Richard's Animorphs Forum

Animorphs Section => Animorphs Role Playing => Topic started by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 12:33:33 PM

Title: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 12:33:33 PM
(Yeah, I'm making a new roleplay. I enjoy doing this. As any Ani fan should know, Galard is the interstellar language of trade and commerce. Galardia is a planet set close to the middle of the known galaxy. Thousands of alien races come her to trade and do business. Unfortunately, it has become corrupted by the local govenrment. Crime is rampant, and a group of aliens want to do something about it. You can be any known or unknown creature of the Ani Universe. Eache member will use unique abilities to help the group fight against the evil government.)

(The Government itsself I haven't thought of a good name for. They will also use different aliens, but the mainstay is Galardian guards. I haven't decided what the Galardian species will be either. The group of heroes doesn't have to be limited to six, but I would prefer not to have too many of the same species. For instance, only one Andalite if we can help it. I will be a Howler, if no one has a big problem with that.)

(Since I'm still kind of brainstorming, anyone who wants to join can make suggestions.)
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 01:12:06 PM
(Sounds cool, I think I'll join, two quick questions, is their a profile we have to fill out and can we use humans with genetic alterations?)
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 01:16:46 PM
(No profile yet. You could just put name and species. If it's an unknown species, then say what it does. Maybe explain why your character is on the planet. You could be Human, if you explain how it got there. Like some Skrit Na took it there to be sold, or it escaped, or something.)


Name: Klaxter
Race: Howler
Reason for being on planet: He got separated from a fleet, and crashed on planet. As punishment from Crayak, he has been forced to stay here and has been cut off from collective memory.

Background: He built a shack to stay on the planet, but the government officials came and demanded tax payment and allegiance. since he only serves Crayak, he refused to swear allegiance to the government. They burned down his shack, and in response he killed them. Now he's on the run.

Personality: He has a childlike personality, and his idea of fun is fighting and killing. He is always in good spirits, and is quite social when he isn't killing someone or something.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 01:35:01 PM
(I was planning on something like that)
Name: Damien Marce
Race: Human and 'Dragon'
Reason for being on planet: He was captured by the Skirt Ka and finnaly escaped

Background: Damien is a 15 year old human teen that was taken by the yeerks early on in the invasion of planet earth. For some odd unknown reason no yeerks were able to successfully control his mind and body for longer than a few hours at a time. Being deemed an unworthy host they decided to use him as a test subject. The yeerks were trying to recreate the morphing technology. They succeeded, somewhat. Damien was able to turn into one creature, a cross between a human and a creature from human mythology, a dragon. He wasn't able to turn into any other creatures however, even if he did try the acquiring process. There was one advantage, they had only altered Damien's DNA, making the two hour limit non-existent. Using his new found abilities Damien managed to escape form the yeerk testing facility destroying every bit of data that had to do with the experiments and every yeerk that known about it. Visser Three had no idea the experiments were going on behind his back.
Damien's freedom was short lived, he was soon captured by the Skirt Na for a unique zoo piece. On a stop on the planet Galardia Damien managed to recreate his escape and stayed in his alternate form thinking that would be the form that would be the lest noticeable among the different alien species. He still yet has to learn the Galard langued, he has picked picked up some bits and phrases.

Personality: Normally he is happy, friendly, outgoing, and caring, even hyperactive. However ever since he has captured by the yeerks he has shut off his emotions from the outside world.

(Is this good?)
(And another question, not right now but I might want to add another character to the rp, is that alright also?)
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 01:37:38 PM
(I edited my post to include a bio. You can use that. The part dragon thing is ok, and controlling more than one character is fine too.)
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 01:43:57 PM
(Alright I edited my post, can we start when we want or are you waiting for more people to join?)
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: demos666 on February 08, 2009, 01:48:15 PM
I'm interested i just have a hard time thinking up characters.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 01:59:44 PM
(We can start now, and others can join later. I'm thinking maybe the Galardian guards can be large four armed beings with horns like rams, and tails with thick bone on the end. That would be physically imposing.)

Klaxter was getting tired of always being chased by the government. Even after he left the city and moved into the wilderness, they still chased him. Of course he killed many, but he was starting to wear down.

"This is no fun at all. The Glorious Crayak does not save me from my punishment. I suppose I should stop running. I'll go back to the city, and kill those in charge. That would be fun!"
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 02:10:41 PM
(Mind if I make it a forest?)

Damien stumbled through the strange warped forest. The plant life here looks like it came from a suffering artists imagination. And he could have sworn one tried taking a bite out of his arm. Not to mention he was not used to this body. He had cut himself three times by accident and he set one of the plants here on fire, by accident of course. You know, it wasn't worth it, no-one could see him out here anyway, maybe he should turn human again. He was halfway through his transformation, patches of scaled still visible on his human skin, half his tail was gone, and his teeth still resembled fangs, what made him stop was a voice, it seemed to talk in that language he heard all over this planet, it almost hurt to listen to the voice for some reason. Quickly scaled began spreading across his skin, his tail grew yet again and his mouth began to stretch into a muzzle. He tried sneaking away, but clumsy as he was in his new body it was impossible.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 02:20:54 PM
Klaxter heard movement. That could only mean one thing! He unsheathed his claws and charged towards the direction of the sound. What he found was defintely not a Galardian, but he didn't know what it was. "You look weird." He said in the way that children typically say whatever they happen to be thinking at the moment. He lowered his voice, as he had learned to do around non-Howlers. Usually Howler voices were high pitched, and on the loud side.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 02:39:08 PM

Damien didn't know what this creature, that appeared to be made out of lava, was saying, but he heard the word weird. How could oyu answer someone if oyu don't know what they said and how to speak their language. "Uh..." He has to stop himself from tripping over his own to feet when he turned around. "I can't understand you,"he said in English hoping this, thing, would get the idea.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 02:54:52 PM
"You don't know Galard." Klaxter said. That meant talking was out. He wanted to know more, though. He had temporarily forgotten about the government, due to his childish attention span. So he just watched the guy. When Damien started moving away, he followed him.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 03:02:33 PM
For some reason Damien even notice Klaxtar was following him until he looked back behind him. Stopping suddenly he turned aorund to face the howler. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice didn't revel any hints to his current emotion, fear. This creature looked dangerous and if he didn't act carefully he could end up severely injured.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 03:23:46 PM
"Bla bla bla." Klaxter said, knowing the other creature couldn't understand him. With enough speech, the translator ship would kick in, but the creature wasn't the most talkative thing in the galaxy. Klaxter did keep a look around for anyone coming after him.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 03:33:14 PM
The creature seemed to be mocking him, the last thing Damien wanted was to deal with an obnoxious tag along alien. "I don't have to deal with this,"Damien growled as as he began to flap his wings that were placed on his back. This was his first time flying but he didn't want to deal with this alien anymore, it was creepy. A few seconds latter he was a few feet above the ground and continuing higher. "Bye," Damien muttered and tried to fly off, it was obvious he wasn't an experience flier. Maybe he should go back to that town he saw a while back...
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 04:20:36 PM
"That's not fair." Klaxter said as he saw the creature fly ungracefully away. He seemed to be heading back towars town, so Klaxter walked casually in that direction too.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 04:28:10 PM
Flying was a very bad choice, it was impossible to control, it was long before his left wing slammed into a tree, breaking it. Damien stumbled in mid air and fell into the ground. The pain was unbearable. Struggling to sit up Damien began changing into his human form, he remembered that his injures were healed when he changed before, however changing was exhausting. His wings first folded neatly against his back and began to disappear, his tail also shrunk into his body. His scales were being replaced with soft skin. Knowing that the lava creature was most likely following Damien made an effort to hid by climbing one of the tree and concealing himself within the leaves.

(Note: Damien's two forms are roughly similar in size, meaning that his clothes stay intact whenever he morphs, except for a two holes in the back of his shirt for his wings, just pretend his pants stay intact with the tail)
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 08, 2009, 04:33:50 PM
Klaxter eventually made it back to town. The every day citizens didn't pay him too much mind. They were more afraid of the law enforcers than some guy with blades on the backs of his hands and fangs. He didn't see the other creature. He began making his way around, to see if anyone had work.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 08, 2009, 04:44:32 PM
Damien let out a sihg of relief as the howler passed below him with no clue he was there. He waited a few second and jumped down form the tree and began to run, towards the city, in his human form the creature wouldn't reconize him anyway. He reached the town soon, he could have sworn it was farther away. But he was also in a form that was impossibly slow since he had no idea how to use it. He walked through the town like he knew where he was and waht he was doing. A few people looked up at him but many ignored him. "I"ve got to find a way out of here,"Damien mummbled under his breath, he felt his stomach growl,"and some food..."
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 09, 2009, 03:07:16 PM
After making some money doing odd jobs, he bought himself some food and ate it as he explored more of the town. Everything was run down because the government took just about anything of value. He even heard talk of them taking people to work in places all the time with little to no pay. Of course, this didn't happen around the biggest tourist attractions. many species came to the planet, not knowing what went on around them. It struck Klaxter as funny.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 09, 2009, 03:23:59 PM
Damien meanwhile was nibbling on some strange fruit, for some reason on of these aliens began speaking English after he was trying to communicate wiht it. He gave him a fruit for free, don't know why. "I hope this is safe to eat,"Damien mummbled as he took another bite, the fruit tasted really sweet. "I need to learn this Galard," said thoughtfully walking past Klaxter without noticing,"I mean whats so great about home, those filthy slugs are running a muck there anyway..." A hesitation hung in his voice,"But something is wrong here, I don't know..."he trailed off realizing he was talking to himself.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 09, 2009, 03:33:18 PM
Kalxter saw another weird creature, but it looked slightly like that last one. It was talking the same way as the last one, and soon Klaxter could understand it.

"Hi." He said in the other's language. "You have work? I'm looking to earn more money, since I spent the rest on food and drink."
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 09, 2009, 03:42:54 PM
Damien turned around, that was twice in one day he heard his own tongue spoken, strange. "No, I..."he stopped mid-sentence, it was the creature from before,"no I don't,"he said recovering form his slight shock. "How did you...?"
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 09, 2009, 04:05:22 PM
"You want to know how I learned your language? Translator ships are implanted in the heads of many species that have such technology. It's convenient for when others like you don't speak Galard." Klaxter said. Just them a group of enforcers came and surrounded them.

"It's you! Criminal! We will not let you get away."

"Hah. You're more criminal than I am. Taking what doesn't belong to you. Imprisoning, inslaving, beating, or killing those that have nothing to give. well I'm not like those others. I will give you nothing, and you haven't the power to take anything from me. So I told the other enforces, before they met their deaths."

"You and your ally will be taken! Attack!" Te leader said, before they charged.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 09, 2009, 04:20:00 PM
(I"m assuming the enforcers are speaking Galard)

Damien looked around in confusing, an argument was taking place he knew that much. What surprised him was when one of the aliens went to attack him. He was hit in the chest and slammed backward into the ground. He lay there in pain, one of his ribs must be broken. his vision was blurry and he tasted blood in his mouth. Focusing all his concentration he began to morph.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 09, 2009, 10:55:30 PM
Klaxter slashed at one of them as he saw the other guy fall down. "Get up! If they capture you, you won't like where they take you!" He yelled as he jumped on another enforcer. The guy grabbed his legs, but he swiveled around, and slashed its throat. Some braver onlookers started cheering for them. He was having fun, but there were too many and he couldn't use his howl without possibly killing those he didn't feel like killing.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 10, 2009, 03:26:20 PM
Damien was almost fully morphed. He had rollen over onto his back to dodge a punch. However these creatures were faster than he had thought. A hand reached out and grabbed his arm in an iron grip and began dragging him away from the fight, out of range of Klaxtar.

Name: Trin
Race: Anir, a reptile race similar to a lizard. They can walk on four legs or two, depending on what situation calls for it, their preferred choice is four. Equipped with deadly claws, sharp teeth, and a fast strong tail they are well made for combat. They can climb well and jump long distances. Meat eaters.
Reason for being on planet: He is a mercenary, he has been paid by one of the town people to resolve the governments problems on Galardia, although he is a mercenary he only takes jobs that he thinks will benefit the betterment for overall society

Background: He was born an raised on his home planet, basically the whole planet was covered in swamps, until it was completely destroyed by the howlers, for some reaosn on he was left alive. This has happened while Trin was still an infant and unable to remember any details about the howlers, he grew up in the refuge of a different species of aliens built for flying, no-one knew why he was left alone on the deserted swamp planet. As he grew older he had joined a mercenary company to find those in need more easily since people tend to rely on mercenaries when they are in trouble.
Personality: He is friendly and outgoing helping those in need, most of the time. He can be blunt and a bit of a jerk and doesn't talk to people that he doesn't know.

"You need any help?"Called a snakey voice. Out of no-where a lizard-like creature landed on one of the guards heads. "Or are you all set, you look like you're having fun,"he grinned jumping off the guard's shoulders which knocked it back into the ground.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Chad32 on February 12, 2009, 11:53:11 AM
"I am having fun, but all are free to join!" Klaxter said. His body was being bruised, but fast regeneration made him hard to keep down.
Title: Re: Galardia
Post by: Damien on February 12, 2009, 03:32:37 PM
(How many are left?)

Trin leaped onto another guard knocking it to the ground, he didn't deliver the finishing blow. A punch was delivered ot his right side causing him to fall sideways. Quickly he recovered nad lept at te guard knocking it down.

(I'm not good at fight scenes...)