always use more fics. :)

--- End quote ---

I had attempted to write something that would eventually play out and become a new series with brand new characters. It was just baby steps to start, but it hasn't blossomed since. I truly haven't had any time to write more. But the premise was that the next "mission" they would go on would introduce the new "team", and that the Ellimist had planted an extreme power inside one of the new team members, which would eventually be revealed. It would counter The One's power, and I had many other ideas going on at the time I initially wrote that so many years ago.

Hello.  I'm saying hi to my own past and those of you who were here a decade or more before.  It's nice to see some familiar names still posting here.  Reading the books now feels like a time machine to who I was and how the world was back then, if you guys remember how the 90's felt.  Time flies, but now it feels like ages have passed.  Hope you guys are doing ok :)

MC's all the way for me, I grew up with them.  Trying to tell a story without them in the universe would feel like ditching my old friends for new ones.


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