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Offline TheWolfEmperor

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Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:17:10 PM »
Season 7, Episode 1, (Obviously, I wrote this before watching any of Season Six)

1940 ~ London

A small café outside King's Crossing.

George: How long will you be in England?

Sybbie: I can't say. My father said something about going to see family in the countryside.

George: What a coincidence. You came from America to meet family in England and, well, my grandmother is from America.

Sybbie: That truly is a remarkable coincidence

Tom: (Off screen) Sybbie darling, we need to get to our train.

Sybbie: (frowns) I'm sad that this has to end.

George: I hope to see you again soon. (As Sybbie disappears into the crowd, George checks his watch) Oh dear, I have to catch my train too.

*Hours later, George and Sybbie run into each other in the dining car*

George: Well what a coincidence.

Sybbie: Truly, it must be fate. But I can't help but feel as though I've met you before.

George: (coyly) Could it be that you were in my dreams all along.

*Sybbie blushes and giggles flirtatiously. They adjourn to George's private cabinet and pull the curtains. Many hours later, Sybbie stumbles into the cabin where Lord Branson has been reading a paper*

Tom: My word, Darling, where have you been?

Sybbie: I just... needed some exercise.

At the train station Sybbie is waiting with Lord Branson as their luggage is sorted.

George: Sybbie?

Lord Branson and Sybbie see him an exchange looks. Branson is confused and Sybbie somewhat embarrassed. Lady Mary approaches.

Mary: Tom! It's so wonderful to see you again.

*Branson and Mary exchange hugs and kisses on the cheek. They turn to Sybbie and George who are standing beside one another and George throws his arms around his mother. They separate and Mary sees Sybbie for the first time.*

Mary: My word, Sybbie, how you've grown. I see you've already met your cousin, George.

*George and Sybbie stare, open mouthed at each other as the scene fades to black*

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Offline TheWolfEmperor

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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 05:18:19 PM »
Season 6: Extended Scene (now we're getting into spoiler territory. Do not read further if you haven't seen Season Six)

This goes without saying, but, Spoiler Alert. Also, Rated PG-13 for some sexual humor.

[spoiler]Scene: Mary’s bedroom. Mrs. Hughes escorts Rita Bevan into the bedroom and leaves shortly after.

Rita: So, have you thought about my proposition?

Mary: Yes and my answer is the same. You’re not the first person to try and blackmail me, but if you want to be the first woman to screw me, you’d best get in line for that, too.

Rita: You think you’re so clever. But your time is almost up.

Mary: Duh, it’s the final season.

Rita: That’s not what I meant! I mean it’s time for the working classes to finally rise up while you aristocrats are going down.

Mary’s about to say something when Anna enters the room.

Mary: Ah, Anna, this is the woman I was telling you about.

Anna gets into Rita’s face, startling her.

Anna: Oh really? Well I helped you remove a body from this room once before, and I’m all for doing it again, milady.

Mary: That won’t be necessary. (To Rita) But she’s right. And I seduced that man. I don’t even like you.

Rita: (gulping) I’ll, just, show myself the door.[/spoiler]
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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2016, 03:55:46 AM »
Nice, another Downton fan! :D I finished the whole series recently, and since only fanfiction can fill the gap now, what I've been looking for is stuff about the family and the estate in the future, with the next generation - George, Sybbie and Marigold - carrying it forward through the circumstances that different eras bring, whether it's WWII or old and grey in the 1970s. But I guess most fanfic writers couldn't bring themselves to do the horribly vast amount of research you would need, unless they were actually writing for a living. :-\

My headcanons are George serving in WWII and then taking an interest in politics, and Sybbie being a model student who goes on to study at Cambridge. Marigold would have a lot more problems to deal with once she grows up, so I could see her moving to America as soon as she could, maybe to study, or even end up in the films, under a new name. :D
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 03:58:05 AM by Saffa »

Offline TheWolfEmperor

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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2016, 11:50:43 AM »
I've got one more episode to go here in the states. I'll throw in my two cents about the future when I'm sure I'm safe from spoilers. ;)
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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2016, 11:56:36 AM »
You mean the last episode of season 6, or the Christmas special?

Offline TheWolfEmperor

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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2016, 02:04:54 PM »
It stops being the Christmas Special when it airs in February, but yeah, that's the one.
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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2016, 04:39:51 PM »
Oh right, I forgot you guys don't really illegally download stuff. :P

Offline TheWolfEmperor

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Re: Downton Abbey Fan Scripts
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2016, 11:36:30 AM »
Well, I specifically don't. No judgments to anyone who does, I just believe in paying the artists/actors/crew for their work. Technically I could have watched it on DVD as it was available at Barnes and Noble for the past three months or more.

And I'm sure they were available for legitimate streaming, but I'm watching it with someone and this is one of the few shared experiences we both get to enjoy.
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