Author Topic: Potential Scenes  (Read 1281 times)

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Offline Gafrash

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Potential Scenes
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:43:06 AM »
Hey crew, this is just me wanting to bounce ideas of potentially good comic-book scenes.
I think we can all agree there is a lot of dialogue in the Animorphs book series. What would be some innovative ways a writer can go about making those important talking scenes in a more comic-book like context?

Example Scene 1: I would like to do something with a scene where they successfully shut down a Yeerk Pool entrance. Say a major bus port downtown or something. I can picture them, somewhere around mid-series, going big land morphs and absolutely trashing the place, deliberately attracting attention of bystanders, as well as the Controllers. But I can't imagine what the talking/monologuing during this would be...

Offline Gafrash

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Re: Potential Scenes
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2014, 02:52:51 AM »
Perhaps the plot ideas could come from thwarting potential Yeerk infiltration plans  8):

Idea 1: The Yeerks install and entrance to the Yeerk pool at a maximum security prision.

Idea 2: A new batch of Yeerks is dumped on V3 and he must find them hosts rapidly. To this end, he is given relatively more freedom regarding this, but if he's successful he could convince The Council of Thirteen to approve his all-out war dreams. He reacts accordingly: The Yeerks gridlock downtown and use a scare military campaign in an operation to rack up hundreds of adult specimen.

Idea 3: The Sharing has designs on a senior home? Cassie's grandmother is there?

Idea 4: A recycling plant, run by members of The Sharing, secretly concealing a Yeerk Pool entrance?

Idea 5: A hipster concert of some sort? A successful hypnotist Controller of low morals, designs a plan to gather a lot of susceptible young people that will get co-herced into accepting a Yeerk slug. The Sharing might even oppose him, for good measure and discombobulate the 'Andalite Bandits'.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 02:54:54 AM by Gafrash »