RAF Section > Introductions & Departures

Rereading for the first time in ~25 years


Geoffrey Taucer:
Sup y'all! I decided to reread the series on a whim, having not read it since the initial publishing run (which I didn't actually finish reading -- I think I got to book #20ish), and WOW THIS SERIES IS AMAZING AND IT HOLDS UP INCREDIBLY WELL! Also it's a hell of a lot darker than I remember.

Anyway, I look forward to nerding out about it with you all

.: Asmo:

And maybe we should all reread the series. I know I've forgotten a lot since the series first came out.

Haha. Sounds so wrong for series that write for child, eh? Toooo much dark side of humanity and too depressive, right?  :rofl2:


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